Help get this Israeli propaganda film out of the 2022 Doc Edge Film Festival!


“Dead Sea Guardians” – Film as propaganda

Israel has an international programme of propaganda to gain “legitimacy” and “normalise” its brutal oppression of Palestinians. Doc Edge has become part of this propaganda drive.

“Dead-Sea Guardians” – the one Israeli film the Israeli Embassy in New Zealand is sponsoring in the Doc Edge festival – claims to centre on a swim across the Dead Sea “from Jordan to Israel” but in fact is a swim “from Jordan to the Occupied Palestinian Territories”. (Kalia Beach, where the swim ends, is in the Occupied West Bank – part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories)

The Occupied Palestinian Territories were to be part of a Palestinian state but Israel has prevented this by building hundreds of illegal Jewish-only settlements across the area and brought in 600,000 Israeli settlers. Now they claim it is part of Israel.

The Aotearoa New Zealand government, and the entire international community, do not support Israeli claims to the Occupied West Bank but Doc Edge, who say they selected the film for the festival, is happy to promote the crude propaganda lie that this is part of Israel.

- Sponsor Promotion -


This film wants to literally “wipe Palestine from the map” 

Can you imagine the outcry if a festival film wanted to “wipe Israel off the map”?

More background to the issue is here. And the call to boycott the festival from PSNA is here and from Palestinians in Aotearoa Co-ordinating Committee here  is here

Take action now to have this film removed from the festival!

Please write to the festival board and organisers to have this film withdrawn:

Addresses are:

Dan Shanan
Alex Lee
Rachel Penman
Helen Clark
Deborah Hart
Glenn Johnstone
Cameron McGregor

Palestinian human rights groups and PSNA have called for a boycott of the film festival by film producers and the public until official Israeli government financial support is withdrawn which will occur if the propaganda film they are promoting “Dead Sea Guardians” is withdrawn from the festival.


  1. I’m not a fan of Israel

    but nor am I am fan of cancelling and censorship.

    Let the plebs make their own minds up John

    • Decent human beings don’t invade other people’s ancestral homelands and rape, murder, and torture them for fun.

      Decent human beings don’t give quarter to zionists, who do commit such crimes.

        • Yep…would love to see how those who preach about Israeli aggression would feel if they lived in Auckland and had hundreds of rockets launched at them every day from Kauwau, Waiheke, and Rangitoto.

    • XstraightXedgeX: It appears from the tone and content of your comment, that you have indulged in the sort of cancelling and censorship behaviour that you claim to not be a fan of.
      John has provided information and contact details so that those who find pay for play propaganda offensive can make up their own minds and act as they see fit.

  2. “The Occupied Palestinian Territories were to be part of a Palestinian state but Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and expeditionary forces from Iraq prevented this by invading on May 15 1947”

    FTFY John…

  3. The film is playing regularly during the Festival to good audiences. It was nominated for best documentary at the Haifa Film Festival in 2021. So much for BDS! Like a dog chasing its tail. Meanwhile, Liberia is about to open an embassy in Israel and Saudi Arabia is making noises of accord. What Palestinians?

    • What Palestinians?

      May be the ones having this shit in their face everday.

      This bit of factual reality should be shown before each screening of the Propaganda Film the Israeli Embassy paid to have included in the festival.

  4. Now Israel is being touted to provide badly needed gas to Europe after Russia turned off the spigot. Wow! Watch their cachet soar. They’ve also had a significant oil find. Watch BDS nosedive!

  5. The film’s promo talks of three nations, Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.
    I think joint artistic projects can be very enlightening and boycotts of this type of work are often censoring dissenting voices.
    It’s also incredible they swam across the sea with their heads in the water. That’s extremely daring and dangerous.

  6. When you begin with idealism… You’re now a blackwater of muck, a representation of corruption in this tired old post WW ll world.

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