Has anyone considered that maybe Chris Luxon just hates New Zealand and New Zealanders?


Has anyone considered the possibility that Chris Luxon just hates New Zealand and New Zealanders?

He sends his kids to the American education system, he holidays in Hawaii and he loves Trump.

He has called NZers whiney and he puts us down when he’s overseas.

He infamously called poor people ‘Bottom feeders’.

I think he sees NZ the way he saw Air NZ.

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First class was his class, business class are acceptable, economy class are ordinary while everyone who cant afford a ticket are bottom feeders.

He probably joked with the Pilots because he thought that was him talking with the working classes.

I don’t think Luxon actually likes New Zealand or New Zealanders.

Luxon crashed the economy with his Austerity Budget and is now blaming beneficiaries for burning in the fire he started!

I find the idea that we should actively punish Beneficiaries who are the collateral damage to his ideological policy pretty sickening…

…put aside the fact that Luxon is a rich prick, look at what he has done to the economy and then consider his lecturing towards beneficiaries:

He crashed the economy with an austerity budget that borrowed more for tax cuts and loopholes we couldn’t afford, and you is lecturing the poor?


Blaming the victims of his economic policy is outrageous!

National are pushing 350,000 jobseekers to find work when there is no work because you collapsed the economy!

There are less than 11,000 jobs on Trademe and less than 5000 on Seek and National are demanding new sanctions against beneficiaries after sacking 9520 public sector workers!

Luxon is an evangelical Christian who believes in Prosperity Theology, it’s the same grift Bishop Brian Tamaki is part of, you are rich because Jesus has blessed you.

Luxon sees his 7 properties (he sold 3 right after the law changed and made huge money tax free from that decision) as a blessing from God and that’s why when he was  challenged over getting extra over his housing allowance and Tesla subsidy, he could only say “I’m entitled”, because to refuse crowing about your good fortune and benefits is an affront to God who is giving him these blessings because Jesus lives him extra so much.

He’s a Christian nut job who wishes he was American who now wants to blame beneficiaries for an economy he has wrecked.

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  1. So what is so bad about telling a beneficiary that they need to look for work .. When out of work it is easy to become depressed and withdrawn an sometimes you need push to get out and look for a job.

    • Trevor I think you are missing the point about telling beneficiaries to go and get a non existent job. Tanking the economy and laying off thousands is hardly fostering opportunity.

      • I understand your view point but surely at a time when it is tough then there is a reason to make people try .It is easy to give up but if you keep trying a job will come eventually and in the mean time they will be supported by the state.

    • Grow up idiot ,where are these jobs you talk of .If there are 300k unemployed and only 15000 jobs that means there are 20 unemployed for each job and that does not allow for the fact that most of those jobs would be advertised on both of the web sites mentioned ,so in fact there maybe only 11 k jobs at most .For the simple minded like you clearly out of the 300000 unemployed there will still be 285000 after everyone of those jobs is filled .Along side that 25000 businesess closed last year .

      • It’s not Luxon’s job to do the arithmetic; he has a man/woman/lapdo/machine for that.
        Anyway his mind is set at too high a level for mundane sums – vision that’s what he has, a blinding vision of New Zealand stretching to the stars – and then the elastic fails and the ends come snapping back – but no-one will know that Luxon caused it.

        It will be blamed on the great earthquake fault and he will get off scot free. (Note that saying has been coming since the 10th century and very possibly that is where he and his fellow visionaries will take us all, while they hang onto the trappings.)
        The expression ‘Scot-free’ originates from the Scandanavian word, ‘Skat,’ which means “tax” or “payment.” The word mutated into ‘scot’ as the name of redistributive taxation meant to provide relief to the poor during the 10th century.
        Scot-Free | Phrase Definition, Origin & Examples
        Ginger Software https://www.gingersoftware.com

    • The job of the guy running the economy is to have the Labour Dept call the beneficiary to say we have found you a job, here is the address, get down there on Monday with your tools, you’ll be getting $65k a year minimum.

      If Luxon and Willis can’t get that sorted they need to resign.

  2. Luxon has belatedly realised that NZ is a third-world economy living in the worn-out shell of first-world infrastructure built in the 1970s, but the voters have first-world expectations and tastes.

    He is the desperate branch manager of a failing retail chain in a small town that just had its timber mill close.

    • He is a vicious greedy wannabe who has made clear that Stage 2 is to sell the silverware if re-elected.

      He, and people like him, made us 3rd world. They deserve prison, not Parliament.

    • Ada Stop showing off, it’s boring. Jase is spot on except that maybe Luxon is much too indolent to be really vicious, and limited by being such a silly man.

      • Focusing on personality and your opponents failings is just high-minded gossip. And why the left can’t make an argument any more.

        It’s emotionally satisfying but it only serves the gossipers.

        • It’s fact, not gossip that Luxon has intimidated he’ll be selling assets if re-elected. That may be “emotionally satisfying” for him, or for the relevant asset holders, but they’re not going to be doing it for emotional reasons, and it is high-handed, not high-minded.

          • My reply to your first post was that the childish posters on this blogsite find it much more emotionally satisfying to call Nats and Act MPs names and give out instant personality assessments.

            That’s much easier than suggesting practical, deliverable changes to legislation and policies that wold improve the lives of ordinary New Zealanders.

            • Every now and then calling someone a c*nt or suggesting they fuck off, can be an emotional outlet which is better than bottling things up, getting an ulcer, perforating, going into hospital and left lying on a gurney in a public corridor in agony, and even dying.

              An alternative may be hurling china at the wall, or snarling at some poor checkout operator, but then readers such horrible pollies don’t get to know how the punters feel about them, so a little c*nt or fuck can send a message and help the utterer avoid a painful lonely public death, and that’s assuming an ambulance even comes, things being what they are now. Don’t see why you should have a problem with that.

            • Typical sanctimonious right wing hypocrisy. Sheesh.
              Abuse and threaten a Prime Minister and her family so much that she leaves office = “free speech”.
              Say anything a NActoid finds offensive about the current mob = “childish”.

              Pointing out the criminal and narcissistic behaviour of this Coalition is something I’d expect on a Left Wing Blog. Such behaviour naturally upsets decent folk – why wouldn’t they emote?
              Keep it up folks, I say.

              And the “practical” changes you yearn for abound just as equally in the articles and comments of TDB. But most right wingers (a) don’t wanna hear them, and (b) reflexively dismiss them.
              So, on that note Ada, you suggest above that “Something has to pay for new roads and hospitals. And NZ Super” as a justification for selling public assets. How about the alternative? Start collecting all the tax that corporations, banks, the wealthy and other tax evaders avoid paying!

  3. If I was on the left I’d be a little worried about Luxon’s performance.

    You really need him to stay as Prime Minister because he’s Labours greatest asset. He’s driving people away from National not through incompetence (although that can be debated, is he as incompetent as Hipkins?) but purely his lack of likability.

    Most of my circle are from the right, and no one likes him. He’s weak (credit to Hoskings, he’s grilling him worse than Ardern) and comes across as smarmy. Some are starting to say he’s just another Jacinda, but bald and far less attractive.

    This is especially evident with watching Trump (love him or hate him) cracking on and just doing what he said he was going to do. While Luxon talks about “we’re looking into that” FFS just do it.

    If I was Labour I’d want Luxon there as long as possible.

    • Bg. Ditto. Even National politicians dislike Luxon and I know nobody who does, although some still support Ardern, and incredibly, the Greens. He’s worse than smarmy, he’s silly, and the longer he’s PM the more he can disturb people, which he does.

    • No-one wants Luxon as PM right now. He’s hardly advantageous to Labour if he is in government. Let’s hope Winston breaks up the coalition when Seymour tries to take over as Deputy PM.

  4. He’s just a bit of a dilettante. If he’d achieved any significant expertise in his own right, in any field – writing – art- architecture- music- maths- electronics- engineering- medicine- milking cows – one could understand how he might despise people who he thinks he’s better than, but he’s just a shallow wee soap salesman. Why Ardern plonked him in as CE of Air New Zealand is a mystery, but pollies have their own agendas, and Luxon has his hubris but not a hell of a lot else apart from easy money.

    He doesn’t shape up well with the traditional masculine pursuits like fishing, hunting, riding, rugby, or no 8 Fencing Wire for Dummies, and is clearly more at home hanging out with kiddies or lying about on beaches. That’s all. No great loss if he buggers off.

  5. So he goes, who follows?
    The red, red lippie woman with the whiny voice whose policies are all ‘announcements to be made?
    Spare us!

    • Yes the rest are no better than he thats why he got the job because the others know they are not up to doing it and his inflated EGO leads him to think he is the best person in NZ and NZ needs him .

  6. I’ve just realised something…
    Perhaps chris luxon is simply dull minded. Perhaps he can’t think spherically, he literally has no imagination to call upon to broaden his comprehension of his job. In an ill-gotten-money oriented environment such as ours all he needs to do is to follow the script and by script, I mean the money. Money is linear. It’s a flat earth, simplistic mathematical plot line that anyone can follow who’s replaced their heart with a calculator. There’s zero imagination required. Just a soulless, dogmatic pursuit of the mechanism i.e. money, that gives luxon a tactical advantage over people who have no idea what he’s up to and by ‘up to’ I mean by his designing platforms and pitfalls to further his own agendas. In other words ” Faking it until I make it.” which is something he’s reportedly said.
    And have you noticed some of the comments here from the similarly inclined? They all say the same things. Work harder. Get a job. Cut the benefit, Make things harder. Get tougher.
    What about the artless rich? The otherwise unintelligent, who made things impossibly hard to begin with? What about them? The financially rich yet morbidly unintelligent who must demand total subservience and compliance from their victims in order for them to keep control over a hollow, logical fallacy? The ones who are doing the real damage? The 14 multi-billionaires, the 3118 multi-millionaires and their defence mechanisms, the banks. Four Australian owned banks ASB,BNZ,ANZ and Westpac being the second most profitable banks in the world.
    We’ve become the unwitting victims of terminal fools who’ve weaponised their stupid.

  7. He’s a sociopath!
    Who else but a disordered personality could change the bright-line test to benefit himself to the tune of about $900,000 tax free, throw thousands of people out of work with an austerity programme, then tell them to toe the line or get sanctioned.
    I’m sorry, but that’s not normal behaviour!

  8. Trevor ‘So what is so bad about telling a beneficiary that they need to look for work .’
    From the folk song ‘Hallelujah, I’m a bum.’
    ‘She said why don’t you work like other folk do!’
    ‘I answered how can I work when there’s no work to do.’
    Of course we could create a state that gives food and work to all its people based on the principle ‘From each according to their abilities to each according to their needs’ but that would be SOCIALISM (gasp) and cause immediate brain explosions to Trevors, Zeldas, Bob the Firsts and I’m Rights.

  9. Luxon is a woke corporate bureaucrat who hates anyone who won’t ” get with the programme”
    Be very surprised if he’s still Nat leader in 2026

  10. Grow up idiot ,where are these jobs you talk of .If there are 300k unemployed and only 15000 jobs that means there are 20 unemployed for each job and that does not allow for the fact that most of those jobs would be advertised on both of the web sites mentioned ,so in fact there maybe only 11 k jobs at most .For the simple minded like you clearly out of the 300000 unemployed there will still be 285000 after everyone of those jobs is filled .Along side that 25000 businesess closed last year .

  11. Well, he met his first and maybe only root at a Church social, otherwise he’d likely be an Incel.

    He is possibly a bit dim with little emotional intelligence which makes his Prime Ministership difficult to watch. He probably does not hate NZ, he is just oblivious to all sorts of things that go on here that many of us value.

    He started out hiring a Merc to cross the road, getting $52 grand for living in his own freehold apartment because he was “entitled” and the list goes on.

    He does not like working class people that is for sure. He is in the Key mould of putting the parasite capitalists first always, but has little to none of his predecessors political skill apart from dirty politics advisors who must despair of the Wally.

    • Tiger M Doesn’t like working class people ? He told Sky News that both his parents were high school drop outs. Grew up in Bryndwr or Bishopdale, like Key, both lower middle class Christchurch suburbs, can’t remember which of them came from which. Certainly lacking in emotional intelligence and dim.

      The shiny black Mercedes’ caper was a dead give away – delusions of grandeur- and likewise issuing family group photos at Christmas like European royal families do, albeit not in their PJ’s.

      His pretending to be in Te Puke when he was really in Hawaii suggests he’s quite a sneaky character, and was totally unnecessary when half the population has probably had stopovers in Hawaii, but again it’s the shiny touristy sort of place which wouldn’t be everyone’s first choice for a holiday.

      His “ entitled “ proclamation was either incredibly naive or his intrinsic vulgarity, socially inept ,and not the sort of show-offy performance which impresses anybody much.

  12. I find cognitive scientist George Lakoff’s “conservative moral hierarchy” useful to understand Christopher Luxon, who I consider to be very conservative

    The Conservative Moral Hierarchy:
    • God above Man
    • Man above Nature
    • The Disciplined (Strong) above the Undisciplined (Weak)
    • The Rich above the Poor
    • Employers above Employees
    • Adults above Children
    • Western culture above other cultures
    • America above other countries
    • Men above Women
    • Whites above Nonwhites
    • Christians above non-Christians
    • Straights above gays

  13. I understand your view point but surely at a time when it is tough then there is a reason to make people try .It is easy to give up but if you keep trying a job will come eventually and in the mean time they will be supported by the state.

  14. Meanwhile wages have stalled and unemployment at record highs.
    Luxons response” it’s a lag effect from the previous government “.
    That is code for ” I haven’t a fucking clue “.

  15. ‘they will be supported by the state.’Trevor have you ever tried to live on a benefit? Where in Devonport is this Ivory Tower you live in?

    • Yes I have when I had a sick wife and 2 kids.It was not a good period going to winz having a young person tell me how to organize my life.Once I was able to go back to work it was not easy .Who wants a 40 year old but I got a job cleaning at night so I had time to look for a better role which I found eventually.

  16. Yes I have when I had a sick wife and 2 kids.It was not a good period going to winz having a young person tell me how to organize my life.Once I was able to go back to work it was not easy .Who wants a 40 year old but I got a job cleaning at night so I had time to look for a better role which I found eventually.
    I was grateful for the benefit during that period.

  17. ‘It was not a good period going to winz having a young person tell me how to organize my life.’
    That Trevor is the difference between you and I.
    You had that experience and believe it is acceptable that other people endure humiliation and hardship too.
    I had similar things happen to me(working while sick and injured because ACC payments were too low to live on was one) BUT I want to stop them from happening to other people. I do not want to perpetuate a cruel system that robs people of their dignity.
    The whole idea of society is that we should improve it not make it worse.

  18. More than 25 years ago I worked at DSW/NZISS/WINZ,
    I worked in the debt collection unit and of course saw alot of benefit abuse some of which was referred to as Deliberate Breaches. That is some took advantage of the beneficiary system and abused it.
    Yes the Social Welfare system is open to abuse and probably still so to this day.
    But and since then also having been jobs where finances are concerned I am of the opinion that tax evasion/avoidance is ongoing today as it has probably been for quite a number of decades.
    I never saw tax evasion in my jobs but I do ponder as to how much tax evasion happens in todays Political Motivated and Financially Involved World when donations matter alot and Vote Buying Even More So????!!!
    So whilst I note so much obsession on the Beneficiaries yet Nought is given toward the White Collar Crime and ACTUAL Tax Evaders


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