Trickle down politics



Trickle down politics


  1. If disproportionate profits are rare and a very tiny part of the trading environment then there may be some justification in letting it happen occasionally.

    But when large profits are systematically stripped out of a community then it is madness to allow that to take place or even have opportunity for it to occurr.

    When profiteering is evident from non productive activities such as banking then the very nature of the activity needs transparency in the public eye. Banking is a murky world of secrecy, activity across borders and tax regimes, creation of money out of thin air and connivance to keep it that way.

    The public blindly accept that it is not what it is.

    An organised scam draining our economy, gathering wealth exponentially , owning a larger part of the country each day and placing our future under crippling mortgage.

    Trickle down is a PR designed myth.

    We give banks the license to make money and with that money they make more gathering power to direct and control business, politics and our future.

    There are many ways out of this and a brave move would be to educate the public then impose a different system money system.

    for example:

    But public education will be opposed.
    Fight that by educating the public and the tide will turn.

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