As if you thought Oranga Tamariki’s Critical Race Theory Dogma wasn’t bad enough with recent revelations the Law Commission censored a letter criticising OTs abuse of Judicial procedure, we now find out that the family the reverse uplift was sent to had a sex offender present???
State sent uplift kids to where ‘sex harm’ man lives
Exclusive: Inquiries are underway after young children at the centre of a pivotal ‘reverse uplift’ case by Oranga Tamariki ended up being sent to live at a property where a man with sexual behaviour issues was living.
For those trying to keep track of this insidious madness, let me digress.
There are effectively 3 cases to OT’s CRT madness.
The first case was the dreadful exclusive on Newsroom by the brilliant Melanie Reid that exposed the horror of at birth uplifts by Oranga Tamariki using nothing more than an algorithm that states anyone who has had one child uplifted automatically has any new child immediately uplifted as well. The cruelty and lies Oranga Tamariki staff used while Melanie films their malice shocked the nation and Māori Labour Caucus demanded answers.
Oranga Tamariki was freaked out by Labour’s fury because OT had been created as a neoliberal welfare experiment by Bill English to use big data to automate processes to intervene early in . life the data warned would cost the State more money downstream in Court and Jail costs.
Oranga Tamariki was always about the welfare of the state, not the welfare of the child.
After such a backlash to their usual racist profiling for uplifts, Oranga Tamariki spinelessly attempted to curry favour with the new Government by starting controversial ‘reverse uplifts’ of Māori children who had been placed with white step families because fuck cracker and the heteronormative colonial patriarchy.
I’m only half joking with that last line, but it is true that woke CRT was the driving core philosophy of these new woke social workers.
The argument was that white people could not look after brown children, so all Māori children who had been placed with white step families were rounded up and reverse uplifts attempted to show the new Government that OT was now slavishly concerned with the identity politics of their actions.
This became the two other cases, ‘Moana’ and the ‘Māori siblings’.
In the case of ‘Moana’, Family Court Judge Peter Callinicos destroyed OT’s case by cross examining one of their woke social workers and devastatingly picked apart lie after lie after lie spun by OT to justify taking a recently placed Māori child – Moana – with a white step family.
Family Court Judge Peter Callinicos cross examination was so brutal in revealing the insidious racism of OT and their deceitful tactics that OT had other Judges intervene and attempt to sway Callinicos and complain about him.
Most recently the Law Society censored a letter condemning this woke abuse of power…
…how former Law Society president Tiana Epati came to the conclusion that a damning report written by Sir Geoffrey Palmer, several QCs and various law professors didn’t add anything to a debate where Oranga Tamariki were intervening in a Judge because his questioning of an OT staff member was devastating for a test case they were building is a tad beyond me.
In the third case, Oranga Tamariki have gagged Newsroom and other media covering the case of 4 Māori children who were placed with a white step-family for 4 years and told it was a ‘forever home’. The white step parents sold their home and bought a bigger house so the kids could have their own rooms only to have the exact same woke critical race theory ban them from having the 4 children despite being told they were.
Wee now find out that the Whānau they were being moved to had a sex pest living there and this was hidden to get the uplift through.
If dogma is trumping the actual welfare of children, we have entered a quasi religious belief system as social policy stage and the Identity Politics Left have to be taken harshly to task for such egregious conclusions!
I have called for a very long time for Māori providers to take over Oranga Tamariki because I believe Tikanga values are far more healing and beneficial to all vulnerable children than the hollow costed values of our neoliberal welfare system that sees clients of their services as opposed to children in need.
However, what is happening here in Oranga Tamariki IS NOT tikanga, it is woke critical race theory the dogma of which declares no white family can give a brown child a good life.
The material well being of these Māori children, the ones snatched at birth and the ones who are take and told they will stay with a new step family forever but are then uplifted again are all being done for an ideology that either sees them as only a cost or only as a skin colour.
We are re-traumatising children for dogma.
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I am really glad that the Daily Blog is covering this scandal because it needs to be publicised how out of control OT is, and also some social worker are.
My understanding is that the Social Worker registration Board is a dysfunctional mess and can’t reform training or bring in professional standards. I’d be happy to be wrong about that.
BUT I must point out that the uplifts shortly after birth (child snatching) happens where the mother has shown that her previous children suffer as infants. Child Protection authorities make a judgement that the next child will be damaged and failing to thrive by the time OT gets to knows that is happening to it and can make a case to the Family Court for a removal.
The same reasoning goes into a pregnant mother who has a severe substance dependence or other obvious reason that the infant won’t get what it needs before someone intervenes.
You can argue that these uplifts are harsh and don’t give the mother a chance to prove herself adequate but on the other hand, the infant is knowingly being sent to a home without an adequate or safe enough parent.
Unbelievable they uplift a child from a pakeha family that apparently loved and cared for them to take them to a sex offenders house and then hid it.
If we want to look at Maori failing this is why – unqualified, stupid workers throughout the system (all races, it is not about race, but competence which is the failing of poor culture of management in government departments hiring liars, naive workers, not enough cognitive power to work out the placements and bullies) run by rabid neoliberals liars trying anything to stay in power that take all the funding and this is the ‘help’ that is given.
Which shows another failing, nobody normal now wants to take OT children and they are left with sex offenders, abusers and crims that will take the OT money for the kids.
Look at a number of child deaths now from woman that they place the kids with in strange circumstances.
More money for lawyers and the social causes/bonds taking up massive amounts of budget that somehow never gets to help the kids as normal, professional, people are avoided or scared off as care givers to abused children .
Savenz If you view the news clip of the brutish Moana debacle, only one of the three or so social workers involved appeared at all professional looking, a concerned looking older lady. Another looked as if she hadn’t even done her hair that day, it’s still flattened up at the back. The imbalance of power in the very sensitive situation with a young mother holding onto her new-born baby was too heavy.
good points there savenz
Excellent, Martyn – I posted a comment on this a couple of days ago. Good for you making it a main topic. The only MSM I have seen carry this story was Newsroom – nobody else has. Meanwhile MSM (including TV1) are doubling down on the funding of the Chloe documentary, which was also uplifted by them from some obscure source – Taxpayers Union, I think.
Thomas. I note that you note funding for the media advertising MP Chloe Swarbrick. Funding also quite likely plays a part in some of the partisan decisions made by OT employees.
Carers fostering children receive financial support via government funding. If somebody connected to a child can get custody of them, they can derive an income from doing so. Three children, for instance would provide a reasonable sort of sum. An ex-colleague fostered kids as a form of income after her husband died, and was probably good at it. But it’s not hard to see why extended whanau or some of OT’s unusual social workers mightn’t want Pakeha getting money which could be going to Maori – regardless of how demanding and costly raising children can be.
Hi, Applewood – the point I was trying to make was that nowhere else on the MSM was this terrible situation being reported. Yet a piece on Chloe gets far more attention from the MSM. But you are right – being paid or funded to look after OT children probably does have a bearing.
Hi Thomas I often don’t know what the MSM reports on as I no longer take the daily newspapers or watch television, and think that it’s largely older people who do the latter. I like to think though, that older folk from better times, and with less consumerist values, would be shocked about OT’s attitude towards the children they’re meant to care for, if they knew about it; Chloe would be of interest if she’s split the atom or won an Olympic medal or something. A documentary about a still-serving youngish politician seems a bit unusual, so it must have some sort of social significance if her doings are deemed more important than a government department seemingly failing children and adding to their shadows.Chloe used to have novelty value as a young person entering the political arena, and I gather that she’s another good public speaker, but so is the PM, but that’s not panned out into anything particularly transformational.
Ditto other comments, thank you for keeping the spotlight on this.
Most people don’t seem to be able to distinguish the Woke cuckoo (modern applied Critical Theory) in the progressive nest because it makes all the right noises superficially. Highlighting the inevitable damage it does, in particular to the vulnerable it claims to support, will make it easier to stop the momentum of this elitist top-down revolution and separate it from genuinely progressive politics.
Aah but its worse than you realise Martyn. The recent video that Newsroom produced on the ‘Forever Home’ children, confirmed the following.
The family took the 4 kids, Mum gave up a promising new career to care for them. Everything going fairly well and kids all visiting birth Mum at regular intervals. After 18 months, birth mum has another child which is uplifted at birth. OT social workers say, we hate to ask but can you take the baby as well. Caregivers think long and hard about it but then conceded that they should take it on themselves to keep the kids together. 5 kids means new car, added expense etc. A year later they are all removed.
They are removed to somewhere geographically removed from most of the local family (one assumes including the Mum). The children are supposed to keep telephone contact with white caregivers this is cut off after a while and the caregivers cant interact with the children at all. The caregivers give Christmas presents so the children dont feel forgotten about but these are not given to them.
Meanwhile a Maori academic (cant remember her name) Prof? of Social Work etc at Otago Uni is interviewed. She says its terrible and was driven by ideology before the needs of the children. Mark Solomon also agrees. But the kicker, she says she is involved with the NZ Social Workers body (or something of that ilk)and that from what she had heard, these reverse uplifts had occurred in a number of other cases. When asked how many, she uses a word – cant remember exactly but something like ‘significant’ numbers.
The family case has been under review since Jan 2021? so given that all contact with the former family has been cut off, I am under the impression, OT is stalling so that the distance between the uplift and when the report comes out is so great that they can say, its not in the interest of the children to return them as too much time has passed. OT just ran past their second deadline at the beginning of May.
Critical theory more important than children’s welfare. At least, Bill English got that right!
You raise a really important point about the length of time that official and Court processes take, Fantail.
While a year long review is not long for the officials and the lawyers involved, it is a very large part percentagewise of the lives of the kids. Those kids are forming attitudes toward themselves and others that are not as good as they can be, all the while officials mull over the files and wonder for example, if another interview should be held either after the next long weekend or should the interviewing wait until the Police report was promised?
Ada Oh yes. That one year wait is a lifetime in the life of a small child, and in that one year anxieties, insecurities, and tensions can kick in that may, and frequently do, impact on the kiddie for a very long time to come. The emotional well being of the child is paramount here, and for that reason alone, the delays in addressing these issues by cold incompetent bureaucrats in indefensible.
The defeatist and disgustingly patronising “ colonialist “ attitude towards our at-risk children was well and truly exemplified by the original decision to try to name OT the Department for Vulnerable Children, officially categorising and stigmatising beautiful little children with ghastly negativity. That name, thank God, got shot down, but there’s a bunch of indolent arrogant males inserting themselves into decision making here who, to my way of thinking, can only be classified as child abusers themselves.
Having said that, I think that Tiana Epati, appears to be yet another small town woman who, by virtue of being non-Pakeha and non-male, may actually believe that she is better than her betters, and adding I think, to the lingering sore impacting upon at risk children, and that the Law Society has to be called out for its bad decision making.
Fantail. Also you probably know, and Orangi Tamariki either don’t know or don’t care, that young children put in a situation where their voices are not listened to, can be unknowingly conditioned into accepting that anybody can do whatever they like to them. Not good. Or OT may know, and it’s part of a control mechanism. The Law Society ganging up against them adds an almost sinister dimension here.
Why isn’t this being reported on in the msm?
Words fail me. This is disgusting
I can think of 55 million reasons…..
Anker. “ Why isn’t this being reported on in the msm” ? Partly because they cherish having chummy relationships with politicians and decision makers, it makes them feel important. Also whoever plays the piper calls the tune.
ohhh c’mon guys at least they’re in danger of being molested within the whanau now…progress
Gagarin. No. Please do not trivialise or even joke about this issue you patronising Pommie git. These bruised little children are our future and they need us to treat them with respect. That includes you.
I’m not joking the drive to at all costs place children with relatives sometimes puts them in harms way…an ideologically driven position that harms kids so a box can be ticked.
oh and by the way applewood you dried up old twat fake sentimentality never saved a child so just can it…
see we can all swear, fun ain’t it?
Good on you Martyn for bringing up this dreadful issue.
I will bet the reversal uplifting was directed from on high by the ideologically driven politician in charge: A dark parody of an episode of Yes Minister!
An OIA request might yield some interesting information as to where this bizarre reverse uplift policy originated.
Just out of interest what was the source of this info?
Newshub/ Newsroom – well worth watching the video which they also did. A good piece of journalism.
Yes, hats off to Martyn Bradbury, champion of our most precious taonga, our children. What a difference it could make having such a voice in the New Zealand Parliament, or even in Oranga Tamariki.
an interesting TDB feature you don’t see many wokesters pushing their line here, is it not a ‘safe space’ or can their ludicrously thin arguments not stand up to actual debate?
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