Winston does a Julie Anne Genter on Aussie MP Bob Carr – Luxon must Bolger Winston, Shipley Style



Winston Peters accused of ‘entirely defamatory’ remarks about ex-Australian minister

The Labour Party is demanding Winston Peters be stood down as Foreign Minister for opening up the government to legal action over his “totally unacceptable” attack on a prominent AUKUS critic.

In an interview on RNZ’s Morning Report on Thursday, Peters criticised the former Australian MP Bob Carr’s views on the security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

RNZ has removed the comments from the interview online after Carr, who was Australia’s foreign minister from 2012 to 2013, told RNZ he considered the remarks to be “entirely defamatory” and would commence legal action.

A spokesperson for Peters told RNZ the minister would respond if he received formal notification of any such action. The prime minister’s office has been contacted for comment.

Speaking to media in Auckland, Labour leader Chris Hipkins said Peters’ allegations were “totally unacceptable” and “well outside his brief”.

“He’s embarrassed the country. He’s created legal risk to the New Zealand government.”

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Hipkins said Prime Minister Christopher Luxon must show some leadership and stand Peters down from the role immediately.

“Winston Peters has abused his office as minister of foreign affairs, and this now becomes a problem for the prime minister.

“Winston Peters cannot execute his duties as foreign affairs minister while he has this hanging over him.”

This is an extraordinary situation and Luxon must immediately step in here and reign this in now or he’s simply handing his spine over to Winston for the rest of his Prime Ministership.

Luxon is too weak to control Winston.

Winston should immediately withdraw and apologise the comment, but his ego won’t let him.

For those claiming this weeks Poll is meaningless because the election is 2 and a half years away, stunts like this make a snap election highly possible.


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  1. Winston Peters is entirely owned by notorious nonce Ran Yaakoby. He shouldn’t be throwing stones from his glass house.

  2. This government goes from corrupt to illegal but that’s okay because the Labour government didn’t do anything ( like this).

  3. The king of points of order does his Grumpy Old Man act again. The Coalition of Chaos and Greed is in disarray again.

  4. Interesting MK. I know not but keep throwing ideas into the pot, the soup thickens and will make a substantial meal.

    Good Carr; go Carr – hot wheels. Good to see NZ Labour electrified, needed a lightning strike from Australia.

  5. Not a great fan of NZF especially Jones but Winston is a good Foreign Minister and seems to speak for most NZ I know

    • This is an excellent piece from our archives on how politicians, such as Winston Peters, can play with a question, almost as well as a netball team though on their own, and also score their own goal/try. Every good, keen Kiwi pollie-hunter should be familiar with it. And if you aren’t good or keen or a Kiwi, then we feel very sorry for you but that’s the way the cookie crumbles in life. We know that not everyone in the world can be a Kiwi but sometimes we get the feeling that this is the aim! Still you’ve got to larf don’t ya.
      The Incoming Member of Parliament’s Guide to Ducking Questions. 2001. 12:33.

    • Thats good Trev so does that mean you are going to chip in to pay for (Winstones) big fat lawyer’s bill. We can’t have us taxpayers paying for him spouting of his mouth defaming people in these hard economic times and when we are trying to get back on track.

    • Nathan, you let yourself get down to the level of Bob tf gutter, shallow politics. The story is on Winston, your thoughts on the subject matter?
      The greens story will come and you will then have a chance to comment.

    • Probably sitting across the house from people who think climate change is a setting on their HRV, gets a bit much. Certainly not acceptable behaviour but I wager Genter has way more brain cells than a number of MPs. I have heard numerous occasions where she seems data and reference driven rather than just talking willy nilly corporate buzzword bingo.

  6. Don’t tell me the taxpayer is still paying the cost of legal actions against MPs? Because if they had to pay it out of their own pocket it might shut them up a bit. It maybe not Winston but.

    • Incredibly I partially agree with you – she is nearly in a class of her own. Which makes her behaviour all the more difficult to fathom. Maybe still grieg and loss impacting her behaviour after the passing of her colleague Mr Collins earlier in the year. Definitely out of character.

  7. and NOWHERE on Aussie media is any comment.
    Carr is just reacting and London to a Brick will not take it any further.
    Like Winston. The phrase, Piss and wind springs to mind.

    And who gives a shit what Chippie will say…Its all predictable political crap.

  8. The snap election will be coming …when Winston is replaced by Seymore as Deputy Prime Minister.

    There is no way that Peters will be an underling to that dweeb Seymore who has repeately made derogatory comments about him in the past.

    Besides… in 18 months time the wheels will have well and truely off the ‘Coalition of Chaos’, every metric in the country will be heading south in a major way, and there will be mass protests in the streets from a very angry electorate…

    The country will purge this toxic government which will go down as the worst in N.Z. history

      • Not quite so Bob I.
        Three one-time Ministers – Finlayson, Tau Henare and Roy – have said the coalition will not last. Two said ‘yes, it won’t last’ and Roy said it ‘probably’ won’t last.
        Keep up, Bob I, you’re off the pace – again!

  9. Geez Genter’s actions completely canceled James Shaw’s thoughtful speech.
    Parliament must be a really weird & funky place to be right now.
    Tough times ahead me finks.

  10. If Genter enjoys violent assaults. Then the Nats need to set loose the bed leg basher into a debate with her.

    • The Nats should just let their latest recruit John Key debate her, the Nats love the physical stuff.

      • ” The Nats should just let their latest recruit John Key debate her ”

        I prefer to listen to a debate when the participants at least try to be honest.

        He is as bent as a nine inch nail.

  11. Julie Anne Genter appears to be losing it big time. Yeah I get it, no sympathy. A bully. Nobody like any hysterical person screaming in their face. Nobody.
    She is clearly of a somewhat volatile personality but exploding twice in one week in people’s faces is pretty much out of control behaviour.
    She doesn’t seem like a bully, more like a women on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Hope she stands down and gets help without losing her seat.
    She is clearly a dedicated politician, just not a very well one.
    Poor Greens they are having a baaaad run of trouble and grief lately.

    • And Barbara ” Freddy” Krugers not a bully? See her bio.
      Julie is a passionate MP frustrated by a now well established corrupt government.
      Doocey needed a rocket under him as he hadn’t read the report and Julie gave him one although it did slide off his shiny head akin to Luxon.

  12. Maybe Genter just wants a bit of rough sex but cant find a real man in the house only wimps.She should have given BARB A BACK HANDER on her way back to her seat as well for trying to pervert the course of justice a couple of years ago ,then she could have gone a couple of rounds with Sam who would have been hiding under Luxons seat kissing his arse

  13. Julie has let her party down, but she won’t incur us taxpayers a big fat lawyers bill (like Winstone) she looks tired and stressed it must be hard work talking to the numb skulls, the CoC. Julie should be reprimanded by her peers’ apologies and move on. National know all about bullying and abusing privileges (Kruger has a track record in this)

  14. Thats good Trev so does that mean you are going to chip in to pay for (Winstones) big fat lawyer’s bill. We can’t have us taxpayers paying for him spouting of his mouth defaming people in these hard economic times and when we are trying to get back on track.

  15. Well since Genter has been mentioned in the headline they’ll be no need for another post about her far more dramatic incident. Well played sir, well played.

      • No bed leg basher is about to hit the headlines again?
        I’m sure you’ll find a moronic thing to say Nathan…should be anytime soonish

  16. Passion, this new trio, of control, outside, our human care, their profit control, greed, wone the last election.
    Now, today, their hiborb, is not pre, election, they learning, fuck, kiwi!~s, are not egit as our thoughts they are, now, streets, empty almost, with trade union stand, later Kiwi, march get out. So, slasher Taupo, in the house , yesterday and the day before, being, patronise, yous Kiwi, my care, what about the punishment, your so called care.
    Winston, what a knowing, say what i shall, cause, that Q ball, egit corner pocket, has been always lost.

  17. Year, possible, our humanity care, shall wake up. Our marching in the streets. yous our Government, you have to go.


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