Vanity Fair on Meghan Markle’s ostentatious humility – just another cautionary tale of hollow Millennial Identity


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reportedly reeling from Vanity Fair exposé

Prince Harry and Meghan’s rocky start to 2025 has become a full-blown PR crisis in the wake of a damning new exposé, with sources close to the pair describing the latest claims as “distressing”.

Earlier this month, their joint and unexpected appearance at a volunteer hub in Los Angeles became a lightning rod for criticism – with one Hollywood filmmaker even describing them as “disaster tourists” – and the catastrophic wildfires caused Meghan to postpone the launch of her new Netflix series.

Then came the sledgehammer hit: on Friday, Vanity Fair dropped an 8000-word article with a series of explosive, unflattering allegations about the Duchess of Sussex, made to the reporter by “dozens of people who have worked with and lived alongside the couple” and “over many months”.

With Meghan on the cusp of finally launching her major new post-royal rebrand as a homewares and lifestyle guru, the timing couldn’t be worse – and according to the UK’s Times, sources close to the couple have admitted the latest brutal claims are “distressing”, though they added that they have “dismissed” them.

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Worse still is the fact the article was published by Vanity Fair, who has typically been supportive of the Sussexes in the past, and even featured Meghan on its cover in 2017 in a flattering profile piece, titled: “Wild About Harry”.

I love how the Millennials see Meghan as a feminist icon, when of course the Queen was the most powerful Matriarchy on earth. If there’s an award going for feminism here, it’s the Queen who wins it!

The Queen fought the Nazi’s FFS! Meghan starred in Suits.

I have been fascinated by the clash of culture between the public service duty orientated Greatest Generation who the Queen represents and the Millennial  me me me shallowness of those supporting Meghan and Harry.

When you see everything through the lens of identity politics, you end up as tribal as a Qanon fanatic.

The woke argued that Meghan smashed the heteronormative cis white colonial patriarchy by marrying into the cross burning klansman of the Royal Family, and that all the Piers Morgan like hate directed at her is evidence of the vast misogyny of privileged white men.

What the vast majority of those who watched it thought however was that Meghan blundered into a family with no idea of the obligations in a gleeful spectre spectacle of ignorance and once there, didn’t like it, threw a princess and the pea tantrum and broke up a family that everyone loved.

I don’t want to relitigate the Oprah interview,  but I want to point out again, her own words leave us with no wriggle room when we are apportioning blame here…

Right at the start of the interview, Meghan said she was unprepared for the reality of being a working royal when she married into the family.

“I went into it naively, because I didn’t grow up watching the royal family,” she said.

“It wasn’t something that was part of conversation at home. It wasn’t something that we followed.

“I didn’t do any research. I’d never looked up my husband online. Everything I needed to know, (Harry) was telling me.

“What does it mean to be a working royal? What do you do? What does that mean?

“I didn’t fully understand what the job was, what was needed of me. There was no way to understand what the day-to-day was going to be like.”

…put aside the enormous hole in her basic general knowledge in not knowing anything about a 1200 year legacy like the British Royal family, but she didn’t even bother researching what she was getting herself into means it’s all on her surely?

She had no idea what she was getting into, didn’t like the working Royal responsibilities and felt she wasn’t given enough support so just broke up a family because you know, hashtag mychoice hashtag empowerment.

In the wake of watching that Oprah interview, an almost majority now have a very unfavourable view of Meghan and Harry, and the language of catastrophe promoted by the woke to generate grievance traction is falling terribly flat.

Add to that the awful Netflix series, Harry’s unbelievable book where he admits killing 25 while complaining his brother pushed him and now this new documentary that misled Jacinda into appearing in it!

Jacinda Ardern blindsided by Harry and Meghan Netflix doco – has not spoken to Duke and Duchess about it

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had no idea she would be participating in the latest Harry and Meghan Netflix vehicle when she recorded her interview for the project.

Despite Ardern featuring prominently in the trailer released this week, she has never spoken with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Meghan, about the series.

The episode nearly sparked a minor constitutional crisis with Ardern, a sitting Prime Minister, appearing to take the side of the renegade prince against his father King Charles, New Zealand’s Head of State. However, Ardern’s office has confirmed the footage was taken from a November 2019 interview for an earlier project, sparked by the legacy of Nelson Mandela – not Harry and Meghan.

..Harry and Meghan represent the self absorbed millennial generation and their snowflake triggered world that rewards wounds and victimhood as an identity.

Watching it implode is glorious and watching Millennial’s get quieter and quieter about their Identity hero’s is almost as much fun.

Meghan Markle’s ostentatious humility is just another cautionary tale of hollow Millennial Identity.

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  1. But Arden made a secret visit to Markle in London before the Sussex pair vamoosed; they’ve both noted emailing and gifting each other, but not so with more reputable royals, the non-freebie ones.

    • Which brain imagine that? Markle is a classless little girl who wanted to be a Princess and Harry was ripe for the picking. She lied and lied her self serving head off durinig the odious Oprah interview and that was the moment I realised what a fraud she was!

  2. When she was whining in Africa, among some of the poorest and down-trodden women in the world, that no-one asked her how she was doing, I knew there was something very wrong. Heard very little after that because I wasn’t interested in looking but apparently it was one ghastly mess after another. Australia was such a mess they sent Prince Andrew to smooth ruffled feathers. It had to be bad to use him of all people, to settle things.
    The look on Her Majesty the Queen’s face at the wedding, confirmed everything I’d been thinking. Even the colour of her attire yelled, ‘We are all sickened by this interloper and can’t do a damned thing to prevent this wedding without putting ourselves in the wrong’.
    The Firm always came first with the Queen. Had she been younger and less ill, I think she’d have found a way to sort out the Duchess of Sausages or as she’s also known, the duchess of hollywood.

    A young woman with any brains from the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth would never have involved herself with Harry. It had to be an American or someone on the make. And Harry got both in one go.
    Shows where his brains are.
    The disaster tourism from the last few weeks is mind-boggling in its stupidity.
    They have both been shown to be shallow, immature, spoilt, and perfectly suited to each other.
    Thank goodness they aren’t out there ruining 2 other peoples’ live, just their own. And so publicly.

    It seems a feckless thing to give our attention to, a pair of nobodies being dumb.
    But sadly, as Martyn points out, they are a bit typical of their generation and later generations seem to admire them. What does that say about education and our future, that people like this are noticed and admired.
    These are perfect diversions for Atlas and our politicians to use, to grab the attention of new voters and stop them looking for facts and figures about the way we’re governed. To stop them being critical thinkers who understand the danger we face.
    Their mad lives are entertainment in the bread and circuses sense.

  3. We all know Megan is a bully and her number one victim is Harry. In the real world she could have been charged with spousal abuse. She blatantly took Harry from all his family ( flawed as it is ) and friends and placed him in a strange country.

  4. “Harry and Meghan represent the self-absorbed millennial generation…”

    That’s just a silly slur on young people. Harry and Meaghan don’t represent anything other than the suicidial sense of entitlement of the rich and the total vacuity of the whole notion of celebrity that lies at the heart of popular American culture. Just leave young people alone. They are doing it tougher than you or I did unless, as Piketty points out, they inherit a swag of money. Plus they face a catastrophically warming world

      • People want to extend their period of childish self-centredness these days. And some never grow up, they just grow out haha.

    • AB you rightly defined a time to stop and have a cool water or cup of tea. Writhing around in other people’s soup doesn’t make our own taste better. But perhaps such commenters have no taste!

      There are so many people to denigrate in our times. Perhaps we can keep a running list so we don’t miss any of them. But also keep a list of those worthy of mention for trying to be thoughtful and keep hold of our values etc. I have been reading Aldous Huxley. He will do for today. Others?

  5. While not meaning to defend the millennials, it’s a bit rich to say the Queen was totally about public service. There’s also an element of keeping the riff raff on side to help them forget she’s digging into their pockets and claiming to be divinely appointed.

    Dianna certainly must have known what she was getting into to, well a hell of a lot more than Markle I would think. Perhaps age was an issue


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