About Jessica Lord:

About Jessica Lord:

Her key areas of interest are feminism and animal rights but she engages on a broad spread of topics. She’s Koori, a parent, a student of the sciences, she has established an animal rights organisation and is a fan of direct action. She blogs about vegan food and participates in all kinds of street-level activism. Is it possible to be an entrepreneurial activist? She is probably something like that. The recent petition of 111,000 signatures she delivered to John Key’s office in a bid to ensure Parliament do their bit to stop rape may serve as a little decorative plumage, and she has more helpy-ideas underway.

Jessie enjoys listening to other people’s stories and is affected by values of service to the community and the importance of speaking out for those who cannot speak for themselves. Safe to say she’s somewhat radical, but fear not! She reckons all the best ideas once-radical are now seen as self-evident, and this is because many radical ideas are simply bold-but-reasonable.