Arthur Taylor: Crackdown by Prison for watching my interview with Lisa Owen


Waikeria Crackdown

Am I headed for the pound again ??

Officer Anthony Prinsloo (a South African) has just officially charged me with breach of a prison rule after having found me in another inmates cell watching Lisa Owen interviewing me on “Newshub Nation” on TV3 on Saturday morning .

I’m seeing Prison Manager James Watson about some of these petty charges recently of myself and others .


Arthur Taylor is The Daily Blog’s Prisoner rights advocate blogging from inside prison.


  1. Does it matter whether he is South African of descent, or Pakeha NZer, Maori or even Chinese?

    The Corrections staff are trained by the same people, and I suppose they are expected to enforce the same rules for all.

    But Arthur may be right that this seems unreasonable, and if there was a breach, a simple clarification of the rules and warning would be all that was required.

    ‘Charging’ a person for this seems a bit ridiculous.

    Arthur Taylor may next be charged with conspiring to commit a prison riot or forming a ‘terrorist group’, I suppose, given the kind of crazy and excessively punitive system we have in NZ Inc.

    And how can people be rehabilitated when community and lobby groups instantly scream and shout, if there is any hint of some ex prisoners being in their suburbs, or near a school or park.

    People who did wrong once, also addicts who reformed, they are expected to crawl on the floor or ground and feel ashamed for the rest of their lives, and beg for forgiveness to the rest of society, that is what makes rehabilitation impossible, as there is NO dignity.

    NZ Inc is sadly a society and country full of so much hypocrisy, it stinks.

  2. petty harassment of Mr Taylor for a) effectively embarrassing Corrections and fighting for prisoners rights, and b) for daring to become a bit of a celebrity in his own right!

    re “South African”–could have been put better, and near the end of the piece than leading with it perhaps, but, the fact remains that many of the South African migrants I have come across in New Zealand, have been highly unpleasant boorish types, ensconced in middle management somewhere–DHB admin etc

    add that arrogance to a job with power over others, such as prison screw, and there is potential for instant conflict

  3. Some of the mainly white South Africans that have come here are alright but some of them have brought their baggage here and we don’t need this here we have enough of our own. And I cant stand it when they moan about us Maori having privileges before they speak they need to think about the reason for them coming here. Why did they come here in the first place and what did their people do to the native South Africans in their own country, it certainly wasn’t nice.

  4. Your in prison, not the bloody YMCA. Your a career criminal, not a bloody boy scout. Why this blog gives you oxygen is totally beyond me.

    The vast majority of Kiwis do not give a tinkers cuss about your so called grievances.

    • Learn some basic grammar you wanker, then get your head around the fact that people go to prison as a punishment – not to be punished or to be deprived of the most basic basic rights and respect. Finally, when you have do a fraction of what Taylor has done to highlight the flaws in our justice and corrections systems, or any other aspect of social improvement, your opinions might desrve a modicum of respect.

      • AOM…what is wrong with my grammar? I am hurt. Anyway, in prison, prisoners have to abide by rules. It is not a bloody YMCA, You wanker!

        • Try you’re (you are) instead of your (belonging to you). You might not give a toss about innocent people serving life imprisonment, losing their civil rights such as the right to vote because they are in prison or being assaulted and murdered while in custody but the general population probably does not hold to such notions. And you feel hurt because you were called out for being a wanker? Get real!

  5. Bizarre. So Arthur Taylor was allowed to be interviewed by ‘The Nation’s’ Lisa Owen – but he wasn’t allowed to watch it on TV in someone elses’ cell?!

    Am I missing something here?

    This is how prison riots start: pedantic guards pushing pedantic rules.

    • Well yes you are Frank. It is a prison, it has rules inmates are required to abide by.

      Why is the Prison Officers country of birth relevant, well Frank, it is not.

      Arthur Taylor is a career criminal with a list of convictions for violence and dishonesty no one should be proud of.

      So what you are missing Frank is this this, would I believe a Prison Officer doing a tough and thankless job, or some low life career criminal. That is what you are missing.

      Do I believe Taylor’s version, no I dont, for the above reasons.

      • Your mentality is the reason why rehabilitation does so often not work, even when people reform their behaviour and come out with the best of intentions. No wonder so many end up back in prison when not being given any fair chance.

      • I’m not saying there shouldn’t be rules , but the law requires prison rules to be reasonable and at Miro Unit , Waikeria they are not . Also , their enforcement of the rules is draconian . Since the interview , I accumulated more charges , all for petty events . So on Monday , I presented Judge Whata in the Hamilton High Court with enough evidence to show the Miro Unit Rules were illegal & the Visiting Justice was heavily biased against inmates , denying them natural justice etc . The Judge said I had a prima facie case and granted me an Injunction , preventing the Waikeria VJ from hearing my rule breach charges until the High Court heard my claim . But for the Injunction , I would now be on a week in the pound and 28 days loss of privileges .

  6. Sounds like a Sud African who came out here on the “Chicken Run”, evidently there are a truckload of them employed at Paremoremo ?

  7. some of the foreigner officer are better than our kiwis ones but some have brought their baggage and we don’t need their baggage. As for Garys attitude we have plenty of people like him who are extremely judgmental, nasty unforgiving, spiteful etc etc we live in a deeply divided country and some of the prisoners have to be let out eventually, far better them to be rehabilitated than for them to come out as damaged as they went in. Gary isn’t the only wanker out here and he wont be the last wanker to say what he has said, we have plenty of wankers here in our country.

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