Political Caption Competition

Surprisingly this isn't the worst thing ACT has forced upon children

Surprisingly this isn’t the worst thing ACT has forced upon children


  1. The autopsy on Shane Jones head revealed the expected results: a severely atrophied brain and cerebrospinal fluid resembling colon contents.

  2. Please, can I have some more? I’m a bit hungry and it isn’t too bad. I’m not put off by plopped spoonfuls, no superior placement or arrangement. I’m bloody hungry and if it’s good food with nutrients and no insect or toxic contaminants I’ll have it. But my Mum and Dad talk about somewhere called Lake Alice and they aren’t sure it will be good and are going to watch what we are getting.

  3. Seymore tasting compass meal at a school – Mmmmm this is delicious, nutritious, tasty, and well presented.
    Seymore served the same meal at Belamys – Holy crap, what is this shit…if you don’t serve me something more edible, I’ll have you guys shut down, comprenday. I’m a big honcho round here, and I expect food that tastes like food, not this garbage…I wouldn’t give this to a sewer rat!


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