Political Caption Competition


Luxon – I was funny in my speech

Chippy – No mate, you’re the joke


  1. LUXON(Anxiously) What do you think about my speech Chippy? Do you think David and Winston like it?
    They can be really nasty to me when I say the wrong things?
    CHIPPY No need to worry Chris. Winston was asleep and Seymour was on his ‘phone to Atlas the whole time.

  2. LUXON: I look old enough to be your grandpa. I don’t understand it Chippy, I’m supposed to be steering the govt, but I can’t even find the steering wheel, and the non synchro economy gearbox, I’ve somehow got stuck in reverse, can you give me a hand buddy?

  3. Luxon likes Chippy’s hair style. He has no ideas about style and is desperate enough to ask the ‘boy’ for any fresh ideas. Perhaps Chippy will suggest a celebrity boxing match with the two uneven contenders by weight properly handicapped. Luxon of course would have one hand tied behind his back, but feeling confident knowing one butt from his head would do its insensitive shell no harm and knock Chippy out cold.

  4. Luxon: I slipped with the razor this morning and cut off my ear.
    Chippy: Don’t worry you don’t use them much. Maybe you should take up painting.

  5. ” Holy shite Chippy after today’s Mexican standoff, what’ll I do when they find out that the Minister of Immigration,
    Erica Louise Poppelbaum has only been here 5 minutes.”


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