The Daily Blog Open Mic – 3rd February 2025


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

All in all, TDB gives punters a very, very, very wide space to comment in but we won’t bother with out right lies or gleeful malice. We leave that to the Herald comment section.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist abuse, homophobic abuse, racist abuse, anti-muslim abuse, transphobic abuse, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird Bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.

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  1. I apologise for wrongly recommending ISP provider Slingshot for having a New Zealand call centre employing Kiwi workers. They operate out of Bangalore, India. I no longer recommend Slingshot.

  2. A common disappointment SW. NZs to the fore might have been the slogan, and has been carried out, but the PTB mistakenly thought it meant four. And that is all the businesses in the whole of Kiwiland that employ Kiwis – their beaks get in the way). Sorry, just a bit of foolishness, er quite a lot actually.

    Indians in general are such nice people, ie the ones at the pizza shops. But I understand it’s pretty hot and crowded there. Some figures:
    Popn: India, 1,450,935,791 ; 2, China, 1,419,321,278 ; 3, United States, 345,426,571 ; 4, Indonesia, 283,487,931…New Zealand 5.2 million!

    2023 Indian numbers in New Zealand were 292,092 or 5.8% (I think half had been born
    in India)
    2023 Chinese numbers in NZ 279,039

    70.2% European (3,297,860 people) 16.5% Māori (775,840 people) 15.1% Asian (707,600 people) 8.1% Pacific peoples (381,640 people)

    Percentage of ethnic diversities in NZAO:
    Table 2 shows the 10 largest ethnic groups in the 2023 Census.

    More – Citizenship :
    Looking at these charts of top 10 countries to NZAO for last 5 years I notice that India and UK listings vie for 1st and 2nd places and South Africa and Philippines are up close each year. Covid made a dent for a while. USA is there at lower levels 700-1,000 a year.

    • Greywarbler Thing is Slingshot used to be New Zealand based, and used to have good customer service. I think they’re worse now than Vodafone and Spark combined, and that’s nothing to do with Bangalore. That’s policy. They don’t answer telephone calls and I think keep callers waiting longer than any government department does. That’s policy. Their CEO is a grad of the ghastly, IMO, Waikato University, and they might just have done a bit better with a whizz kid from Mumbai or the Bay of Bengal who faced stiff competition every step along the way to the top.

      • Oh ho we are going to have to bring these arrogants to public attention – stocks? We can’t appeal to higher standards as those have been abandoned under Big Tech (and we know best you worms).

        Further lack of caring just to do the main job properly and not to their own guidelines which are chosen, to be twisted at will.
        (From Taranaki Mayor to prevaricating government representative of something that it has no aim to carry oit for the people.
        My takeaway from our meeting was that you were very clear in what you wouldn’t do and continually referred to council being the most appropriate agency to lead what is essentially a combination of welfare, housing and mental health issues.

        “From my perspective it was very clear your focus in that meeting was not to take any material ownership of these issues which ultimately fall primarily in central governments areas of responsibility – health, welfare, housing.”

        By this time New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) had set aside $120,000 to fund a social worker working directly with rough sleepers and committed $12 million over three years to increase its affordable housing stock.

        I like his style. I remember ex police force Meurant getting on a Council and having a rousing discussion with one member. I think this will be our new sport – rugby is for kids. In Regency fiction around 1810s the men were regularly rushing off to a ‘mill’ ie fisticuffs and it is obvious that something similar is needed today to satisfy that desire to put the boot into anyone who isn’t doing too well which seems the base of most of today’s political parties and their fellow travellers.

    • BTW, Grey, If you want to know how bad Slingshot is, try phoning them. Their website says they aim to answer calls within three minutes. The reality is very different from the aim. Fill a thermos to avoid dehydration and have a good book at hand. Good luck.


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