I find the lack of response from our Opinion shapers in the mainstream media over the questions raised now Tim Jago has been unmasked to be extraordinary.
Compare the Golriz fixation…
…to the limited attention on Jago…
…or even the Sex complaint in Labour, when the  Labour Party President resigned for supposedly mishandling a sexual assault claim in 2019. …
…what was hilarious about the Labour example is that the Labour Party President who resigned was right all along as the complainant lied about the complaint.
On the Left we have to B-E-L-I-E-V-E all victims, even when they don’t tell the truth vs the Right where they do everything they can to maximise their privilege and hide perpetrators.
There is no middle ground.
Yay polarised politics that are tearing us apart.
The media were only interested in covering Jago when his identity was secret, now it’s been revealed there is silence from the Opinion mainstream Media.
When it was an alleged sex assault in Labour, when it was Golriz shoplifting, it was the end of Western Civilisation as we know it, when it’s the ACT Party President convicted of historic sex acts who hides his identity over the election while ACT runs a tough on crime mantra, it’s total fucking silence.
The questions remain:
If this was really all about the best interests of the complainants, why try to send them to a friendly ACT Lawyer instead of the Police?
Claiming no one could have known about the previous history of Jago seems very weak when the Vice President of the ACT Party Youth Wing claims the rumours were circulating in 2020!
This issue won’t hurt ACT in the Polls, if you are voting ACT despite their anti-Treaty, anti-worker and pro-corporation agenda, you won’t care the President goes down for this, but middle New Zealand and those who didn’t vote last year are pulling away from NZF and National in disgust.
But ACT will hit double digits, while cannibalising National and NZF vote.
Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.
Nothing more to say with the hypocrisy of the right wing media on full display.
I must also add that Seymour has also looked very dodgy.
Seymour doesn’t just look dodgy …he is dodgy!
And where was Senior Political Reporter Jenna Lynch on this….she’s always been big on breaking stories and getting scoops based on ‘leaks’ from Labour or the Greens…
Her husband is Chief Of Staff for the ACT Party… He would obviously know all the in and outs of those players… Are you telling me she knew nothing about this…
If she did, and didn’t inform the public, the voters and taxpayer’s of N.Z., immediately, which is her job, then that is serious breach of journalistic etiquette and ethics.
No one has heard of Jago and he hadn’t been president since January 2023. Everyone has heard of Ghahraman and she isn’t popular. She makes a better story. Labour were in government when the Spin off did its hit job. Likewise a better story.
She is more liked than Jago but then you’re probably into his type of thing.
Media who collaborate with Luxon using young children for publicity purposes mightn’t be bothered about ACT’s perverts. Some supported Key when he was tormenting a young waitress with his ponytail antics. Golriz’s offences were against property, not against people, and in this materialistic consumerist society, property ranks higher than persons do, hence Luxon’s egotistical brag about being rich and sorted.
Well, to me, Act was an annoying little pest, not worth noticing, until they actually got in. Meaning, I had no idea who this chap was and perhaps this might be a reason why the discrepancy in coverage between the two here. But what ACT stands for, or campaigned on, and what this guy did, fuck me, this shyt should be receiving Trumpian level coverage in our media. Fark me.
Martin why the surprise as we all know sex abuse is the domain of the right .Also the media are usless when it comes to unbiased reporting of facts .
Rich white male compared to poor brown imigrant woman comes to mind.
Poor you are joking, she was a very well remunerated MP, yet in reality a common thief.
Nah uncommon thief
Yes agree Derek but nonetheless a thief.
I say I say I say old chap mitigating circumstances and all that eh wot wot all really didley widley squat not worth the squeak so to speak
Bob like pedophiles over a common thief.
Oh I say Tim its the size of a pin
More than two decades ago, I stopped reading NZ mainstream papers. I’d identified a wholesale bias in the four main NZ newspapers – Herald, Dominion, Press and ODT. The minimal coverage of the disgraceful behaviour of ACT party president is typical of NZ journalist bias. Especially when compared to the hysterical coverage of Labour or Green or TPM people. In the case of National or ACT bad behaviour, the coverage is muted and reserved. In the case of any other party, the coverage is like Mike Hoskings on steroids. Consequently, I treat all NZ news reports from homegrown journalists with a pinch of salt and a gallon of scepticism. This goes double for anything on TV One and TV3 television news. They’re hopeless. Ten years ago, MB predicted the abolition of objective NZ journalism. Sadly, this has come to pass
The real version of Luxons “bottom feeder”