A number the National Party will avoid this budget



A number the National Party will avoid this budget


  1. Hey but look at the bright side! Most of these kids will now get free medical treatment! Their parents won’t be able to afford to feed, house and clothe their kids properly but isn’t it comforting to know that if the kids catch pneumonia, whooping cough, hepatitis and any number of third world diseases, that their parents can now afford to take them to the doctor.

    • Taken from a new book published by Fat Cat Publications entitled “The National Party alternative history of New Zealand”.

    • “Income poverty: 265,000 children (one in four). This looks at the amount of money families have to pay bills and purchase everyday essentials. This is defined as having less than 60% of median household income, after housing costs are removed.

      Material hardship: 180,000 children (17%). This means regularly going without things most New Zealanders consider essential – like fruit and vegetables, shoes that fit, their own bed and a warm house.

      Severe poverty: 10% of children. This means they are going without the things they need and their low family income means they don’t have any opportunity of changing this. These are the children experiencing material hardship and who are in families in income poverty.

      Persistent poverty: 3 out of 5 children in poverty are in poverty for long periods. These children are likely to live in poverty for many years of their childhoods. Persistent poverty is defined as having lived in income poverty over a seven year period.” (2013 figures)

      Never mind all the official reports – IV says they are bollocks. Problem solved!

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