How Not To Be An Asshole – Nadia from the Auckland Action Against Poverty


It’s been a hard week for everyone. Our idiot leader had his hair fetish exposed, Todd and Dom sat down with an accountant and Dan had to flea bomb the house.
But it’s all going to be ok because Nadia from the Auckland Action Against Poverty group, which stands up to the governments vilification of the poor and vulnerable, came on and talked about the joys of protesting, the fucking cat turns up and ruins everything and everyone drinks whiskey.


  1. I wish I could support AAAP, but given recent info releases and so, I am wondering, where you are heading. There has also been highly interesting info sent to people at AAAP, but they seem to be doing little with it. This audio does not convince me that AAAP have got their agenda worked out.

    If AAAP really want to move things, and get people involved, apart from a narrow range of the ones they prefer to deal with, you have a long way to travel.

    For a movement of sorts, for the underdog, I am missing some things, I cannot find it in AAAP of today.

    Best wishes though, there may always be a positive learning curve.

    • Basically AAAP have lots of potential, but while Nadia seems to present herself and the group rather well, there seem to be some individuals involved who could perhaps be a bit more professional.

      They need more supporters, members and following, but seem to only attract relatively small numbers. So something is not quite working as it should. With the situation for beneficiaries I would have thought more would join groups like AAAP.

      Then again, it is quite a challenge to cater for beneficiaries and the poor, and to do this independently (from government funding), so I wish them well. Their approach with certain events may need to be rethought.

  2. All I can say is that I have never had anything to do with AAAP, and thanks to Nadia’s eloquent and articulate responses and comments in this “loose format” interview, I know have a much better indestandibv and a new found respect!

    Key take outs for me were:

    * Advocacy for beneficiaries, low paid, poor
    * Doing something for those in need, here and now
    * Capitulation of political parties re welfare and housing issues
    * Solidarity above charity
    * Direct action, outside of the govt parliamentary system
    * Emphasis on “entitlement” rather than hand outs
    * The right to dignified, fairly paid work
    * Recognition that parenting, voluntary work and creative arts are also beneficial occupations

    Thank you Nadia. I will be supporting AAAP wherever possible because of what I heard you say !

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