MEDIAWATCH: Progressives fleeing Twitter and Facebook highlights how reliance on cancel culture has blunted our ability as a movement to win debates 


I’m divided over the latest rush by woke progressives fleeing Twitter and Facebook to Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky.

On one hand I think it would be great to put all our alienating woke middle class Identitarians into a padded echo chamber where they can all scream their alienating nonsense on platforms that have no influence, but on the other hand it really highlights how reliance on cancel culture has blunted our ability as a movement to win debates.

Because social media is now so ubiquitous, everyone has seen flameouts and vicious knife fights on contentious issues in their timelines and that activist screaming you are a Transphobic, Racist, Sexist, Vaccine-peddling, Satanic pedophile is enough for you to personally hate and be hurt and align yourself against that activist regardless of policy.

That’s ‘proxification’.

It wasn’t Trump saying outrageous things that attracted angry reactionary white working class vote, it was the intense reaction by middle class woke activists to Trump whom they had been insulted by that made the election so febrile.

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Voters cut their noses off to spite their face because it angered people they despised.

We need to be on social media platforms that aren’t just padded echo chambers.

Threads and Bluesky allow you to curate your feed so much so that you never have to feel challenged or threatened by a different opinion.

I don’t think that helps anyone.

Sure, Social Media Hate Algorithms have filled Elon’s Town Square with Neo-Nazis and Brownshirts and Troll Bot Farms that swarm to curry favour and shape opinion alongside manufactured disinformation and misinformation, but I won’t lock myself away in a padded echo chamber because you don’t win debates in echo chambers and you don’t change anyones mind in an echo chamber.

I’m staying on Twitter and Facebook because engaging with people who don’t agree with you is activism!

Unfortunately feelings over ride reason and we are now just agreeing or disagreeing with feelings and seeing as social media has made us all unforgivable in the eyes of the puritanical woke and the unhinged right, there is a need to use the few tools at our disposal to generate solidarity to stop the unhinged Right from selling us all out to their rich mates.

We no longer have the luxury of pure temple politics and we need as a movement to understand that the Holy Trinity of Woke Intersectionist Dogma:

  • All white people are irredeemable cross burning racists
  • B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL WOMAN that ALL Men are rapists.
  • Anyone supporting Free Speech is a uniform wearing Nazi whop hates the trans community

We need to appreciate that Holy Trinity of Woke Dogma helped kill the class solidarity the Left represents and pushed vast numbers of men into the arms of the right and that our movement’s inability to bring people across to our side using Broadchurch common ground policy is because we have been so reliant since 2026 on cancel culture.

Progressives fleeing Twitter and Facebook highlights how reliance on cancel culture has blunted our ability as a movement to win debates.

If the woke can go back to sleep now and allow the Class Left to rescue our movement, we’d be very appreciative cheers.

Now go bitch about alienating bullshit on Bluesky and Mastodon while the Class Left fights.


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  1. There is no discussion, no debate, no collective series of statements aimed at establishing a point on any social media. No one ever changed their mind on any position because of a well reasoned post on X. With the end of what little fact checking there was and the rise of AI things are only going to get worse.

  2. People are leaving because algorithms have been weaponised to promote lies and bigotry, turning the environment into a sewer.
    Stick around in there if that suits you, no one is forcing you to leave.

  3. I dunno, the anti-woke cancel culture crusade from the Trump idiocracy clown circus is doing well. (Coming to a city near you). Weaponization of tech has always been a double edged sword, even to those that wield it.

  4. i think how the far right is winning is that they rebranded themselves, they detached themselves from the identity of KKK and Neo Nazi roots and attached their same ideology to unsuspecting conservatives and inserted their movement’s message preaching across Church palputs of various Christian denominations to coordinate. The far right isn’t far right anymore, it’s normalized centerist, everyone else now is radical left. The KKK aren’t rampant frothing lynch mobs, they are good Church going “All Americans”. But at the same time the far right have rebranded the left into a demonized concentrated term called “woke” that they can blame jewish space lasers on or wildfires, hurricans and earthquakes so anything that gets gets caught up in the “Woke” term churn like DEI and Social Justice or Womens rights can automatically be termed ‘Evil” without thought. Maybe the left needs to detach from this American term “woke” that has been imported here and across the world. it’s not a kiwi term, it’s not a British term, it’s not a European term, it’s a US concentrated hate brand that been reguritated across right wing politics without real meaning. Theres nothing wrong directly with Social Justice, or Environmentalism or Conservation of caring for climate change or Womens rights directly, it’s just been automatically attached to some weird label the left keeps using and helping regurgitate called “Woke”

    • Get your history correct Hayden:
      KKK was the Democrats.
      Slavery was the Democrats, Republicans wanted it stopped and illegal so Republicans introduced the emancipation bill. The Democrats didn’t want this, leading to the civil war.
      Never understood why black voters blindly vote for the Democrats that not only put them in chains, but fought tooth and nail to keep them that way.

  5. And yes there nothing wrong with freedom, freedom of speech or freedom of religion too and some of the things the right preach on about. But there is something wrong when one preaches freedom of speech and does the opposite. ie. banning tik tok in the name of free speech or security, makes a country great when sky high tarrifs will kill everyones purchasing power, equality for all except if you’re a migrant, lgbt or a woman, claim to respect women and promote rape culture etc, You have to break their narrative, unbalance, call out the hypocricy and redirect. And this stuff can be “weaponized” and coordinated in mass on the same tools the right uses too.

    • Hayden your comments are so inaccurate,so silly you should refrain.
      Your ignorance laid bare “in mass.”
      To save you further embarrassment I won’t point out your spelling mistakes.

    • Hayden your comments are so inaccurate,so silly you should refrain.
      Your ignorance laid bare “in mass.”
      To save you further embarrassment I won’t point out your spelling mistakes.

      • You are an embarrassment that you have to post twice to prove it. I needed to point that out because you are clueless and ignorant.

  6. I don’t see much point being here when my comments for reality and the people regularly go missing. The ‘point’ is we don’t have any choice. Thanks, real Left.

    Rightio, algorithms fuel X. If you are popular for the Left you get endless attacks from complete idiots. On Bluesky you get a bit more reason. I assume. And that’s our main hope.

  7. Despite/because my small-scaleness on Twitter they regularly mess with me. Facebook won’t allow me to share outside material to FB — pro-Palestine? Hopefully that’ll change after Mark Z’s stopping of monitoring. Trump’s inaugeration marked frequenter sexbot activity on Twitter for me. Appropriate.

    I should really try out Kiwiblog — I imagine the complete freeplay I haven’t encountered elsewhere among the wrongheaded. Join me, Martyn if you admire debate’s efficacy that much.

  8. Your holy trinity of wokeness is not believed by any rational person, so, a strawman. And re free speech, you’ve been hard on the Free Speech Union for the obvious reason of it being a rich divide and rule wedge.

    Class politics needs stronger talk for it not your campaign against minorities. Scape-goating.

    I’m getting used to blunting my truth here, re free speech.

    Rightio, accepting this won’t be published, I appreciate your volcanic energy, I’m the opposite — a reluctant conscript to life since I thought it was a crock of hurt from the start. Both of us help. I’m battered from my late life conscription and you from the inevitable walls you ran into. I’m middle class so it’s just a matter of ideals for me, reason and people-rule. When you ran into those walls your ideals were half-incinerated into reactionism. Attacking minorities is not what you do when you don’t believe in the efficacy of culture wars! That makes you similar to the Right that also persecutes them.

    Your holy trinity of the woke is not only not real but an indicator you might go Right. I don’t think that’ll happen since you are so good on the main things. How you keep these wrong thoughts in your head alongside the right ones is … pretty common among us humans, us fallibilities. It undermines your claim to truthfulness however.

  9. The problem is much of the Western left does not want to win.
    They do no want power.
    They have internalised being the victim and enjoy wallowing in the self-righteousness and sense of outrage that brings. That is more important to many of them than actually having power and then being held responsible for achieving real meaningful outcomes.
    That’s the difference between the Western left and the real left of Soviet Russia and the Peoples Republic of China. Power is a good thing. But for the Western left power is evil, and indeed only those in power can be racists or sexists or homophobes etc. Therefore, they eschew power


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