Boom – we told you ACT was always about privatization and now ATLAS agenda is laid bare


TDB told you!

It wasn’t all easily manipulated culture war bullshit, there was a always a terrible dark secret beyond all the race stunts, the continued privatisation of New Zealand…

David Seymour flags asset sales in State of the Nation speech

    • ACT leader David Seymour gave his State of the Nation speech on Friday, in which he said New Zealand was at a tipping point.
    • Seymour suggested selling New Zealand’s state assets, and floated the idea of allowing people to opt-out of the public healthcare system.
    • He also took aim at those who oppose the Treaty Principles Bill, calling them a “majority for mediocrity”.

…this is the hard right think tank ATLAS playbook

And who, in turn, are the junktanks? Many refuse to divulge who funds them, but as information has trickled out we have discovered that the Atlas Network itself and many of its members have taken money from funding networks set up by the Koch brothers and other rightwing billionaires, and from oil, coal and tobacco companiesand other life-defying interests. The junktanks are merely the intermediaries. They go into battle on behalf of their donors, in the class war waged by the rich against the poor. When a government responds to the demands of the network, it responds, in reality, to the money that funds it.

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…Oil, coal, tobacco, right wing billionaires, the fucking Koch brothers and dark money influencing our political system so much so that we see the exact same agenda being rolled out here!

This has always been the game.

Manipulate your bigotry, weaponise your impatience, use race stunts to distract you and implement policy that empowers the corporations funding all of this.

David is aging so fast he will look like Marx in 3 more months

The Atlas Network threatened The Daily Blog late last year (I told them to go fuck themselves) and the deplorable backdown by TVNZ by allowing them a bullshit right of reply on the last episode of Q+A was TVNZ Journalism at its most spineless and pathetic.

The greatest win by the Atlas Network will be the Regulatory Standards Bill.

The Treaty Principles Referendum is the distraction, but the Regulatory Standards Bill is the real win for the Neoliberal Right…

The long neoliberal con

While all the media and popular coverage seems to have been directed towards the Treaty Principles Bill, David Seymour and Act are poised to achieve another substantive victory that has been over 20 years in the making.

The Regulatory Standards Bill, first introduced to Parliament in 2006 and reintroduced last year by Seymour in his role as the Minister for Regulation, is under the public consultation phase (quietly started on the day of the arrival of the hikoi in Wellington).

It will be taken up by parliament in early 2025.

As detailed by Melanie Nelson, the passage of this bill (an agreement in the coalition Government’s negotiations) will help Act to realise a longstanding goal of their neoliberal policy agenda, which is to enshrine the rights of individuals, particularly property holders and business owners, over the collective good of all New Zealanders.

“The focus on the Treaty Principles Bill risks overshadowing its dull but dangerous cousin, the Regulatory Standards Bill, which is currently open for consultation,” she writes. “The Regulatory Standards Bill is the brainchild of the Business Roundtable (now the New Zealand Initiative) and has been attempted three times previously by the Act Party.”

If passed, the bill will establish a hand-picked regulatory board to ensure that law-making complies with its regulatory “principles” and to deal with complaints of violations (the public can even call in their complaints via a newly established tip line).

…ACT have tailored an economic straight jacket that will make it impossible to counter corporate interests ever again.

If this passes, Corporations will be able to stop any environmental or taxation policy they don’t like.

The radical nature of this should terrify every New Zealander.

I didn’t believe most Kiwis voting National, NZF or ACT had much idea what exactly they were voting for and I don’t think the vast majority of Kiwis have any comprehension just how far right this Government actually is.

Setting up a legislative body dominated by corporate interests to test future laws against would be the end of NZ as a functioning democracy.

Sure it would be Government elected by the people, but it be run by law decided by corporations…

This regulatory board would have sweeping oversight over all proposed government regulations, with the ability to make non-binding recommendations.



Furthermore, all proposed legislation or ministerial statutes (with a compliance review of all existing laws within 10 years) would fall under the purview of the new regulatory board, severely curtailing the ability of the government to regulate harmful business practices or corporate exploitation, even if such regulation is in the public interest.

More seriously the current version of the bill has removed any role of the courts to provide regulatory oversight or interpretation; a move that seems to be explicitly targeted at blocking any incorporation of Te Tiriti into the regulatory discussion.

…so the Courts would be effectively bypassed by this new regulatory board.

At some stage New Zealand, you are going to have to either resist this slide to corporate fascism or you are merely going to be puppets to them.

Wake up Kiwis!

It is important now The Atlas Network is so active and influential in our political system that we acknowledge and highlight the many tentacles of The Atlas Network so we are aware of the influence.

The list of Atlas tentacles:



Taxpayers’ Union


Curia Polling

The Campaign Company

Free Speech Union

Plus everyone below via the NZ Initiative…

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.


  1. Will, when people I know – whom typically have zero interest in politics – are not only talking about politics but can at least name the people/party in question, then I know that, that party has well n truly overstepped the mark. Act n co are a clown show, an absolute clown show. I am more than happy to see Act totally unmask itself and my friends reaction to this underlines my belief…..surely the opposition can make hay of all this or will they keep on choosing to walk down roads to nowhere!

    C’mon, you’ve just gotten a free pass to reelection, are you worthy or are you every bit of what you have been in opposition, thus far – friggin beyond hopeless!

  2. While David Seymour was giving his ‘State of the Nation’ speech, the rest of the politicians were bending the knee at Ratana.
    Different priorities on display.

  3. Well…watching TV 3 news last night the report on ACT’s, so called, ‘State of The Nation’ speech by Jenna Lynch was more like a party political broadcast…on and on and on it went….you’d swear she had a vested interest in the party…it was ridiculous.

    She started by saying it was a packed out venue if it was The All Blacks playing at Eden Park…

    It wasn’t Eden Park…
    It was a tiny room somewhere in the back blocks of Auckland.

    ACT are fundamentally full of stupid people…there is no other way to put it…. can’t, and don’t want to, see past the end of their noses.

    What they are proposing lacks any reasoned logic combined with poor economic ability…they are useless all round.

    They have no real purpose in life of any value and they will be gone at the next election… if not before!

  4. “Deny,” “defend” and “depose” this is the type of health care we are with reluctant looking forward too if this far right agenda is implemented in Aotearoa. Only be a matter of time when we have our own “Luigi Mangione” step up and take heroic steps?

    Free Aotearoa

  5. “Please stand for the national anthem”, and “Respect the flag” were phrases that ceased to carry any meaning some time ago. They mean EVEN LESS now we are (seemingly) willingly becoming serfs again.
    Serfs to be exploited for a loose collection of brands and corporations, owned by their parasitic shareholders.
    But it’s your country, isn’t it? Yeah, right.
    Those bits that we indirectly owned through our collective public interests. Those bits that we, as communities, had built together, and had administered on our behalf (however imperfectly) by our elected representatives. Well, those remaining bits are being carved up and sold off to more of those parasites.

    All those folks who went to foreign lands and gave away their precious lives for what they *thought* they were defending. They, you and I are being utterly betrayed by ACT, National and NZFirst (what a joke of a political name the latter is).
    Shame on those parties, and their supporters. Shame on the liars and traitors to their fellow Kiwis.
    We sneer at your meaningless flag. And we laugh at your meaningless National Anthem.
    They now stand for nothing, as do the sacrifices made by so many for the things they imagined they represented.

  6. They’re determined to finish the job begun in 1984. I have only one word for them TRAITORS. The transfer of public wealth into private hands with the consequence of ordinary kiwis becoming poorer.

  7. We need a foreign agents law in NZ. Locals like Seymour accepting foreign political money would then have their treason officially exposed and who they actually work for. Is Seymour any different to the Chinese spy politicians exposed in the National and Labour parties?

  8. “I didn’t believe most Kiwis voting National, NZF or ACT had much idea what exactly they were voting for and I don’t think the vast majority of Kiwis have any comprehension just how far right this Government actually is…..”

    Having ‘no idea’ sounds the same as being politically illiterate, which as I have previously commented, represents at least 50% of the electorate. That is why our political system needs to be reviewed and/or a better form of MMP is developed.

    • Hard to know what you’re voting for when National were deliberately obscure, and the MSM accepted this, while boycotting Peter’s meetings pre-election. The surprising thing is that Bill English left anything worth selling at all; that wee fellow would sell his own grandmother if he thought he could get away with it, IMO.

  9. Jesus Christ!
    Ok. Things are far, far worse than even a paranoid old fuck like me could have comprehended.
    ‘Groundswell’ NOT TO BE TRUSTED! And I’ve always asserted that. The ‘Groundswell’ bowel movement was a deep state initiative to devalue our farmers views born of synthetic desperations.
    FARMERS! If you’ve never heard of Sun Tzu and The Art of War then look him up! Never heard of Professor Stanley Milgram? Look him up too! NOW! It’s really important to know your enemy.
    And can I say ; Fantastic work @ The Daily Blog and @ Martyn Bradbury, you’re all fucking hero’s.
    Or are you? Please tell me you’re not an abstract laundering device used by our predatory influencers to normalise the patently abnormal? Please tell me you’re not that?
    Let’s, for a perilous moment, assume that you are on the level so to speak.
    Then, we should all be fucking terrified. Seymour has used his thin little lips to weasel his way up and into our bloodstream on the back of the rat that is roger douglas’s own particular iteration of milton friedman.
    The problem with milton friedmans neoliberalism is that it’s easily used against those innocents who work to have families and have fun with their lives. milton’s in effect a master of redeploying the nature of the parasite.
    The Origin Of ‘The World’s Dumbest Idea’: Milton Friedman
    Farmers? You have been duped. You’ve been manipulated and exploited, often times by your fellow farmers. The reason why I mention farmers here is simply because our farmers print money. Money they’ll never see again.
    Time to call for a very, very public royal commission of inquiry into our economy and our politic. Not tomorrow. Not next month or next year but now. Today. If you don’t? I’ll be back to tell you that I warned you that this would happen.
    We’re at grave risk of losing our country to rich autocrats. @ Maori? Sound familiar ?

  10. RNZ
    Watch: David Seymour delivers State of the Nation speech
    That little fucker should go. Now. Today. He’s a dangerous little man with milton friedman’s conscience.
    We’re all on the edge of a precipice and roger douglas’s agent provocateur, seymour, is standing behind us with his best little shoving arms at the ready.
    This, all of this, is much, much larger than it appears to be. Seymour’s selling us into slavery to foreign privateer ownership and we have little or no idea what it is that’s actually going on.
    Our primary agricultural exports industry is ruined, our people are in distress and our very financial solvency is in steep decline. We’ve been set up so’s we represent a desirable $-bargain to foreign interests i.e. as above re Atlas.
    luxon, seymour and peters need to go immediately. To prison preferably while a public royal commission of inquiry is conducted.
    This is serious. I mean really fucking serious. If [this] goes ahead we’ll be in the deepest shit imaginable. Our AO/NZ’s having the lawns mowed and the windows cleaned in readiness for when the neoliberal coagulation of luxon, seymour and peters puts our AO/NZ on the open market.
    Farmers! I’m looking at you. If you don’t stand by your city people and take up resistance against the soft, pink, weak-tea fascism that’s trickling down luxon, seymour and peter’s legs then this will be on you. You are the primary industry, you make that which we need to export to survive as a country of people and if you don’t start to at least come to understand what it is exactly that it is that’s going on then what’s coming at us will be on fucking ewe. I mean you. A little defusing humour there. ba ha.

  11. Luxon,Seymour and Peters are exactly what New Zealand needs for all to prosper,the alternative Green/Labour/Maori is too terrifying to contemplate.The world is moving on from the ridiculousness of the Left.

    • So why are the vast majority not looking remotely like prospering? Your comments are such bullshit that they must surely be click bait at best.

    • This is what’s actually happening in Reality Land bob the first.
      Prior to the formation of the national party and their subsequent election in 1936 and after AO/NZ developed refrigerated shipping AO/NZ took off into the stratosphere economically. Early farmers were thriving from supplying otherwise perishable foods to a winter bound northern hemisphere, or at least they were until crooks pounced on that agrarian income stream then sequestered it for themselves.
      Fast forward to today. So much money was sequestered that it’s impossible for the national party and their privateer, criminal arse kissing urban besties to hide their crimes. On top of that, the *[buyers] of farmer goods here put so much energy into chocking off supply to drive up prices that they eventually hoisted themselves by their own petards and consequences of that is what we’re seeing today.
      What most AO/NZ’ers can’t comprehend is the fact that there are multiples of billions of farmer earned money that’s simply been disappeared. Auckland? That’s farmer money. As is Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.
      Dunedin was the largest city in AO/NZ for awhile. Dunedin had gold then wool and meat and that’s why you can still see Dunedin’s early wealth in its public buildings.
      AO/NZ’s early middlemen became so boldly greedy that they’ve not only fucked themselves but they’ve fucked everyone else while they were at it.
      And here we are today. Unable to move past the abhorrence of the crimes committed by people our primary industry initially trusted but were then bullied by. Nothing has changed and unless there’s a Royal Commission of Inquiry into every crack and crevice of every dirty deal done, we’ll stagger along until the current national party figures out ways to divest itself of its crime scenes. Like destroying the Treaty then selling ourselves to rich americans after we dump the Crown with all it’s laws and privileges that currently benefit us all.
      There you go Bob The First. Your opinion please and you can spare us the hyperbole and the puffed up platitudes. I’ve got those covered in anticipation of you turning up.
      * By buyers I mean mafia-like gangs who dominated the primary industry ‘marketing boards’. Example: Apple and Pear marketing board? Heard of? Sir james wattie has. The wool board? Triple-dumping then storing long after farmers sheared it then trucked it? Heard of that one? Bob t f ? Heard of that?

  12. What ridiculousness might that be?…

    Oh no wait…i get it ….Grant Robertson having us back into surplus by mid 2027 as opposed to Luxon’s and ‘No Boats’ Willis’s clusterfuck of running the economy which won’t have us in surplus by 2031…maybe…if we’re lucky …plus a half billion dollar contract breaking fine …and record unemployment.

    Ah yes …now i get it…that kind of ridiculousness.

  13. ACT want a stratified neo-feudal society where we all lick the jackboots of capital like good little serfs. All their defenders and apologists crack me up… they’re already bending over with their tongues out.


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