There are plenty of reasons not to go to Falun Gong – annoying the Chinese ain’t one of them


Murray McCully criticised over Falun Gong warning

Foreign Minister Murray McCully is facing more criticism after his office sent instructions telling MPs not to attend an upcoming Falun Gong celebration to avoid upsetting the Chinese government.

The email was mistakenly sent to all Members of Parliament, instead of just National MPs.

There are plenty of good reasons not to go to a Falun Gong event. The creator of this movement is a starting point…

Li claims supernatural powers, developed through training with spiritual masters in the mountains from his youth; his book, Zhuan Falun (“Turning the Law Wheel”), posits that he can treat disease more effectively than medicine, and can telekinetically implant the falun, or law wheel, into the abdomens of his followers, where it absorbs and releases power as it spins (other beliefs attributed to Li are that he can fly, that Africa has a two billion-year-old nuclear reactor, and that aliens invaded Earth about a century ago, introducing modern technology; one type, he told Time magazine, “looks like a human, but has a nose that is made of bone”).

…there’s the weird anti-gay and inter-racial children stuff…

Li Hongzhi’s conservative moral teachings have caused some concern in the West, including his views on homosexuality. During a lecture in Australia, for instance, Li Hongzhi said, “Things such as organized crime, homosexuality, and promiscuous sex, etc., none are the standards of being human…Some journalists have also expressed concern over Falun Gong’s teachings on the children of interracial marriages

…but as offensive as those mindsets are, there’s nothing in Falun Gong’s bigotry that you can’t find in any of the major religions.

On balance all the meditation and peacefulness stuff will probably prolong your life, so if you need to bind your will to some nonsense, then Falun Gong is probably the best house on the worst street.

There’s certainly no reason whatsoever for the vicious and diabolical crack down on them by Chinese officials. Did you know China put an unknown number of them to death to harvest their body organs? How ghoulish is that? While I have zero interest in their spirituality and levitating leader, I’d support them in solidarity against the barbarism China has meted out to them since they formed in 1992.

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China might be trying this cultural pressure on with NZ over the Falun Gong  because of GCSB spying revelations and the looming TPPA deal for America. China’s patience with making friends in the South Pacific might deteriorate into deciding to take specific offence on purpose.




  1. Should politicians go to any of these cults to support(?) and gain a vote?
    Are all religions cults possibly?
    China persecutes many groups Falun Gong is only one of them and should not be singled out as China does persecute all sorts and harvest their organ I bet.(but have no proof of this)
    Do MPs not go to other functions because of Chinese (or American)interests or just Falun gong?

    Falun Gong has all the legitimacy of Scientology or Catholicism.
    But with that ol ‘ free speech thing everyone has a right to belief and say their thoughts no matter how illogical, bigoted or ignorant the chant.
    When you back up a belief with weapons in my opinion the plot is lost.

    Myself I don’t like being told you must believe this or that or you wont go to heaven or transcend the whatever. Cashing in on your spiritual development with a myriad of angles is pretty putrid too. All of them try to cash in one way or another and remain tax exempt!!!!

    Life could be the spiritual experience without limited horizons trying to frame “reality”.
    All religious groups that propagate or condition fear based reliance are like politicians/privateers who promote loyalty to war, they are vermin and should be dismissed equally in my opinion.

    My question is what is it in us* that desires to follow these fools down the road to nowhere anyway?

    *humans that is – that mindlessly wave this or that flag either politically or religiously.

  2. It just ain’t Murray’s call who the f does he think he is. People make their own call. Don’t forget we have recently been caught out spying on China for our masters.
    Better he advises Nat MPs to avoid contact with hospo staff!

  3. You can’t expect Murray McCully to stand up for things like free speech and non-interference in New Zealand’s internal affairs because he has the spine of a jellyfish.

  4. It is the early beginnings of such censorship and repression that should be of concern. And when it comes from a government department and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, we should damned well be worried about this.

    Never before was there such a blatant admission of the government trying to influence what the citizens of New Zealand do and think, in this case Ministers of the Crown and MPs.

    They already have many of their active supporters, fans and propagandists do a lot of conditioning work through the media, now they are upping the ante, so to say.

    I have a dim view of Falun Dafa and such organisations, but if they are a “risk”, why not do the same with the Mormons, Destiny Church, the Seven Day Adventists and what other “philosophical”, “spiritual”, religious or similar organisations or movements we allow to be active?

    Here is Mainland China, their government, telling us what to do, and the NZ Government is bending over backwards. Remember also that during state visits of Chinese leaders, many hundreds or thousands of Mainland Chinese migrants have in the past turned out with their Mainland Chinese flags to welcome them.

    Indeed many immigrant Chinese from the Mainland seem to be rather loyal to their government, which should also be a worry to us.

  5. I think many have died relying on FG rather than seeking medical treatment. The Chinese seem more pro-active when it comes to opposing these sorts of cults than we are.

    • Falun Gong it’s not really a cult, I’ve looked at characteristics of cults and after practicing Falun Gong myself for nearly 10 years I don’t regard it as one, especially that fact the teachings are all free online, people are not forced to believe. it’s just a belief system and exercise discipline that has actually healed many serious illnesses and I have meet those people. Many illnesses cannot actually be cured through modern medicine. The Chinese communist regimes persecution of Falun Gong is extremely brutal, here in New Zealand it is hard to comprehend what actually happens under communist regimes, China had the cultural revolution from 1966-76 under Mao Zedong, many labour/ concentration camps where establish and are still in use to this day, Falun Gong, Tibetan, and Christians are held in these camps and their organs are harvested and sold to foreigners for huge sums of money.

  6. I read an interesting article some years back that said the reason the Chinese Communist regime fears Falun Gong is not because it attacks the government but because it’s followers are politically apathetic. It quickly attracted a huge number of followers in China, including a large number of card carrying party members. So it posed the danger of the party actually dying from atrophy.

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