YES CLOWNS – Luxon will privatise welfare!
If we’ve all finished feeling superior to Uffindell and destroying him for something he did when he was 16, could we possibly get back to this extreme privatisation of welfare?
TDB has been warning since Luxon became leader that he was planning to privatise welfare.
He was already singing Bill English’s Social Investment model which spawned Oranga Tamariki when he became leader, he then went to a UK Right Wing Think Tank who specialise in privatising social services to gave a speech and now right when NZ has one of the lowest unemployment rates ever, Luxon targets the weakest group to bully and just puts the boot in.
He is selling the crack of the whip by constantly repeating the use of sanctions to cut welfare.
He’s whining up resentment of young people on welfare despite not being aware the numbers he’s attacking include ill, sick and disabled youth.
He’s threatening welfare sanctions on the disabled, the ill and the sick.
That’s the kind of needless spite masquerading as tough love that get National Party supporters sexually aroused.
They love this shit. The more punitive, the better.
It doesn’t matter if it’s counter productive, in fact the MORE counter productive, the more excited National Party voters get.
Remember the State House Meth scam?
National used false science to breach Housing NZs own regulations to throw State Tenants out on the street. In the middle of a housing crisis, National created a homelessness crisis by throwing hundreds of State Tenants onto the streets for false Meth harm contamination readings.
No one got sacked, no one was punished, fuck it, Paula Bennett who was the Minister responsible gets to play charades on fucking TVNZ now!
For National supporters, when it comes to social policy, all that matters is that someone they hate suffers, regardless of the cost and regardless of the counter productivity of it all.
We-make-people-we-hate-suffer-no-matter-the-cost is actually right wing dogma.
Here’s how it works.
National will take $50million from MSD, give it to 3rd party contractors who will get a bonus by removing people off the list.
The 2 ways those young people get off the list is if they get a job OR they are sanctioned off the list.
You can all see the game being played here.
Taxpayer money to 3rd party contractors who get paid when they find them a job or they are cut off welfare.
National want to drive sick people back to work, that’s how this country will lead into the future???
This sort of bullshit shouldn’t be allowed to fly when there is so much academic research that this draconian welfare approach doesn’t work!
Pretending that bashing young people on welfare is the solution to rebuilding from covid or is a way to combat poverty or inequality or the housing crisis is just such inane bullshit!
Using the excitement of the crack of the whip to smuggle through a vast privatisation of welfare agenda is going to spook the centre all the way back to Jacinda.
National trying to out ACT ACT on welfare privatisation is just too extreme for the electorate.
National will seize upon the outrage against Uffindell and force Sam to resign so that they can virtue signal their own right wing values of zero crime tolerance.
National are attempting to pass a far right welfare privatisation agenda while screaming tough on crime rhetoric, they can’t crack down on disabled young people on welfare and da gangs and da ram raiders if they are allowing basher toffs off lightly.
National will side with the woke Lynch mob and pretend it’s theirs!
Uffindell is toast, he’ll stand down, National will use this as a chance to virtue signal to tell NZ they are being hard on their own so they can be harder on our young people.
The woke feel morally superior, National get to virtue signal their own hard line and then use that to justify the even harder solutions they are pushing.
No one wins out of this cluster fuck of virtue signalling, not Uffindell’s victims, not our collective debate, not the young people about to be thrown off welfare.
Folks – you can read it here first or wait 6 months for the mainstream media to catch up!
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What will Labour do to win the 2023 election? At this stage their will be a National led Government unless Labour starts addressing REAL problems, with REAL solutions – its’ not that hard
– Remove GST from Food
– Legalise Cannabis, then tax it — using the revenue to reduce homelessness, child poverty
– Capital Gains Tax if you own more than 3 homes at the same time, or Share Portfolio over $500,000
Labour won’t introduce CGT.
National and ACT should ditch the tax cuts for the rich and tax the middle instead?
It would be the fair thing to do Natana!
I think the phrase Jacinda used regarding the CGT was “There is no political will to change the law”
The fly in the ointment was Winston.
So all they will do is carry on with labour’s current policy. Because that is what is happening now and has always happened.
It’s called ‘shuffling the numbers’ to make the Stats look good.
This tactic was developed back in the late 1980s and 1990s when the Labour Party and the lange and Douglas cabal neoliberalised NZ.
It hasn’t stopped. And it’s all about to turn to shit. Again.
Oh! And NZ’s entire economy relies on 37%-40% of the government subsidies. Infrastructure? Health? Education? And every other ministry and parasite. So when that stops I guess we’ll have full employment or is that full unemployment?
Kicking people on welfare should never be a vote loser for National, because if you vote for National, it is highly likely that you will never qualify for a benefit, even if you lose your job.
When I got made redundant, I checked out what was involved in getting an unemployment benefit and after wading through the 18+ pages of the application form (which is probably a barrier to many who are poorly litterate), it became clear that I had way too much money to be eligible for anything (I had a $19000 redundancy payment plus savings & investments).
To get a benefit you have to on the bones of your arse and if you are in that position, there should be no way you’d consider voting for National.
Whereas if you are likely to vote National, benefits are for others, nobodies, losers, not you or anyone you know. Benefits are a necessary temporary safety net for the vulnerable in society, not a lifestyle choice, and people on benefits just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and sometimes a good boot up the arse is just the motivation they need, hence kicking the downtrodden is generally a vote winner for National and only enhances the level of superiority their voters feel. So expect more of this type of thing.
It won’t harm National’s voter base to claim that beneficiaries are lazy and recipients of hardworking taxpayers money, and that it also reflects on Labour’s tolerance of underachievement and it’s wasteful attitude when it comes to spending. But it also comes back to how the younger unemployed can be framed.
At a time of staff shortages and low unemployment, the domestic options are reduced and employers are left sorting through the dregs. If people can be recast from being unemployed to being unemployable, then where can employers they find the workers they want? Look for the answers in National’s future immigration announcements.
Too true.
It’s very messy out there and Labour are making welfare beneficiaries an easy yet unjustified target. And many of these issues goes back to the mother of all social problems, HOUSING!
Crime continues its violent front page trend upwards and crime is always linked to the worst of the worst of do nothing losers, aka the stereotypical lazy scheming benny.
The liberal left wring their hands over young criminals not being to blame and that they need that unicorn, wrap around services and anything but consequences. Intimidation and general public decay grouped tightly in areas like Auckland and Rotorua, etc continue to the point where viability of communities as we know them are at risk. The recent council report on Rotorua makes sobering reading. While very localised, Aucklands Queen St is an ugly example.
All this will add up to ordinary people and business owners who go, what the actual fuck is happening, look on as police ineffectually social work and Labours seemingly self made dysfunction ghettos worsen, and send their votes to the Lux who looks like he hears them. Because law and order will be back, backing up this welfare attack and Chippy tweaking the odd law as a diversion won’t wash.
The trend set by Labour, (who have timidly fiddled while Rome burned), that we are seeing in society in the broader area of social decay is going to be very very fertile ground for National.
Hate to think what else is in the privatisation firing line but the sorry mess that is the public health system is looking ripe for the picking!
Yeah, Rotorua got right fucked by Labour and the Labur Diversity Pick Penis Haver Tamati Coffey. Good riddance to the lot hopefully soon.
Racist, homophobic, neo-nazi slurs @Bratwurst?
Right out of Dirty Politics’ and Cameron Slater’s playbook.
Go peddle this filth on BFD, you’ll get a standing (slightly limp) ovation.
The right on National’s attack site won’t need need viagra for a month, with the race and homophobic baiting in your comment.
Go back to Germany and peddle that filth there.
Just pointing out that many of Ls pick are cynically chosen by Labour on ethnicity – anything but white (other then the old guard), a pick on ‘gender’ (sex is so colonialist and white) – anything that identifies as women or Alphabet People , maybe a pick on class – a token person with a real workers back ground (or a ‘union dude’/ette’).
See that is the thing when you hire people not for what they have done, or for what they have achieved but because you feel you must woke tick some boxes. You hire people who are at best overwhelmed, at worst are useless at their jobs, and in the case of Tamati Coffey (and his female side kick Claire Mahoon) is the only candidate to lose the election in a year the party wins a full majority (lol lol lol). That token woman who to be fair was white – whilst female, but who has not been seen in town in years now – she left the day she was told she lost. And they lost because there was no one reason to vote for either one of them.
But then maybe if you don’t actually invest in true local talent you will always end up importing some ‘quota people/persons/identities’ to make up for the fact that your party ran out of talent, skill, knowledge a long time ago, and sadly it can’t be hidden away anymore.
Tamati Coffey is just one of the many quota picks of Labour that did not work out. And that is Labours fault, as they were the ones elevating him to a place he had no business being in the first place. But i am sure he did as he was told to do every single time. In the meantime Rotorua – his electorate, is slowly but surely falling apart. Thanks Labour, the election can’t come soon enough.
Glib, shallow@Reactionary racist, homophobic, neo-nazi slurs Bratwurst?
No matter how much blue glitter you roll this turd in, its still racism
Waiting for your smartarse comeback @Reactionary racist, homophobic, neo-nazi slurs Bratwurst? New pseudonym if you want it, no royalties necessary!
Cat got your tongue? Were your political masters too busy with the other National Party bully inquiry? Too busy with the BFD site accolades you are getting?
Gee that is sinking pretty low
He/they/them (Bratworst) was “pretty low” @Covid, I agree with you.
Dirty Politics HQ at National Party should be muzzling wiener Bratwurst for his racist, homophobic slurs. In the same way they turfed Eggstien out of National Party for his misogyny. And the same way they ousted Aaron Gilmore for his born-to-rule “Don’t-you-know-who-I-am” hissy-fit.
National need to keep their attack dogs like Bratwurst on a leash, or take him to the vet and put his head in a gumboot.
Good call Covid!
I must have overlooked something. Where is the evidence that Luxation will PRIVATIZE welfare?
The Nation today where he said MSD was not performing.
Yes Pope but no doubt someone will tell us even if they don’t know. ( Making things up to score political points it seems is ok.)
Say’s Bob whilst looking in the mirror.
Pope when he said he would get other agencies in if MSD weren’t doing their job fast enough. How dare he threaten the most vulnerable in our society whose disabilities are not always obvious. How dare he call himself a Christian when he threatens the vulnerable who can’t stick up for themselves. These youngsters know that having a job is good however they also know that often they will need a very understanding employer who will help them not report them to a private MSD. investigator who have the ability to cut them off at the knees if they can’t comply with the plan .Will these coaches have ANY idea about the many disabilities there are and how to quote “ make a plan “ maybe the plan will help the blind to see, the youngsters in wheelchairs to walk the chronic sick to heal.
Maybe he thinks he is Jesus Quenny and he can heal them so they wont need MSD.
luxton not yesterdays man but last centuries man…..
if an original thought crossed his mind his brain would explode.
You may be correct gagarin however some of the ideals and ideas of last centuries politicians would be well practiced today.
such as bob? capital punishment?
tell us bob, where should folks in towns like Tokoroa where the main source of income which came from a timber mill that has closed down should do for work?
how many people do you think that live in rural NZ are going to be affected by this?
do you even have an idea of the number of unemployed in urban areas, vs rural is?
Not disputing any of that standalonecomplex merely saying there were good ideas and ideals put forward by politicians last century.
Many of them from the left.
‘yesterdays men’ is a very specific reference and doesn’t refer to all past politicians just the ones who’s policies are tried and redundant, popularised in the UK by if not actually originated by auntie beeb
Winz have been using private contractors for personalized job search/mentoring for years. The success or not of those contractors should be used to inform the likeliness of this approach working (or not) I know of one who contracted for 100 clients and got 2 people jobs in a 12 month period. Anther problem is where are all these qualified job coaches coming from. You can bet ya bottom dollar that the coaches will be unqualified and given their jobs based on their perceived personal successes but without the first clue on how to address the real world problems of their clients.
Maybe WINZ could refer the long term unemployed to work in Parliament, they couldn’t do any worse than the clown politicians we currently have flapping about in the Beehive.
Get rid of them all, except ACT and National, who have policies in place to sort out welfare, the economy and law and order.
Ethan Woke – Love it!
Great idea Ethan they would fit snuggly in the Labour ranks given most of them have never had a real job.
then why aren’t you running? plenty of empty rhetoric and vacant thinking, you should be a shoe in.
don’t let the fact that you are a bit stupid stop you…
a bit?
Was this policy targeting youth on welfare something that, thick as a wad of cash, chainsaw Chris Luxon thought up, while sunning himself on a beach in Hawaii, and contemplating the massive $18,000 tax windfall that he’ll give himself, by reducing the top tax level paid by NZ elite’s? So that those even richer than chainsaw Luxon will expect even larger windfalls? I wonder what the largest windfalls will be from chainsaw Luxon’s, Elite Lotto? It may explain the huge donations that National is currently receiving from the NZ rich lister’s, including a whopping donation from NZ’s richest man, though the word “donation” could be replaced by the phrase “strategic investment in expectation of future returns”. The elite’s know, which side their bread is buttered on.
Was the idea of sanctions cutting off the income of youth, getting the most meager income of anyone in society, something chainsaw Luxon thought up, while counting up all the rent he receives from the 7 houses he owns? And will he subject MP’s who misbehave to the same level of sanctions, which I understand to be 50% reduction on income for a first breach, and then 100% reduction for a second breach? Because this would sure bring MP’s into line quicksmart. Was cutting off the ability of youth living in the most tenuous circumstances, to be able to pay rent, in the middle of winter, something chainsaw Luxon thought up while warming himself in front of the fireplace of one of his mansions? Has chainsaw Luxon ever set foot inside a homeless shelter? Does he even know where the Auckland City Mission is?
This is when desperate youth with no means of support, even from the welfare state, will start appearing in the criminal justice system in greater numbers, and the gaols will once again become the overcrowded University’s for Crime, with double bunking packing them in like sardines. And when these youth offenders are well on the road to becoming hardened criminals, will chainsaw Luxon’s answer be, “hey, surprise surprise, we need to start building more mega gaols”. For chainsaw Luxon will be quick to sign off on each new billion dollar gaol, and get some firm like Serco to run it, but will be far slower to approve any social housing, since National actually got rid off 20,000 social houses, last time they were in. Unless they now count gaol cells as social houses?
Chainsaw Luxon will be happy to splash the cash for new gaols, and the $100K it costs to care for each extra prisoner per year, which will come to billions. Yet chainsaw Luxon is giving a huge tax windfall to the elite’s, which will reduce govt expenditure by an estimated $7 billion per year. This doesn’t add up. What are the govt services chainsaw Luxon is getting ready to chainsaw? Will it be Health and Education, because those 2 areas are only just recovering from being run down, by National last time. Or will chainsaw Luxon, make up the $7 billion, by increasing gst, and acc levies, and medicine charges, and stop contributions to the superfund, like National did the last time. A leopard can’t change its spots.
Why not simply provide the funding to youth who are longterm beneficiaries, to get them a free drivers license, which would go a long way towards helping them into work, Mr chainsaw Luxon, why don’t you think of the obvious, or is the obvious not a vote winner. Is this the NZ that chainsaw Luxon aspires to, a gotcha society, where the welfare safety net, is now the penal system? National’s policies of giving more money to the elite’s, while cutting off money to the most defenseless disadvantaged denigrated in society, is to put it simply, a turd. And you can’t polish a turd, but that’s not going to stop chainsaw Luxon from trying. He’s far from being a good Samaritan, with his real deity being the almighty dollar, and it wouldn’t surprise me should Labour come up with a policy that gave chainsaw a $30K tax windfall instead of just $18K, that he’d follow the money and vote Labour!
Julie that’s a very long comment to say you are bitter and prejudiced in the extreme.
By using someone’s name to say things doesn’t mean they said them it’s a cheap shot.
Why are you so bitter?
Bob every word in Julie’s comment is true.
Sorry Queeny but I cannot agree with you.
Why are you so blind to the truth Bob
So Luxon gives up a job paying $4 million a year so he can perhaps one day be PM and in a position to give himself a tax break of $18000 extra .Does that not seem strange even to someone with such an envy of someone’s success as you.
Trevor so Luxon picks on the most vulnerable bottom feeders sitting on his wealth
Whats your point Trevor?
Absolutely nailed it Julie. Luxflakes outlines a plan for a slave driven economy. Employment? – Prison guard (must love pepper), caterer (must be able to make porridge), data collector (must be able to see screen), employment coach? wtf?
Yes gh he Luxon will privatise everything like in the UK and the USA but something has to be cut to pay for this like his mate John did when we had zero budgets. Zero budgets equals run down health systems and public school and is doing more with less. Hence why we are in the predicament we are in today.
Yes Julie and when he (Luxon) was asked on the Nation, why he was giving tax cuts to 180k earners, he mentioned progressive taxes and people need to spend their own money not Roberston spend it for them. He will need to do better than that to justify his policy. So now Luxon has thrown 2 big pieces of meat at his base, kicking young beneficiaries IN THE GUTS and tax cuts for high income earners.
Sir Lancelot of Uffindel by the bard
what’s the average time on the dole? most people transition through don’t they? just go on the sickness, get a job for a while. get back on it when seasonal work stops? it’s not hard to get around this sort of crap if you’re hardcore about it.
Billid you obviously haven’t needed to be on a benefit
the 90’s for six weeks – the 80’s for a cpl of months – spun a bullshit story about having to move for family – straight on without a stand down
so billid we should ignore any thing you say, you being a self confessed dole bludger and blight on good honest kiwi tax payers…yes?
‘when seasonal work stops’ so you personally are going to provide ‘off season’ work for the indentured peons our agricultural sector employs are you? well are you?
“That’s the kind of needless spite masquerading as tough love that get National Party supporters sexually aroused”
It seems crude but it’s entirely accurate. More than once I have had the misfortune to overhear the conversations of Real Estate Agents at lunch in a Parnell Cafe and they love nothing more than parroting Luxon’s bullshit lines about welfare bludgers.
The leeches are bitching that their victims had the temerity to drop dead.
And while all this is going on; Labours “Flip Flop” on tax rules with rental, properties has gone past without scrutiny.
1. It’s a clear admission their kiwi build; and the ability of the state to provide housing, is a monumental failure.
2. At least they’ve come to their senses and enlisted support from from the private sector.
3. But they’ve once again fluffed big business. They’re the only ones who benefit. Some ask the govt if they received or expect to receive any party donations from any of these developers expected to benefit?
4. Why is it ok for a billion dollar developer to claim expenses, yet not a mum & dad investor? One running a rental to fund their retirement, one purely for profit?
they’ll contract out the dirty stuff, preferably to foreign firms and incentivise ‘performance’ by giving the contractor more money the more beneficiaries they deny support to…don’t take my word look at uk and stralia.
how much of the so-called benefits budget is actually supporting WORKING kiwis who earn a pittance as opposed to the unemployed and disabled? now that would be an interesting figure.
Tax cuts for those who earn 180k is the same as what Key did and then we had how many zero budgets and how did these zero budgets effect health and education and who did the lack of investment in these areas effect the most. Same old shit from National nothing new not good for our country.
Maybe he thinks he is Jesus Quenny and he can heal them so they wont need MSD.
What a country to grow up in, we have right wing govts who do anything to lower what the average kiwi can earn while enriching the wealthy. We get a cycle of right to left to right every 9 years, but every time the left come along they go all limp wristed and we get paltry returns, its almost as if they’re actually businesses orientated but need the working class vote so dawdle along with limp policy till its the right wing chance again.
NZ is screwed now, its no wonder so many people leave, this country is a rich persons country and the rest of us are to be walked over.
As a disabled person I have seen huge levels of discrimination, nobody wants to give you a job, you are a liability no matter what skills or qualifications you have.
Luxon forced to admit that even us disabled people face sanctions is just unreal, nothing is being done about the culture in NZ of discrimination against the disabled and less than 10% of buildings in NZ are even wheelchair accessable but these pricks want to sanction us if we dont find work?
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