Happy New Year’s New Zealand from TDB Team


No matter if you are Left wing, Right wing, No wing or All wing, The Daily Blog wishes you and your whanau the best of the new year and all the blessings of the season.

We are still all away over Summer and will be back next week.

Enjoy this amazing country over the holidays and recharge your batteries comrades, 2025 is where shit just got real.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.


  1. Agreed Martyn, 2025 will be a good year, right or left wing….everyone will be better and happier.
    Thank you for TDB, a great place for the political tragics like us to chat and give our thoughts and opinions, no matter that they don’t align with everyone.
    Free speech is precious.

  2. New Years Humour – some time after the Douglas reforms, Dick Prebble said that he had received letters from people thanking him, for making them redundant. Dick recounts this tale, with such a straight face and so earnestly, that it makes it even funnier..


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