Luxon in danger – SEND IN THE JOHN KEY!


Media Insider: TVNZ political poll coverage – PM, former Labour MP criticise political editor’s report; broadcaster dealing with 50 formal complaints

TVNZ says it is dealing with about 50 formal complaints over its coverage of the latest 1News-Verian political poll, with some viewers – as well as the Prime Minister and a former senior Labour MP – critical of the tone of the 6pm report.

TVNZ political editor Maiki Sherman’s reporting of the poll results – all three parties that make up the coalition Government have lost support – was described by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon earlier today as “a little frothy and sensationalist”.

The Right Wing Apologists and the 50 Trolls who complained about Maiki Sherman’s coverage are screaming you can’t tell anything from one poll.

Well, there was the Internal Talbot Poll putting Labour 1 behind National and the Roy Morgan Poll that showed the Government had lost 3 points.

Here is why John Key was at Parliament and why they are drenching social media in joint photobombing, because the Polls are damning…

…the Right and their apologists are attempting to down play the Poll, but you can see the real panic by rolling Key out.

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Luxon’s bizzarre meltdown on Camera today has to be seen to be believed…

…that level of self pity as unemployment hits a 3 year high, as 55% of mortgage holders walk off low rates onto high rates, as debt arrears and liquidations leap, as economic confidence and consumer confidence plunges, as this Government takes out of the mouths of hungry children at school to stuff into the pockets off the richest, he’s bitching and whining and complain about how tough it all is for him?

How tone deaf is this guy?

Remember a year ago when Luxon claimed NZ had turned into a “negative, wet, whiny and inward looking country.”

This wallowing in self pity and rolling John Key out just makes him look weaker by the month.

No wonder Kiwis are walking away in droves.

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  1. Luxon has been talking the economy and NZ down for 3 years now and since coming to power has tanked it completly.He has no Idea of what to do .No wonder air NZ is such an unstable company needing government baleouts every few years after having two national party the 3 idiots in charge for so long .Maybe James Shaw will step up and take over as CEO and show them how to do it ,then return as PM and show them how to run a country as well ,.Thats if there is any country left after the 3 muskateers have been sacked .

  2. Labour could have done plenty to rearrange tax etc. but they kept the economy plodding along.
    Willis and Luxon expressing sympathy for the people whose lives they are ruining is horrible to watch.
    They know nothing of what it’s like. Both have spent their whole privileged lives protected from the realities that many face.
    This is narcissist behaviour. Playing the victim. Nobody can be bigger victims than them!

    So what, if MPs haven’t had a pay rise for 6 years. No-one else is getting anything much, why should they?
    Is the higher salaries commission trying to make them look worse, knowing the greedy ones will accept it.
    And knowing Luxon wouldn’t dare but will make a big noise about not doing so.

    As for calling Key in to hold everyone’s hands. We can imagine the furor if Helen Clark had had to go and hold Jacinda’s hand.
    Key can’t operate without his dirty tricks dept. so what on earth do they expect him to do?
    These RW leaders sure come a cropper when they aren’t popular. Just shows their ‘leadership’ isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Who is ‘whiny and wet’ now?
    This is all becoming too much, I feel a holiday coming on. Hawaii perhaps. Like ScoMo when his country was burning.

  3. Watched Bishop on Breakfast this morning justifying his new powers of fast tracking legislation without a care of our international reputation on being the less corruptible country. The right-wing parties have signed NZ & its citizens up for a suicide mission and jonkey ain’t gonna ameliorate jackshit infact he their to encourage the bloodbath.

  4. Having a tired looking conman actually sitting in parliament, for what reason i don’t know, was yet another example of how clueless Luxon is.

    What on earth was the point of that!!

    Key only got in to power through big money, not brilliant analytical thinking, and only managed to hang in there for as long as he did because he had not morals about using every dodgy trick in the book.

    Key’s toxic presence was uncomfortable to watch and only served to highlight that they are both just a couple of bereft, one dimensional, shallow minded, grifters!
    Akin to a mini mafia.

    What a fucking weird country we have become.

    • I would rather have 6 more years of Key than another 6 years of Jacinda but that is just my thoughts as it will not happen.

      • Thank fuck for that, you show your true colours in promoting a known female abuser who aligned himself with John and Michael Chow, best known for brothels and strip clubs, in partnership with Max Key.

        You should be proud.

        Now what was that about Jacinda again?

  5. Oh my God!!!! He’s gotta be the classic definition of a narcissist. I wish someone had asked him why it’s so easy to give tax cut’s to rich mates then if it’s not easy to whine and moan about the chaos and mayhem they are wilfully wreaking on the rest of the county, whilst yes, taking a pay rise. As for fucking Chippy, how tone deaf is that numbnut saying he didn’t think Jacinda or errrhumm John should have interfered with the parliamentary pay authority over pay rises for already well paid politicians. And who ever said they had to have parity with corporate CEOs? Why??? Someone who is not in it for the money would be a better politician. Take Luxon for example. The sooner he has totally freaks out and quits and fucks off to some corporate role, the better.

  6. And as for that limpet Chippy, the sooner he is pried off the Labour rock and fracks off to his corporate whatever the better. Can’t happen soon enough.

    • Yep, I always thought that their election campaign theme of “We’re not as shit as National” wasn’t really a vote winner….

    • Better for a leadership change to happen over the summer break rather than now. The media love a leadership change and predicting who is in the running and who has the numbers. Which will only pull attention off the government.

      Best to let the coalition get all the attention, it will be more damaging to the government than Labour having a new leader.

  7. Bunch of fucken crybabies, suck it up, geez! its early days our new PM is showing how weak he really is to have to call on the pony puller.

  8. A bad poll result received a week earlier at Headquarters and some inconvenient other ramraids and unemployment stats.. and there goes another squirrel

    *Luxie pops out having thrown his mates under a bus and says he will donate his payrise (but was adamant he’s entitled to his $50+K accomodation junket prior )
    * Erica announces what already happens in schools but her experts will “standardise” it -not AGAIN Erica. Hope it’s not Prof Hattie Hatchet again.
    *Winnie pops out and maybe joining Aukus won’t happen for a while. Perhaps he’s still working out how to get ” NZ ” into the acronym ” AUKUS ” because “AUKUNZS” is awkward.
    * Cwis pops out and hints that maybe fast track (-FTW-)MPs are not such a good idea. Possibly corruption charges don’t have good feels say the lawyers.
    * Porkie Jones pops out to empathise with the larger – oh no the fishies have gone – ecosystem collapse caused by voracious kina creating seabed barrens in Northland. But by jiggery pokery we’ll still create a mass barren seabed slaughter field off Patea’s shores and the Chatham Bight.
    * Then Little David pops out like Willie Wonka with his candy and says kiddies can keep their lunches for a couple of years.

    Who knows every other past NAT has been brought back so maybe Muldoon will be dug up for the Company’s BBQ.

  9. Why bring Chippy into the argument, Labour has plenty of time to decide who will lead and to make changes to their policies if they want to get back in power. I would not roll out any policy cause the lazy CoC will steal the policy and claim it for their own.

  10. The real reality is a dead rat that must be eaten and of such proportions that not even the corrupt[ed] MSM can get their gaped and yellowed gnashers around it.
    AO/NZ is a crime scene. Big Wank City lobbyists and their well oiled politician mates have been stealing primary-industry export-commodity farmer money for generations. But now, today, there’s nowhere to hide and luxon doesn’t have the gal or the nouse to slither past the horrible truth snarling and snapping at the end of its chain every time he waddles past with your money falling out of his over-stuffed pockets.
    jonky’s a turd polisher. That, is his sole purpose in life. He buffs up bullshit and turns it into fawning minions churning out the homeless while creating societal dysfunction who’ve become the tides of lost souls washing up and down the streets of the logical fallacies we think of as our cities which are not much more than laundromats for slid-sideways money coming in from the endeavours of the mostly family run multi-generational farms which as are now in crisis mode from over predation and so are failing frighteningly.
    A sobering warning. If luxon goes and jonky comes back in we’ll be anesthetised by his gusting platitudes and nothing will change unless things getting much, much worse is to be considered change.
    Personally, I’d like to see luxon stay right where he is with his little Dolly World tea party mates and fuck things up even more graphically than he’s already doing, but, being a human being an’ all I don’t want to see the little Baldylocks suffer too much. I’m no Nazi German after all what with all that *schadenfreude stuff.
    All luxon has to do to change the course of the dirty lazy Natzo history is to tell the truth. Isn’t it interesting… that lying comes easily to we humans, but the truth. Oh my God. Impossible! That’s why a conscience must surely be regarded as one of lifes navigational tools but the problem with that is that there’s no money in it. So perhaps, and jonky, you might be able to help me with this, but just perhaps using lies and manipulations, logical fallacies, positions of power and the persuasive nature of the MSM to get people’s money from their pockets into yours is a moral crime. A crime against human kind. Perhaps breaches of trust to earn good coin is the worst kind of crime of all? The Alpha crime! Fuck! I hadn’t thought of that before.
    * Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, pain, or humiliation of another. It is a borrowed word from German; the English word for it is “epicaricacy”, which originated in the 18th century.
    We need outside help i.e. moral as in truth and political as in inquiry intervention urgently.
    Lets all write a letter to the King ! ( I can’t believe I just wrote that. )

  11. Simply, they lied about urgently helping the squeezed middle.
    Actions speak louder than words – their top priorties since gaining power have been the Tobacco Industry and their mates in Real Estate.
    Swing voters are realising their betrayal.

    They’ve plunged the economy into a death spiral – the worst is yet to come I’m afraid.

    • Jase that’s not true in fact the contrary is,the Coalition will strengthen the economy they have the people they have the skills.

      • You’re clueless on financial literacy and economics and even poorer on understanding qualities in a person as proven by your support for known abusers.

  12. For Key to slime into Wellington, Luxury Luxon must really be in trouble. If Luxury is forced to step down Key begins to look stupid. His boy is failing. His protege turns out to be whiny and wet!
    If Luxon goes, so does Key’s back door influence. He’ll be sticking close now to prop up his little hand-puppet and perhaps line up another puppet.
    And the worst thing, Luxury might have to forego his knighthood.
    They are so pathetically obvious and they think we haven’t caught on. This was apparent well before the election.

    • Joy, one can only hope that Wellington barricaded all it’s cafes to keep their female staff safe upon Keys arrival.

      • Relax. The weather’s foul, girls are hatted, and Key can have tea with Luxon’s missus for $115.00, possibly less at mate’s rates.

      • Gosh that’s a worry! Hadn’t thought of that but you are right there NASC,
        There could be carnage in cafes.

    • Has it occurred to no-one that the snake-oil salesman might actually be promoting Luxon’s crash and burn?
      After all, he made a shed load of money back in 1984 betting against the NZ dollar, in similar circumstances!
      Food for thought?

  13. Calm down. Helen Clark has taken over defacto leadership of the Labour Party in the last few days. What could possibly go wrong?

    • Johno “ What could possibly go wrong? “ ‘Tis said that Helen’s mentoring Wellington’s mayor, and that doesn’t seem to be going all that right. A green exWCC councillor wore a plastic Mac in Parliament.

  14. Jesus Christ, the bland leading the bland. Apologies if anyone said this yet – it is a bit obvious. But I just had to get it off my chest.

  15. Having the shyster doing a PR stint is a reminder of how arrogant these people are and that actually at the end of his tenure in 2016 he was despised and booed wherever he went.

    No longer the magician who could walk across the Waitemata without getting wet.

  16. The shit will hit the fan when the majority of low paid workers will find out how little a tax cut they will get. Seymour stating it’s ok to borrow 15 billion dollars to give $10/ $15 tax cut only. People are expecting a windfall . I predict after this absolute con job of tax relief NACT et.all will not see the treasury benches for many a long year.


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