White House says Colombia agrees to take deported migrants after Trump tariff showdown
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — The White House claimed victory in a showdown with Colombia over accepting flights of deported migrants from the U.S. on Sunday, hours after President Donald Trump threatened steep tariffs on imports and other sanctions on the longtime U.S. partner.
What happens when Trump finds out during a briefing that NZ won’t allow a nuclear ship into our waters?
What happens when Trump wants a muscular symbolic gesture against China in the Pacific and decides bullying us with Tariffs to allow a nuclear ship visit is a great idea after doing it to Colombia?
If Trump demanded a nuclear ship visit and threatened Tariffs if we didn’t, would Luxon fold?
Looking at how he has been played by Winston and Seymour, you would think Luxon might fold within minutes, but then again, cometh the moment cometh the man, Luxon could shock everyone and refuse to agree.
Normally we wouldn’t even need to ask but Trump’s response to Columbia tells us we are in a very different world right now.
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The larger question in 2024 should be whether the policy is sound since it was adopted in the mid-1980s.
Yes. 40 years later it’s time to go totally neutral nonaligned.
Well….Mr. Bradbury’s question is a great question and will test the N.Z. public and Luxon on where they stand…
The mainstream media should already have asked Luxon this….where are the mainstream media , and regardless, why hasn’t Luxon front footed this….
…Put N.Z.’s stake in the ground and Trump on notice to let him know that we are our own democracy and not about to be bossed around by bowing to threats like he is doing to other countries.
That comment is more “Bidenesque” than relevant, or topical.
Your opinion conflates with colonial attitudes, and methods, and using bland party political talking points only confirms how little progress this country has made in it’s growth toward the mature, natural, and humane society we once aspired to be…
Obviously it isn’t. A friendly Chinese carrier group should be welcomed. An American civilian cargo carrier should not.
I would be surprised if he held firm.
Mind you we should never have stopped Nuclear Powered but conventionally armed ships anyway.
Seeing the USS Gerald Ford in Auckland would be cool.
Why is it that men with small cocks have to have big guns? Got an opinion on that @ xylaphone?
Ask trevor, maybe he knows?
I’ll take “Tired Lame Boomerisms” for $10 Alex.
TDB won’t let me answer you.
I’ll take Tired Old Boomerisms for $10 Alex.
What’s a small cock got to do with the issue? Bringing this up is a sad reflection on yourself. Besides my understanding when it comes to women’s preferences in this matter anything over the average size is somewhat uncomfortable…
No need to bring women into this argument TB, perhaps balls would be a better word to use, men with no balls have to have big guns no doubt the act party will gladly supply the big guns.
Killer White T-C. Wrong again. The micro-endowed males are the twerps who over-compensate by buying showy cars and driving them like weapons. There was even a police commissioner who had a bright orange suv so big that magpies migrated en masse to Australia on seeing it.
Let them in .The crew would spend their money and we would enhance our friendship with an Allied country.
5 Eyes, US Pacific Deputy Dog Australia and “the security services” would lean on Baldrick well before Trumpy’s call, so yes, after a change of underwear he would fold. But if he did not it would be an unexpected surprise.
‘The larger question in 2024 should be whether the policy is sound since it was adopted in the mid-1980s.’
Actually Frank our opposition to nuclear weapons can be found in Peter Fraser’s speeches to the newly formed United Nations, to the Holyoake government’s 1964 resolution that nuclear weapons not be based in New Zealand well before the 1980s. Our public opposition to nuclear weapons is historical and Rob Muldoon was drunk as a skink when he tried to swim against the current of public opinion.
There is no logical reason for New Zealand to make itself a target for any of the nuclear powers.
Is this an issue? NZ is so far out of the way, it’s not likely any of the US Navy ships will visit. Only the aircraft carriers & submarines are nuclear powered.
He’s desperatelly competing with EeeOre Seymore – hence is announcement he intends campaigning on asset sales next election.
Of course He’ll fold. He’ll even put on a uniform and buy matching pyjamas with ‘Dave’. He’ll even do a Trumpian style microphone trick – even if ‘Dave’ asks him to swallow
Once was Tim. Luxon only puts pyjamas on to mark the birth of Jesus Christ, which is a bit odd if you ask me, and Dave’s no messiah, but in a party where a minister feeds his staff with crayfish while his elderly famished father drives around foraging for sausage rolls, anything is possible, and Christopher as oragami boy, while Mandy flogs her expensive afternoon teas to Melania is no more unlikely than the Greens abandoning their decidedly odd fetishes.
Agree Frank….outdated 40 year old policy, isolationist policy.
Bring them in, they are welcome.
I doubt that Trump would even need to threaten Luxon before he lets nuclear powered/armed ships into NZ. The promise of a free Trump bible and maga hat for him and Nicola would make the ports all over NZ open for uncle Sam. Actually Simeon might want them as well.
But why stop there? David Seymour could then convince soap salesman Luxon into doing some ‘Art of the deal’ asset sales.
“I see you like Greenland”, he could say to Trump. “Would you also like to buy any claims NZ has to the Ross Dependency? Or maybe together with Auckland Island, Campbell Islands, Kermadec Islands, Chatham Island? Maybe throw in Stewart Island and some National parks? The Southern Alps?”
After all, as David would say. “What is the government doing with them? What return is it getting?” But first he just needs to get rid of that pesky treaty.
You know John Key already capitulated on this? No? Would that be because the ‘free’ press didn’t report on it when it happened years ago and an American warship was allowed in? Ever since then we’ve had a big bullseye painted on our deep water ports.
We banned them because the Americans would never say if there were nuclear weapons on their nuclear capable ships. And even if they did say no would you, without a full coastguard inspection, believe it?
I think that “nuclear-free” would be a major political consideration, such that you might well regard it as political suicide to turn your back on it
What would preserve jobs the most?
You know, those things that Labour used to care about
Ada you should know Labour creates jobs in the public service they do not sully their hands dealing with real workers
Trevor you are now officially without credibility. Are you seriously saying Labour do less for workers rights, pay etc than the coalition? There is simply no basis for that statement no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on. You could argue Labour don’t do enough sure but they are certainly ahead of these tossers.
The country would come to a stand still without the real workers that are public servants.
Our health and education system is feeling that now under the Coalition of Chaos.
Read whats in the link and then have another shot at being not a troll.
Phil, right wing troll/ supporters like Ada and Trev don’t deal in facts. That would require intelligence.
As the coalition lays off thousands. Good one Ada.
Any change requires a change to the Nuclear Free legislation. It could be done but would almost certainly take time. Unless such a law change was done under urgency.
Luxon would have to ask the question about the electoral consequences. Would the New Zealand public just go along with such a decision and vote the Coalition back in?
I don’t think you need to ponder hypotheticals when Luxon has already proven himself to be a f’ing (nuclear free) disaster.
No need to bring women into this argument TB, perhaps balls would be a better word to use, men with no balls have to have big guns no doubt the act party will gladly supply the big guns.