The number of threats recorded by police against politicians has fallen steeply since the coalition Government took office.
Data obtained by the Herald from police under the Official Information Act show between November 2023 – when National formed the current Government with New Zealand First and Act – and October 2024, there were 25 recorded threats against MPs. Nine were specifically against Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.
Looking at the data in comparison to the previous year, there is a clear decline. Between November 2022 and October 2023, there were 68 threats overall, including 22 against the two Prime Ministers who served in that period, Dame Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins.
The number of threats dropped substantially after the change of government in November 2023. For example, in the three months previous (August, September, and October 2023), there were 17 threats. But in the next three months there were just four.
Casting even further back, previous police data shows that between November 2021 and October 2022, there were 93 threats recorded against MPs. During that period, Ardern received 64 threats
The Dumb Lives Matter brigade went full SovCit cray cray over Covid and the deep misogyny in NZ culture did the rest.
Here’s the simple truth that the Feral’s refuse to acknowledge.
No one in NZ was held down against their will and forced an injection!
No one!
With every medication, you have the absolute right of a free willed individual to say no.
But during a once in a century pandemic, the State has an obligation to demand vaccine mandates for workers who might spread the virus. That said, we were hardly asked to storm a beach on Gallipoli were we? For most of us it was ‘stay on the couch’, so let’s tone down the ‘Jacinda was a dictator’ stuff eh?
I stand by the mandates while acknowledging the damage they caused some.
For some of our brothers and sisters, their stance on the vaccine was the very first time in their lives that they felt othered in their own country and it was an intense alienation that has warped them.
I argued passionately that we needed to de-escalate the Dumb Lives Matter protest at Parliament because while I utterly disagreed with their lists of people they were going to hang, they were impacted by our mandate policy and they had the right to have their pain heard and acknowledged.
Labour refused to do that and Trevor Mallard goaded them into the violence it became.
That 2022 protest didn’t happen in a vacuum, it happened as the cost of living exploded and many on mandates had still not found work.
If we had rebuilt properly after Covid, those peoples economic pain and anxiety would not have been as easily manipulated as they were by disinformation and anger.
Those people are now lost to the Left forever. They have swelled the numbers inside NZF and now act as a genuine political faction while Liz Gun and other Fringe movements still poll 1%.
We have all lost whanau who have disappeared down rabbit holes fed by social media hate algorithms.
The intense loneliness that lockdown generated has mutated into a very damaged and demented understanding of reality that burdens the believer in ways that consumes their entire identity.
The problem for NZ First who have seduced the Antivaxx electorate is that those activists want to hang Jacinda for ‘crimes’, NZ First’s inquiry can’t give those activists what they want so watch the speed with which this fickle bitter electorate turn on Winston the moment they ain’t getting a public execution.
At least they have stopped threatening to kill our politicians.
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Remember when James Shaw was bashed biking to parliament by a disgruntled right-wing National voter? These right-wingers are violent thugs promoting hate speech on SM then taking it to another level it in their nature its part of their politics
“I stand by the mandates while acknowledging the damage they caused some.”
This line stands out to me because, yes, nobody was held down against their will, but no, it still was a damaging time for some, nonetheless. More telling, for the damaged – you’re still feral anyway!
As for threats to politicians, well, to use the diminishing the circumstance rationale of the ‘nobody was held down’ point…no politician was harmed either! In other words, threats were made, lets not diminish this fact, likewise, due to mandates, real hard choices were made too, lets not diminish this point either.
Sadly the dumb lives matter crowd still crow about “Jabcinta” several years after the fact. It seems many of the ferals now have a new pet hate against the govenment- apparently the coalition is responsible for weather modification. If anything all covid exposed was societies untreated mental health issues.
“Untreated mental health issues”? Tut-tut Tinker. Neurodiversity is a continuum, don’t ya know. Methinks the antivax ferals were mostly contrarians- some libertarians – folk who simply dislike authority, folk who don’t like being told what to do, whatever the reason, folk itching for a fight – all it takes is a mandate. But yes, fed by misinformation, disinformation and all the rest. Some antivaxers were not so feral, but otherwise gentle folk suspicious (rightly or wrong) of medical science. But maybe you do have a point afterall. I overheard heard a woman in a supermaket isle telling the person next to them that the vaccines contained material that were ‘magnetic’ and were ultimately being used by governments for control. No doubt just popped up from the rabbit hole. She wasn’t all that wrong however, just wide of the mark: the vaccines did contain material not well understood by most ordinary folk and the purpose was ostensibly control, albeit medical science’s solution to prevent widespread reproduction of the virus.
hence the term river of filth
Clear proof that the right are more inclined to political violence than the left!
Yep. Not just the antivaxxers I’ll wager.
Some of those threats will have come from Taxpayer Union/Groundswell/gun lobby/Kiwiblog ferals.
All politically motivated. Suddenly its “all quiet on the Western Front” now *their team* holds office.
The “squeezed middle”, “over-legislated farmers” and whoever else these groups claim to represent are still being sucked dry by parasites. Even worse so, in fact.
Only now, they apparently don’t matter.
They might wake up to it soon Jase, or am I being too optimistic.
I certainly think it indicates that most threatening people would be right voters because even the relatively quiet ones I know, don’t like to be challenged.
You go along thinking we’re all playing nicely and all of a sudden there’s an eruption when someone criticises these gods.
” Feral AntiVaxxer lunatics were the main cause of threats to Politicians ”
You write that as if it were a bad thing.
You just have to look at the comments on The Platform and the TPU Facebook pages to see that NZ is full of hate filled, mentally unhinged bigots and narcissists.
Sam Ufendal ring a bell .Future minister of justice and or police.
One of the worlds leading cancer experts, Dr Angus Dalgliesh, head of oncology at St Georges Hospital in London, is calling for an immediate ban on MRNA vaccines due to an emerging safety signal which is popping up in a number of recent peer reviewed papers. Novel pharmaceutical interventions have a terrible track record of safety. Pharmaceutical companies have an appaling ethical track record. Our governments indemnified them against liability while at the same time guaranteeing them exponential profits. Taking a cautious approach based on those simple facts alone is completely rational. The damage done to public trust in vaccines more widely by trying to force the covid vaccines on people (no jab no job, no jab no haircut etc etc) may never be recovered from. Was it worth it?
Well, you’d got to ask if Dr Angus Dalgliesh is on to something, possibly a wistleblower, or an outlier, not well supported by peers,
Novel pharmaceutical interventions have a terrible track record of safety: not necessarily true. Some in the field may vehemently disagree.
Pharmaceutical companies have an appalling ethical track record: yes, not good, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be ethical opportunists.
Our governments indemnified them against liability while at the same time guaranteeing them exponential profits: well, that’s probably the case for all pharmaceutical brought to the market.
Taking a cautious approach based on those simple facts alone is completely rational: again yes, but one has to ask what the ‘facts’ really are.
TY Sam.
So many heads still buried deep under the covers.
Most people don’t know this information so not a lot of public trust damage has been done, in my view. And those that do know this information, well, we’ve seen what happens to them.