TRIGGER WARNING FOR ZB TROLLS – Jacinda’s doco wins Sundance! Could she make NZ Political comeback?


Jacinda Ardern documentary wins award at Sundance Film Festival

A new documentary about former Prime Minister Dame Jacinda Ardern has won a top award at the Sundance Film Festival.

Prime Minister took the Audience Award for World Cinema Documentary at the festival, the largest independent film festival in the US and a frequent launching pad for films that go on to do well in the year ahead.

Oh we can all hear the ZB Trolls screaming in rage hate at news that Jacinda’s documentary has won a prestigious award at Sundance.

You can feel the fury emitting from Mike Hosking like radioactive waste.

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Very proud of my old friend and Radio DJ partner Clarke Gayford.

This success prompts a question,

I believe that Jacinda showed a level of political leadership during our once in a. century pandemic that lifts her in status as one of our Political Legends.

Her leadership saved 20 000 lives, that’s nothing to mock or shred on.

The despicable and vile hatered thrown at her by anti-vax malcontents and lonely fringe dwellers should collectively shame us.

While she has no reason to return and lead the country again after her vilification, could Jacinda stage a Political comeback if she chose to?

If she believed there had been things left undone that she believed she could now progress through,

If she believed there was a real chance this was a one term Government.

If she believed the people would give her the opportunity to finish that business.

I believe she could walk into any Auckland LEC and put her name down as a candidate and win selection.

Returning to NZ, winning back the trust of the people, becoming Prime Minister again, following through on progressive economic and environmental changes AND THEN go to the UN and become leader.

I think even post-Covid bitter voters compare Jacinda’s kindness state and the abusive bully state we have now and appreciate the difference.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.



Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.


  1. Well, she has joined the celeb ex politicians club which Al Gore called the closest thing to “white collar crime” he had ever done.

    But, I still have immense regard for Jacinda and the events beyond her control that she coped
    so well with in the interests of NZers. Imagine Luxon and Seymour in charge during COVID-open borders and many thousands dead.

    Jacinda could make a come back, hopefully she does not-unless she has finally been reading Marx and Pikety and is now for taxing the parasite class and burying Rogernomics.

    • Luxon and Seymour can’t even handle a once in a blue moon tame soft cock interview now, let alone a relentless barrage of predominantly inane questions from the likes of Soper et al, day after day, week after week, month after month, about life and death situations.

      They are just a couple of clueless amateur ,deluded wankers by comparison.

      I would love to have seen a side by side comparison of hoe it would have unfolded with them in charge…
      Having to deal with the complexity of the situation from the get go Considering the stupid ideas that they were shouting out it would have been a high death rate, tanked economy, disaster…

      Open the borders….blah blah blah.

    • If we think Luxon is weak now, his management of a pandemic would be trump-like in its incompetence.
      Seymour would count every cent and by the time he’d satisfied himself that it needed to be spent, another few thousand would have been dead.
      Neither would consider the effort to save bottom feeders was necessary. Problem for them is that their friends and donors would also be among the dead. The right-wing electorates would party on and that would be that.

  2. She’s good at disasters, but she really isn’t a strategy person. Lots of ideas but no delivery skils. All talk no action. She had her chances and even Martyn accepts she was not transformative. It’s like National yearning for John Key. People liked him, but in the end he wasn’t very good.

  3. Jacinda is from the school of Blairite policymaking (centre right). Covid was her saving grace for some and downfall for others.She had an overwhelming mandate to govern but focused on the politics of distraction rather than what really matters…economic policy promoting egalitarianism. Populism is fickle and brittle.

  4. Martyn, I remember you being pissed off about Robertson’s limp late increases to benefits. I was all for them as a start. On the day I wanted to tell my nice 4 Square owner to take down the photo gallery of Maori who’d nicked things from them.

    That was what’s-her-name who did that — not enough, just the display. I know who I look up to, and that’s Corbyn and Sanders. Not that bullshit CV ‘curmudgeon’. All that can be done but never what needs to be done — so a big fuck off to reality.

    I dislike her perfectly nice life in Hell oncoming. She’s a … what’s known in the business of reality … a complete fuckwit.

  5. I think I could go on forever about Ardern. The height of neoliberal puerility — no good to man nor beast. And like Hilary Clinton she keeps on coming back. ‘T’Cause’, as my g.grandfather called rationalism, would spit her out like the whale with Jonah. 6 years wasted when she could have delivered the neediest, abandoned in essence since 1984. Our first chance since then, and our last chance till … This govt said about the neediest the rising economy will raise all boats, so a gray old cliche long disproved, which we now don’t give a shit about it being a difficult time for the middle class. Thanks, Arderna. And what did she emote?

  6. You don’t mention misogyny, not by name anyway. You can’t discuss Jacinda Ardern without it. Just as you can’t mention Julia Gillard or Sanne Marin or Hilary Clinton without scoping misogyny. Most of the other comments here underline that fact. That misogyny is the well built foundation for any attack on a woman in private or public life. The trolls are going to jump on that, say I’m an idealogue or similar, because they ignore, or have not come across the overwhelming evidence which supports my statement. All negativity towards women is founded in misogyny. You could call it a failure to examine the essence of conjoined twinship of patriarchy and capitalism.
    The ugly underbelly of Aotearoa-NZ is awash with it.
    When are three people who call Jacinda a fuckery going to be awarded fellowships at Harvard, just for example?

    • Well put Karen, a lot of the commenters here are either just Whale Oil type trolls, or plain politically ignorant fools who haven’t bothered to read up on or research a particular topic. The misogyny displayed towards Jacinda Ardern is a sad indictment on the ignorance of many men in New Zealand. Unfortunately there is also a vicious snarky element from a few women against Jacinda Ardern which I believe is an even darker part of the ugly underbelly you referred to.


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