Winston Peters extraordinary claims of Police State over reach



So much for NZ First moving to the right, Winston Peters makes an explosive allegation today in Parliament…

Winston Peters: Police wanted my phone records
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters says he has evidence the police wanted to access his phone records during the teapot tape investigation.

The investigation was initiated by Prime Minister John Key’s complaint that a conversation he had during a publicity stunt with Act leader John Banks in an Auckland cafe had been recorded by cameraman Bradley Ambrose.

Not long afterwards, Mr Peters made it clear in a speech in Invercargill that he had been aware of the contents of the conversation, which by then were subject to a suppression order.

Mr Peters told Parliament this afternoon that in the past 24 hours, he had learned that police briefing notes on the case contained references to seizing his telephone records.

The same files also said that Mr Key’s Chief of Staff Wayne Eagleson had been “kept in the loop” during the investigation.

“There is information in a police file that says police would have to take Winston Peters’ phone records to lay charges and make a case against Bradley Ambrose,” Mr Peters said.

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…can this possibly be real? The PMs office being kept in the loop of an active Police investigation that has been instigated by the PM and serious discussion to seize the phone records of Winston Peters?

This just can’t be true?

We know the Police went well beyond their authority with what they did to Bradley Ambrose, but surely those tactics didn’t extend to the Leader of a Political Party?

The over step of authority is so unbelievable and reckless that if it were true, surely Key’s Chief of Staff must step down, or worse, if proven to have been approved by Key, Key himself would have to stand down.

This isn’t just a bumble or an over step, this is getting the Police to spy on your opposition during a bloody election. This is as dictatorial as it gets.

The Nation waits to hear Mr Key’s carefully worded response.

The only person smiling tonight will be Judith Collins.


  1. Lets apply an overseas yardstick. If something similar happened to Rudd or some other overseas leader, would they already be gone?

  2. I wonder how long Peters knew about this… waiting for the perfect moment to drop this little bombshell.

  3. I’m not surprised, and I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg. Key is playing USA-style politics with a country roughly the size of LA, like it’s his own personal monopoly board. What’s more … he’s piss poor at it. He’ll need more than Teflon to stop the shit sticking on this one.

  4. If I’m right about peters , key will fall head first into the bucket of shite peters has set out for him then will rise up smelling of day old chickens on a bed of rose petals thus further cementing in the hearts and minds of us all the he , Mighty Jonky , is The Chosen One .

  5. This is the land of sheep and cows, and that is what counts, and what counts else is, the National (Socialist) Party of serving themselves and interest groups. I have hinted it before, we live in nothing much short of a DICTATORSHIP, look at the damned media, you ones who may still not get it!

    This was not even mentioned on leading television news, and guess why? It was mentioned on National Radio (not the Party Broadcaster), but not taken too seriously, by the sounds of it.

    So either Winnie is again whipping something up, to get headlines, or the powers there are, do want none of it. Take your pick, and there is not much to take a pick from.

    Adding all the bits together, with GCSB, the spying on Dotcom, 88 others, the revelations on GCSB, the leaked report leading to further leaks and scandals, the dodgy behaviour of one Done Dunney Boy, the whole agenda, and how we are all fooled and paranoic idiots, the picture is clear to the ones with open minds, eyes and ears.

    We live in a surveillance state already. And those that are “left” or “alternative” or whatever, especially if you are activists, they are surveilling you 24/7 now already. They have been doing it for decades, and they will continue to do so, now they just try to get the licence to do it legally.

    NZ is amongst the most controlled and manipulated societies, and coming to here from Europe is always a real shocker, how lulled, ignorant and accepting most of the public are. Few ask any questions, put up with abuse, roll over and simply take it up their ar** so to say.

    NZ is a commercialist regime, where you get drummed into your spongey brains what to consume, focus on, buy and do, and none else. It is not empowering what goes on here, the opposite is what is happening day in and out.

    God, when will you guys and gals ever fucking wake up?

    • I couldn’t agree more.

      The kiwi bird is asleep on its feet and being fed to the dogs, stoats, other evil vermin.

      The million voters that couldn’t be bothered to vote and don’t intend too in 2014 have surrendered us to a dictatorship.

      They have a sadomasochist mindset and have given up and just wanna be pounded into the ground till they are nothing but mincemeat.

  6. “The PMs office being kept in the loop of an active Police investigation that has been instigated by the PM…”
    Not so strange. Keeping the complaint abreast of progress on an investigation is pretty normal.

    “…and serious discussion to seize the phone records of Winston Peters?”
    Concerning indeed.

    • Yes! Keeping the complainant informed (Key’s Chief of Staff Wayne Eagleson wasn’t the complainant) about whether charges have or have not been laid is normal practice. However, the complainant or his employee being ‘kept in the loop’ while the investigation is being undertaken is not normal practice.

      • Define ‘kept in the loop’.

        I ask this because I had my bag stolen once and I specifically asked to be kept in the loop. I wasn’t aware it was something suspicious

    • Akshully, if you think about it, either we have a Police force that can investigate threats against our demokrashy, or well, as the devil beast communist Winston would want, we tie them hands and foot. Now I know most Kiwis are not comfortable with a Police forsh that can’t opprayt fektivally, no matter what the hard eggshtreem left mite say.

  7. Excellent article. New Zealand does need to wake up, and If I could shout loud enough, you would hear me. This dictatorship we live in has gone way too far, and although Mr Peters is very good at calling people out on their mistakes, he too is stuck in the same minority position as the other parties.
    I don’t believe the New Zealand people are confident that our votes actually count anymore, they definitely couldn’t agree with the most recent decisions made by the powers that be.? And im sure when they voted National in the their second term, they didn’t know National would go down this track?
    The three yearly voting system is to blame, it is too long to entrust one set of values upon a forever changing economy with forever changing problems.
    At the moment for example, I think National should be in charge of… very little at the moment. They can wear ties.
    Greens should be the authority for our children, environment
    Labour would be good for ensuring human resource is recognized, and the New Zealand people aren’t screwed
    Winston should be our immigration minister. full stop.
    Mr Joyce would be good at yelling at everyone overseas.
    We have some pretty good skills in Government at the moment, how come all the strings are pulled by My Key, and his party of merry men?

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