Responding to criticism from a fellow Green voter


A fellow Green voter writes…

Hey Martyn, you posture yourself as left and green but you spend a huge amount of time slagging the left and green sides.
In the meantime you are actually a softcock as to your treatment of the right wing.
You continually criticise the most trivial things while failing to put the boot into Luxon and Seymour with any conviction.
Why criticise Marama over something trivial like chocolate while letting Luxon off over his “enquiry” into Uffindell of which no information has or will be released or the Nats absolutely hypocritical stance on the changes that were proposed to Kiwi saver.

John Cobbler

Dear John Cobbler.

Thank you for taking the time to write to me.

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Time is a luxury in a world demanding our next like, retweet and attention constantly.

If you can make the effort to write, I should make the time as a fellow Green voter to reply, so allow me to respond as graciously as I can Comrade.

Hey Martyn, you posture yourself as left and green but you spend a huge amount of time slagging the left and green sides.

Posture myself? I set up MANA & wrote a lot of their policy, I broke the ponytail pulling story against John Key, I took the NZ Police to the Human Rights Review tribunal for their breach of my civil rights in their failed prosecution of Nicky Hager after they believed I was RAWSHARK, I was blacklisted from RNZ for ‘defaming’ John Key, I led the campaign against the mass surveillance state…

…I helped put together the Labour strategy that saw them win the 2017 election with my comrade Matt McCarten who was their Chief of Staff, I run the largest Left wing blog in the country and host the number 1 political podcast that isn’t funded by NZ on Air.

I tangled with the Public Service Commissioner recently.

To paraphrase Muhammad Ali, I done wrestled with an alligator, done tussled with a whale; I’ve handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail; only last week, I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick; I’m so mean I make medicine sick!

I have also voted green most of my adult life.

But ‘posture’, sure.

I spend the time ‘slagging off the left and green sides’ because the ‘left and green sides’ are fucking children playing bullshit identity politics games while the poor we claim to give a shit about have their lives get increasingly worse because the ‘left and green sides’ won’t stand up to a Professional Managerial Class self serving Public Service whose neo-elitism ensures their puritan morality is serviced first.

As I argued at the time in 2020, the decision to accept vacant ministerial baubles without any real power would bite the Greens in the arse once their powerlessness was exposed. Rather than accept those hollow positions, the Greens should have remained in Opposition so that they weren’t sub 10% in the Polls.

These are strategic and tactical political failures by the Leadership and you want to gloss over that for what purpose?

I want meaningful, transformative change, not middle class virtue signals while the poor suffer and the planet burns!

In the meantime you are actually a softcock as to your treatment of the right wing.
You continually criticise the most trivial things while failing to put the boot into Luxon and Seymour with any conviction.


Let’s unpack some of this.

You will of course remember I was the first to point out ACT’s insane push to amputate the Ministry of Youth Affairs, the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs, the Ministry of Māori Affairs, the Ministry of Women and Ministry for Pacific People ON TOP OF killing off the Human Rights Commission amounted to the worst self mutilation of the State since Rogernomics.

TDB was the first to point out the extraordinarily spiteful and malicious nature of these savage cuts into the political voices of NZs Youth, Māori, Women, Ethnic Communities and Pacific Communities ALONGSIDE removing the highest civil rights court in the land!

We were the first to call out ACTs conflict policies, and if you remember John, I was warning the woke Left in 2018 when they started their insane attacks on Free Speech that they would inadvertently trigger a dormant political fault line with ACT and could empower a huge political backlash.

ACT was polling 1%, the woke activist Left attacked Free Speech, and ACT is now 10%.

We warned ACT would become what they have and we have been warning that an ACT/National Government would be the worst possible outcome for NZ.

We have even gamed out how their conflict policies would lead to civil disorder and we have been the only ones who have done that.

Claiming TDB has not gone to fucking town over the dangers of a National/ACT Government is simply not in any way shape or form true.

We were the first to link Luxon to the abortion issue, the first to hold up his lies about being in Te Puke when he was in Hawaii and we have torn his neoliberal experiment in welfare to pieces.

To claim that TDB, the home of the ponytail pulling story that led to the demise of John Key, is somehow soft on ACT and National when we have explicitly warned the country that we risk civil disorder if these right wing freaks gain power and implement their romper stomper policies is simply an outright lie on your behalf John Cobbler.

Green voters should not lie comrade, it’s not a good look for our movement.

Why criticise Marama over something trivial like chocolate while letting Luxon off over his “enquiry” into Uffindell of which no information has or will be released or the Nats absolutely hypocritical stance on the changes that were proposed to Kiwi saver.

For the love of Christ.

Have you not noticed the 27 000 on emergency housing wait lists? Have you not noticed the 200000 kids in poverty? Have you not noticed the million dollars a day spent on damaging Motels to kettle beneficiaries?

There are more children living in fucking cars now than when we first came to power in 2017!

Have you not noticed the 4000 disabled young people we cut off welfare? Have you not noticed the suicide rate? The meaninglessness in policy when it comes to homelessness and the environment?

You have the audacity to defend Marama, when all she has done is virtue signal chocolate wrappers ffs!

Have you noticed the planet is burning and shit for the most vulnerable – THE PEOPLE YOU HAVE THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO SAY YOU CARE ABOUT – their fucking lives are going backwards while our Political leaders are fucking around with middle class virtue signals!

I’m critical of the left and the greens because we are doing a fucking appalling job of doing anything other than middle class virtue signals.

Thank you for taking the time to correspond.


Martyn Bradbury

Fellow Green Party voter who honestly has no idea who he is voting for any longer 

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  1. Well said. Martyn. It seems that the tent of the politically homeless is growing in size due to increased crowding. Maybe it is time for another Mana Party.

    • And the end result of this post?
      John has blinkers on and can see no wrong/shambles in the green party = will vote green party next year!

      Martyn who sees the absolute shambles of green MPs and virtue signaling taking centre stage over good policies from the green party = will vote green party next year!

      Different sides of the same coin..same end result.

      • At which state both must admit their part in enabling a party that is not fit to govern. One can be afraid of the other for all its worth, but at some stage something has to give. There are a myriad of other small parties that people can choose from. One does not have to vote for the big 4. Individually we might not change much, but we at least have a choice to make in whom we enable and support. And there currently is no reason what so ever to enable the Green Party in its current set up. None. Not even for the sake of dear Chloe.

      • @Im right. No-one can take your right-wing shill comments seriously about issues, without an apostrophe in your pseudonym. It smacks of the age-old right-wing, born-to-rule, “jog-on, nothing to see here plebs’!

        All you right-wing shills that comment here, are of a similar ilk, arrogant pri!cks! It’s like they cloned a Chicago School of Economics impact meeting! FFS:

        No punctuation – ‘your punctuation rules don’t apply to me’
        No evidence – ‘your evidence rules don’t apply to me’
        No sense or balance – ‘your ability to see sensible compromise rules don’t apply to me’
        No concern for the victims of neoliberalism – “fuck the poor and/or the Greens and plebs!”

        You’re a supercilious, right-wing, born-to-rule, dirty-politics-following slater, im right!

        It irks me that you’re using MY pseudonym – ‘I’m right’ – which is correctly punctuated.


        • And here we have another good example of the petard upon which Bomber hoisted the hapless Mr Cobblers. ‘Never-mind-the-homeless’ but someone has misplaced YOUR apostrophe! By all means keep up your middle-class supercilious hand-wringing. Keep on voting Green ‘ye of the leafy suburbs’ – just don’t pretend you give a fat rat’s backside about the poor, because you don’t. All Sizzle No Sausage – not even a vegan one!

        • Is that you Michelle Judge or Mike Judge….seems your fixation with no apostrophe is messing with your mental health, which didn’t seem too stable to begin with!
          Keep taking the lithium and I will always be ‘IM RIGHT’

          • No, I don’t know those names. I’m just one of those people who grew up poor. I had great parents who encouraged us and I am no longer poor – but if social benchmarks were a thing then I would have indeed lived ‘below the poverty line ‘- a foriegn land in your mind. Oh no – have I mixed up my spelling here?

          • Sorry – confused your comment as being address to mine, in fact it is addressed to the ‘I’m right’ dirge. Apologies.

    • agree jack, great to see Martyn giving it to the born-to-rule alt-right John Cobblers, hiding behind a reverse psychology Whaleoil of a pseudonym!

  2. Mr Cobblers appears to be an apologist for Marama, but she ‘s a big girl, and she should be explaining her own comfortable chocolate posturing when the chronically homeless and the sexually and domestically abused, should clearly be being prioritised. And the hungry. And the cold.

    He has a point about Uffindell though, when this country’s dark violent underbelly makes life a misery for its victims and results in the deaths of so many babies and children, and the police attend dozens of home violence call-outs daily, and even the government itself is airily dumping the much needed Commissioner for Children.

    If Luxon endorses ex- bully boys, he needs to know that for all the bullies, there were boarding school pupils who did not succumb to mob rule and put the boot into the smaller weaker kids, and he should find one. The problem, of course is finding one among the current tawdry bunch of Nats.

    It would be morally indefensible for Bradbury or anybody else to gloss over the deficiencies of political parties which we support even if politicians pay grubbers big bucks to do so.

    • Just as long as he’s an ex “bully boy”, because none of us are perfect.

      Meanwhile the last 5 years of Labour has seen a claim of sexual assault in their youth camp buried by the spin people. A claim of sexual assault in the PMs office buried by the same people. A Speaker of the House appointed who has previously fought with a fellow MP in Parliament and continued that approach as Speaker. Finally, an MP (Meka ‘Fightery’) who was demoted for assaults on her staff.

      • Andrew, Yes. I think that they appointed a bullying warden at Parliament recently, in lieu of having a Commissioner for Children, but the even more bizarre appointment has to be that of Trevor Mallard as a diplomat.

      • Yup, Andrew. And your John Key played with the waitress’s hair, what about some balance Andrew Right-wing shill!
        BTW, shouldn’t you ne looking after the corgis atm?

        • So you know the words for arsehole in Maori and you don’t get Andrews humour…good for you. Meanwhile back to reality – on ‘struggle street’ kids with empty stomachs, and parents who can’t pay their rent don’t really give ‘a rats’ about Maori Language Week.

      • Like you are an ex-thinker Andrew? What about your John Key as a Sir John Key?

        I’ve heard that when Sir John Key and his fellow right-wingers like you, go in for your centre-right/slightly right/alt-right /uber-alt-right-meetings, you are told to leave your brain-cells, conscience, empathy, Socratic questioning/thinking, gumboots and care for others in the lock-box by the toilets?

        Mea culpa – I lied about the gumboots. BTW, what’s your views about Came Slater and Jordan Williams Andrew? In case you missed it, from your right-wing buddies:

        • The sound of Crickets!
          I assume you’re denying Dirty Politics’ links with National and ACT by your reticence Andrew?

  3. Apparently to be a good leftie and greenie, you are not allowed to have your own opinion.

    Cancel culture, not allowing difference and critique, and targeting abuse (softcock) at others in their so called clique for not towing an authoritarian party line is part of the new, Green Party leadership.

    You’re not alone, punishing Shaw for trying to do his job (and even his attempts at climate change are better than Marama’s absolute cratering of homelessness and emergency housing figures), while publicly humiliating him by making him win his co-leader job back, that nobody in the party could be arsed to contest anyway.

    (Probably the “John Cobbler” email, is mostly anger about the brown washing of Te Reo, which the woke are the most proud of).

    • try arguing for higher benefits or maori sovereignty positively at your next rally snz, see how open the rightard mob is to ‘ideas’ and opinions.

  4. Both funny and sad (Mr Cobbler)
    One feature of the PMC is that they do not like criticism (constructive or otherwise) – usually pulling out the PR spin and bullshit machine at the first opportunity in response.
    I wonder whether Mr Cobbler has ever experienced homelessness, or been directly affected by, or had to interact with some of the more dysfunctional agencies our ‘left’ politicians seem happy to act as enablers.

  5. Well said Martyn.

    I know it’s hard for tribal party sycophants to hear criticism of their adored party (be it left or right) without taking it personally. There’s a fair few out there, I hazard a guess at 25% Labour voters, 25% National and 4% Greens will vote for ‘their party’ no matter what. I’m not saying they’re bad people but I wish they’d actually put some thought into their choices.

    You could ask what a RWNJ swing voter would know about the Greens, well I have voted Green in the past. It was in the during the FPTP days and the Nats and Labour looked the same, and I thought if I voted Green, perhaps both parties would add their own Green policies to win me back. Ok not a very sophisticated logic but Ron Donald and Janette Fitzsimmons always impressed me as real Greenies, and at that time we needed them. Today’s mob seem to be only in it for the pay, the perks, their very own group identity and nothing about NZ, actually many come across as hating NZ.

    So good on you for criticising the party you vote for, more should do the same.

  6. The comments by John Cobbler confirm your criticisms of them MB.
    Mr. Cobbler is typical of the Left full of criticism but devoid of solutions.

    • Bullshit Bob (an even better pseudo name for you than Bob the First!)

      You know more than most, that most right-wing ‘Cobbled’ names, are cobbled together by right-wingers, hiding so they are put in the stocks by their communities as crackpots, or pedos, or racist misogynists or NACT supporters.

      You right wingers are famous for using pseudonyms to hide your real right-wing intentions

      For 1 National “Hone Carter’ John Carter as Hone the Maori

      For 1b “Mr Carter says the Māori seats aspect was apartheid and would cause division.”

      For 2 John Banks (ACT and NationaL) Richard told John Banks Māori were a “stone age people with a stone age culture.” They were “genetically predisposed” to crime, alcohol addiction and “educational underperformance,” he said.

      John Banks did not contradict him. Instead he told Richard his kids would have to “get used to that stone-aged culture.”

      “If it doesn’t change, these people will be coming through your bathroom window,” he added.

      For 3, Senior National Party figure ‘Merv from Manurewa’ aka Roger Bridge should have been called Racist
      It was the most recent and most bizarre chapter in the National Party’s seemingly endless infighting.
      ‘Merv’ called into Marcus Lush’s talkback show on Monday the 3rd of August just before midnight.
      “Look I’m in Manurewa and I’m a bit confused because there’s billboards all over the place with this Nuwi girl,” ‘Merv’ told the talkback radio show.

      ‘Merv’ was confused that Nuwanthie ‘Nuwi’ Samarakone was National’s Manurewa candidate but was also pitching to stand in Auckland Central to replace Nikki Kaye who resigned from politics last month.

      Roger :

      For 4, lets not stop at Racsim, what about misogyny Bullshit Bob. What about Eggstien and Donnarumma trolling women Bob?

      A young Nat has come out on the record for mystical trolling of female politicians, saying his hopeful roommate in the local council has nothing to do with it.

      Jessee MacKenzie admitted this after a court revealed that his Christchurch roommate, young Nat Bryce Beattie, was the owner of a computer IP address linked to the harassment.

      The couple has since left the National Party and Beattie is no longer running for a seat on the Christchurch Community Council.

      Did I miss any disguised racism, or misogyny by the right?
      Haven’t even touched on “bullying culture” Bob!
      Feel free to make a comment about bullying!

      And once we know how National is dealing with Uffindel, we’ll have even more insight into racism, misogyny and bullying in teh right wing parties?

      Did I mention Cameron Slater and Jordan Williams Bob?
      Here’s a freebie! Bob ….

  7. Tee hee, Schadenfreude…

    But all pleasure aside, you really do have the winning argument there Bomberino. Well spoken indeed.

    The most relatable part of your response is your very last bit:

    “Fellow Green Party voter who honestly has no idea who he is voting for any longer”

    Coz that’s how itz bin 4me 4 the last God knows how many years.

    Let me know how you’re gonna vote coz I got nuffin’…

    • Barkster
      You know, believe it or not, a smart, business-minded Green Party with a razor sharp focus on anything environment, one that is happy to team with any major party for the sake of getting policies through (and the money for them)….I would actually vote for them. In fact I would become a member. The business of being green will be massive in the next 20 years!!!! A true Green Party should neither left nor right. It should be green.

      • Back under your rock SK.
        You are never going to become a member of a left-leaning Green Party SK.
        Right wing are climate denying, profit with pollution, the land-is-for-profit SK!
        Didn’t even mention the race part of being a rightie SK.
        Or Reductio ad Hitlerum.
        Sieg Sour Kraut! Husten!

      • Specious argument, usually heard from undercover right-wingers. Are you a right-winger? Never mind, that might clear up with help.
        The Greens should actually be avenging-communists. 😀

  8. The Greens and Labour are neoliberal so they’re the same thing as national, act etc so are deserving of a hiding. They’re all effectively a corporation. They’d eat their own babies if they thought it’d put more of our money in their pockets.
    cobbler’s likely trying a Machiavellian trick. A strategy of hare/hound swap tactics. cobbler will be a natzo/right wing zinger with big business’s hand up his trousers rubbing his nubbin up to a nice round three inches. You must have them freaked out if they’re getting this desperate @ MB.

  9. OMG! I’ve just discovered this on the Net. This is a game changer. We’re all doomed! We may as well all go out there with our soft cocks, both real and metaphorical, and go crazy!
    Love,death and robots.
    Vol 3
    Night of The Mini Dead.

  10. Ditto, I almost always vote Green (plus the Labour candidate), but I’m definitely thinking about voting for ACT in the next election. Labour & the Greens seem hell bent on screwing things up, and pushing the boundaries on totally useless.

  11. Spot on Martyn.

    NOT A DAMN WORD COMES OUT OF THE GREEN PARTIES MP’s about our dysfunctional healthcare system.

    It is pissing me off.

    All we hear is climate change climate change what damn good is doing shit about climate change when our health system has been so damn americanised we are basically fucked unless carted into hospital by Ambulance even then you may be waiting in the damn thing for hours just to get into ED.

    Our medicines funding is beyond a damn joke.

    Meanwhile The Greens say nothing.

    It is even harder now to borrow money to pay for unfunded medicines, dare I say it damn near impossible in some cases, unless you own a house or have valuable assets, under the new loan laws and Riccardo Mendez and the AAAP’s vendetta against the PayDay loans companies have made the situation 10 times worse.

    • VFF, Destiny, Sam Uffindell and the other National Bully Boys – the best marketing tools Labour and Greens could have wished for!

  12. Everyone knows (or should) that it’s impossible to improve the right wing of the neoliberal party.

    That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t demand an actual left wing socialist alternative, and demand that the left wings of the neoliberal party start delivering some fraction of the services that an actual left party would, or at least promising to do something good, as the Greens used to.

  13. Cheers Martyn. The issue here is that the correspondent John Cobbler(s), does not recognise objective opinion and criticism, which is necessary to keep a balance in media.

        • Actually ID, i wasnt thinking of the “Deplorables” with that comment, I was thinking more about the PMC and the rabid identarians. So quite the opposite.

        • Although ID, I guess you could infer that because I said 95% but I was meaning the hook, line and sinker elite who see themselves as ‘thinking’ and us in the true commentariat (sorry if it sounds elite) being the only thinking ones.

          60% of NZ will vote for housing and food or not at all and that is entirely understandable and doesnt imply they are not thinking. They are just they necessarily have a narrow view – survival.

  14. Careful Bomber, the Greens, will do to you what the supposed British Labour party did to Ken Loach, and banned him from being a member, cause his left leaning, was to much of a tilt for them.

  15. At least in the next election. They’re probably going to not be in government. I guess that’s something to look forward to.

  16. Does that guy John Cobbler have an Uncle Tom Cobbler and all? Nursery rhymes get to be cliches, but have vitality and fun. The criticisms above are a great platform for the true left to make a stand and fire off unassailable responses to those weak-kneed certainties and objections that have formed and been broadcast, or are unspoken and littering people’s brains; waste but blocking the way to better, more practical ideas for fast, necessary change to remedy some of our ills and ameliorate the rest.

  17. In the last month, I have noticed a far more organised push by trolls especially on centre left or centre right websites that allow comments. I have also noticed on Newshub that the comments which are usually dominated by right wing KiwiBlog types has become incredibly intolerant and polarised particularly on the left.

    These days a post that starts “we cant assume this came from the right or the left or even is in fact a thing, maybe just more reported on” will get you crucified.

    You always get people who don’t read a post properly or just aren’t bright enough to get it but lately it seems that moderate voices are being targeted and silenced by the identarians in particular. There is no tolerance for any view that isn’t implicitly in support of their views. A worrying trend.

  18. I share Martyn’s dilemma.
    I have voted Labor/Labour and the Greens in two countries for more than 40 years. For the first time I am struggling to see me voting for anyone.

    • seems like you jack are struggling to shed crocodile tears to us of the left jack as well as basik punctuation and granmar

      I have voted Labor/Labour and the Greens in two countries for more than 40 years. For the first time I am struggling to see me voting for anyone.

      Short answers:
      … you may not live till 2023
      ….if you vote National, Act or Destiny and the I I I I I Umbrellas, anyway then go back there, you nactie.
      ….labor is a usa/aus concept and is bullshit for nz jack … you are either an aussie or a trump republican or are you just pissed/stoned \
      …another right-whinger hiding behind a fake pseudonym

      Labour/Greens in NZ is better than ok!, Well done Jack past labor votes is good, but better is future Labour vote!

      think again jack just because you have looked at a voting booth from afar, doesn’t make you a grown-up! so many dirty politics shill commenters here, crawl out from under their slimy, syrupy rocks like slaters, to denigrate labor Labour

      people give me shit because I dont use apostrophes or capitals for my pseudonym, but im giving you shit, because you dont even know how to put a capital letter for your own name, jack ffs!

      the new literacy standards by the wellington apparatchiks won’t even allow you to vote in the future elections…you wont even be allowed to breed by the nicola willis brigade if you cant use the right pronoun, or the right punctuation he she they or he/him.

      jack … dont vote… fuck off to a country that spells Labour as labor … no big loss to our country or yours

      …but, then again, you are probably a dirty politics nact shill, and you were never going to vote for labour anyway, unless they change their name to labor! even spelling them as labor, you’d never vote for a left-wing-leaning party!

      so then once again fuck off and doubly fuck right (sic.) off jack! im i right or m i right?

      • imright Anger rots the brain if allowed free rein for too long. Try crying into your pillow for 10 minutes and then a cup of tea and then figuring out something positive to do because it all seems so damn hopeless and negatives hit you over the head every second minute. And no-one should look down on crying as a release. It is something that someone who is still trying to hold onto a good humanity can do, though better done in private and for not too long otherwise you end up in a soggy mess.

    • Be a deplorable and don’t vote jack!
      Its your prerogative.
      But, don’t come here to this site and bitch and moan here afterwards that the wrong party, or coalition got to power through your apathy!

  19. I can’t understand why all the tory Natz don’t just keep voting for Jacinda. She is their ticket to riches afterall.

  20. I think your critiquer here was ignorant, so not worth going to town on. Though it is a platform to report your achievements.

    My great achievement is getting Napier Public Library to buy Boswell’s biography of Dr Johnson as the first modern biography. I’m sure they chucked it when the pricks moved into a tiny side place of the HB museum recently. Angry, despite not reading books much anymore myself.

  21. Green is another way of saying non-radical. As a fellow Green voter. Would much prefer the Alliance.

    The Greens have just blasted James for that. After all, this is the last twenty years to do a fuck for our silly-arse species. And Labour, concentrated on focus groups as ever. Or, silly-arseness made an ideology.

    All of us are more about present comfort than reality. So lets not pretend there is a future. Nature isn’t as careless as us, especially, our comfortable generation’s carelessness.

  22. You ‘run the largest Left Wing blog’, bloody certainly. Which is a ‘bloody’ statement about The Standard’.

    Putting up with Rogernomes on the ‘Left’, in our fkn country of Ballance and Savage. So disproved and these ‘curmudgeons’ still run the official ‘Left’. Angry as hell.

    Their non-reality about reality and lack of care for the neediest. Near fkn 40 years on, most of which years grated my ribs.

  23. Or what National did to innocent Uffindell jim?
    National have a mock trial for 5-6 weeks.
    They tell Sam he’s ‘a naughty, naughty boy’ …. and tell him not to get caught bullying again!
    Chris Luxon. Mike-Drop. Uffindell. Sorted!

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