Government ministers and Human Rights Commission give green light to Destiny Church assaults against Palestine solidarity protest this weekend

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The Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa is alarmed Winston Peters and the Human Rights Commissioner have given the green light to Destiny Church assaults against Palestinian support protests this weekend.

PSNA has been contacted by police to say that Brian Tamaki’s Destiny Church has just issued direct threats to ‘shut down’ PSNA if the government and police won’t do it for them.

Tamaki has done this several times over the past 16 months but PSNA Chair John Minto says the orchestrated claims of antisemitism against PSNA this past week have encouraged Brian Tamaki to now believe he could get away with unleashing violence against peaceful protests against the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank.

“We are most concerned about our supporters in smaller centres.  We have about 30 local protests in support of Palestinian rights over the next two days.  It just takes two or three Destiny Church adherents to get it into their heads that they are doing God’s work and turn up to beat up our people.

Minto says he can understand why Tamaki thinks he is licenced to carry out his threats.

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“Our government still has not uttered one word condemning Israeli genocide.  But when we say we want to tell Israeli soldiers who are on holiday here that they are not welcome in Aotearoa, then the Human Rights Commissioner distorts this into the threats of violence and the Foreign Minister falls into line behind him.”

“We did not advocate violence. We are not encouraging nor are we promoting violence – even against Israelis guilty of participating in genocide having a happy holiday here.”

“In particular we are concerned that the Human Rights Commissioner Stephen Rainbow is leading the claims against Palestinian human rights supporters.”

“Rainbow was a prominent champion of Israeli apartheid before the was appointed Human Rights Commissioner.”

“Only a year ago he was writing such articles for the Israel Institute NZ, entitled “With every chant, Israel’s case grows stronger” condemning “kaffiyeh wearing antics of Labour and Green MP’s of late.”

“Rainbow has not parked his Zionist apartheid politics at the door of the Human Rights Commission.  He is misusing his high status semi-judicial position to openly promote on behalf of Israel – as a state committing genocide – by misrepresenting PSNA.’

“No wonder Brian Tamaki and his Destiny Church think the government will turn a blind eye to Destiny Church escalating into physical attacks.”

Minto says Palestinian New Zealanders will be feeling our government and institutions are sanctioning violence against them.

“Many Palestinians in this country have lost immediate family in the massive Israeli onslaught on Gaza over the past 16 months.  They are well aware the New Zealand Foreign Minister has been absolutely silent about any blame on Israel.  Yet he is instantly quick to condemn local human rights groups which these Palestinians belong to.”

“To send a message of reassurance to Palestinian New Zealanders and hopefully restrain Tamaki, Paul Goldsmith, as Rainbow’s minister must at the very least immediately suspend Rainbow as Human Rights Commissioner.”

John Minto

National Chair

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa


  1. Who knew protesting in support of Islamic terrorism could prove so problematic?
    Might have to call off my bake sale in support of The Taliban . .

    • Yeah, if I come in and kick you off your land, James Brown, by force, by “law”, and massacre is my only response to your protest and resistance,
      YOU are the terrorist.

  2. Wars over….ceasefire in place, you still marching!
    The numbers are small.
    Destiny church, just as you are, are free to march/demonstrate.
    Pretending they are going to hurt you is a lefty way of shutting down opposition and also cowardly.

  3. Meanwhile back at the sharp end of the stick.
    ACT is the political tumour grown by Labour’s roger and mentored by Natzo farmer-traitor Jimbo the Himbo and all because ripping off our primary industry needed streamlining and by streamlining I mean laundering.
    Rich right wing senior ACT pervert comes unstuck. Just imagine the behind-closed-doors kerfuffle that’s caused amongst the rats? Oh! The bin fires! The shredding machines!
    ” ‘No way’ of knowing Tim Jago was abuser – ACT Party”
    Ronnie now Timmy.

  4. Youve taken over our cities and towns every Saturday with your ridiculous posturing and support for Hamas.
    Your just going to have to suck it up and take your lumps.

  5. Why don’t you supporters of various sides find a place to slug it out in person – you are part of the problem.

    Thank you John Minto for your work. You keep your head and discourse on an even keel when it is so easy to be OTT. But there is no way to talk about, explain the error of the situation. It should be plain to anyone who is open to an understanding.

    The past casts a long shadow someone said. Reminds me of what I felt on reading
    ‘The Skeleton Road.’ A …standalone from world-class crime writer Val McDermid—a skeleton found in Edinburgh’s historic center leads cold-case detectives back to war crimes committed during the Balkan Wars of the 1990s.8 Dec 2015
    The Skeleton Road – Grove Atlantic

  6. John – Name calling, screaming at people who disagree with you, blocking the footpath/roads, using a megaphone to yell at passersby, and waving flags/banners with misleading messages – is not working

  7. Tamaki is just positioning himself for the up coming revolution that will undoubtedly sweep over NewZealand. He see’s riches beyond his wildest dreams up for grabs and a very weak enemy . He will be a useful pawn for his backers……

  8. Fascinating how the nutty left go totally crybully whenever Destiny is mentioned.
    Harassing individual jews or POSIE parker supporters is really cool until Christian men protect them then the teatowels need their mama


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