This hard right carnage of National-ACT-NZF should shame us all


We should all be deeply ashamed of what we have mutated into.

We vomited up this hateful, malicious and spiteful Government because we were incandescent with rage that Jacinda had the temerity to save 20 000 from Covid and we repaid her with this vile selfish Government who take from the poor to give to the rich.

This is who we is now, this is what we have become.

TDB warned you that this was a hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government when The Democracy Project was attempting to pretend it was moderate.

TDB warned you that the middle class woke activists had alienated more voters than they had attracted and that the Left needed to focus on universals rather than pure temple woke dogma.

TDB warned you that ACT, NZF and National would implement a romper stomper policy platform that would destroy the common good.

Well – looks like TDB was right!

Public sector cuts: Oranga Tamariki to focus on ‘core purpose’, hundreds of jobs set to go

TDB Recommends

Public sector cuts: 500-plus Ministry of Education jobs on line in cost-saving proposal, union says

Over 1000 job losses at schools and welfare for damaged children, can’t wait to see how the Democracy Project will justify that as moderate.

Remember, we are literally taking out of the mouths of hungry children so National/ACT/NZF can give $2.9billion in tax breaks to the richest landlords, a policy MSD warns will see up to 13 000 children pushed into poverty…

Officials warn up to 13,000 children will be pushed into poverty as a result of benefit changes

…any time your policy is pushing 13000 children into poverty, you should probs not be implementing it!

Social policy should lift children out of poverty, not push 13000 into it!

This hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government has attacked renters, workers, Māori, Beneficiaries, the disabled and the environment while abusing democratic due process and cutting deals for their donor class.

We have been tricked into culture wars so that the richest continue to enrich their interests at the cost of everyone else.

We are a petty, small, easily tricked people with a low imagination horizon.

Fixated on cow udders, Rugby and undiagnosed alcoholism where the only emotion is greed, anger and jealousy.

We have all the cultural maturity of a can of day old coke cola.

The manner in which social media school chambers have radicalised voters into Qanon militia speaks to a deeper wound and is reminiscent of the way global Muslim youth were radicalised in the 1990s thanks to Jihadist recruitment videos on Youtube.

Citizens should feel angry and cynical at a system that is rigged in favour of the rich!

That shouldn’t shock or surprise us, that is the reality!

The danger now is the culture war extremism that social media hate algorithms have manufactured and how the Political Right will manipulate those culture war revenge fantasies to get their donors interests legislated into policy.

The Political Left still have no response to this other than allow their middle class identity politics activists to continue to alienate voters and provide the right with culture war ammunition.

The solution to the Political Left is sitting right in front of their noses!

We are a fair people, what National, ACT and NZFirst have all agreed to is extreme and nasty.

Kiwis aren’t extreme or nasty. Some are, they vote ACT and NZ First, but National voters will be aghast at what they’ve seen so far.

This is the time for the political Left to walk away from woke pure temple politics and embrace Broadchurch class solidarity.

Our under funded social infrastructure, our ‘me first’ consumerism, our 30 years of neoliberal mythology, our disconnection from one another, our untreated pain, our lack of hope from grinding poverty in a first world country, our damaged masculinity, the intergenerational consequences of colonialism, our unspoken rage culture, our inability to express emotion beyond anger – all of this demands questions we don’t want to hear as a society.

The Right look for recruits, the Left look for traitors.

If we don’t provide people with Hope that there is a better way of being for us all, if we don’t provide vision that actually addresses the material well being of our voters, if we aren’t prepared to debate the expansion of State Capacity by taxing the megawealthy and funding the climate change adaptation,  if we don’t do all that, this hard right racist Government will win again.


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  1. When people wake up that you cant judge the well being of NZ on growth of GDP alone we will get some where .The fixation on so called growth is a hoax .Take away house inflation over the last 40 years and you will find GDP has grown bugger all .Houses prices rise on average 10% a year so at the current average house price in NZ that would be around 8ok per year and you soon see that real growth in the rest of the economy does not exist .IN our pursuit of this so called growth we are now throwing a whole generation of children under the bus.Next Luxon will be sending them off to war some where that the USA demands so we will lose another generation as we did in the first half of last century fighting some one elses war .

  2. Martyn – The system was rigged towards wealth under Labour as well…examples
    – Air NZ, and the Banks getting taxpayer “loans” under very good terms for those corporates
    – Covid travel passes dished out to CEOs far, far more than the general public
    – Corporates receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in wage subsidies, then not paying it back

  3. Of course GDP has not grown because Labour increased the minimum wage with no corresponding rise in productivity. By increasing minimum wages all other wages needed to move to keep relativity. . Inflation has taken away the value of the rise so the only ones to gain is the taxman as there has been no move on tax thresholds . Labour depend on this slight of hand as they continue their policy of tax and send then National come along and get called out for bringing the balance back .

    • Do you seriously think that in a nation of 5M people, and a GDP of 200B, that wage inflation is the cause of non growth in the economy? Please show us the math for this.

    • Absolute bollocks on this occasion Trevor. National are masters at sleight of hand. First they completely lie and say we are over taxed compared to other developed nations, then they talk about measly tax cuts that aren’t going to help many average kiwis because they start putting up transport costs and raise things like fees and tell you with a straight face that it is different. That smarmy little tosser Simeon Brown thought he was so funny with that one. And despite what some delusional people say on this site the rates rises will be higher because of the refusal of these idiots to do anything about water infrastructure.

  4. Excellent as usual MB, but I’d amend your closing paragraph to something like “……..if we don’t do all that, we go as a nation to some very dark places indeed.”
    Because when hope is gone – when the hope of home ownership is gone, when hope of a well paying secure job is gone, when hope of affordable public services in retirement is gone, when all sense of community & solidarity is destroyed by this far right corporate-fascist Coalition of Corruption…..well………. folks can do some very, very unexpected things when they have no hope for themselves, or their children.
    This is the grim course charted for NZ by the corrupt donor-owned parties in government.
    It’s truly frightening. Wake up NZ!

    • Absolutely Jase.
      The French Revolution 1789 and Russia in 1917 should be lessons etched on the minds of all politicians, particularly those of the loony right.

      • Fortunately we keep the peasants distracted with bread & circuses, or KFC & sport/TV if you prefer. People really have to hurt & have no hope for revolution to occur.

    • That’s right. Just because NZders have never done anything revolutionary before, doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
      Luxury Luxon and Co. appear to believe they are immune to such problems.


    Nationals policies have long been the reason for our brightest leaving.
    Even during great prosperity and productivity National believe a low wage economy is best as evidenced by Bill English and now this corrupt government.
    Labour improving incomes is the result of suppressed incomes under National governments and are merely simply trying to meet the demand of Nationals higher living costs.
    The right will always use the improved wages on better productivity excuse.
    Another flawed Neoliberal debunked thought process to go alongside the trickle down myth.

  6. ‘Gobsmacked’: Government ends loan scheme for quake-prone apartments
    Owners with construction scheduled in as little as two months have been left in the lurch.

    Mental Health Foundation looks to cut jobs
    Mental Health Foundation looks to cut jobs
    Around half of the foundation’s income is from Government contracts.

    ‘Sacrificial lambs’: Fire engineering expertise takes hit in latest job cuts
    ‘Sacrificial lambs’: Fire engineering expertise takes hit in latest job cuts
    The MBIE is considering axing one of only two senior fire engineers in the country.

    Public service cuts: $6.3m in payouts at one ministry so far
    Public service cuts: $6.3m in payouts at one ministry so far
    The total cost of redundancies across the entire public service is not yet known.

    All destructive headlines due to our corrupt Government.

  7. ‘Woke’ has dropped out of the Yank Right’s propaganda cos it doesn’t ding any bells. Note no one in the comments section here responds to that.

    I don’t know about the particularities of ‘woke’. Too difficult for my wee mind. I don’t think it impedes in anyway talking for reality. The main prob is that talking is not on the mainstage. I’m sure Shaneel Lal is not responsible for the people’s problems. The rich-fuck rulers, for sure.

    You keep baying up this tree. There is no cougar up there.


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