PSNA supports the protest at the ASB Tennis Classic to express outrage at the participation of Israeli tennis player Lina Glushko.
In Glushko’s own words:
“In these tough days, what my country is going through I can’t be more proud and happy to play with the Israeli flag next to my name and win matches”
Glushko has served in the Israeli military and is an Israeli army reservist. She is representing the rogue, apartheid state of Israel at the tournament.
“It is utterly unacceptable that the ASB Tennis Classic would include a reservist soldier from an army committing genocide in Gaza” says PSNA National Chair John Minto.
“Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) and United Nations officials have all condemned Israel for crimes of genocide and extermination in Gaza”
Within the last few days Israel has renewed attacks on Gaza’s hospitals as it tries to drive the entire Palestinian population from northern Gaza in a massive ethnic cleansing operation called the General’s plan.
Palestinians have faced 76 years of brutal Israeli occupation, ethnic cleansing, apartheid and genocide and have repeatedly called for BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel to bring international pressure for change. This means ending sporting, cultural, economic and diplomatic relations with Israel.
“Apartheid is a crime against humanity wherever it is practiced. Just as we protested apartheid South African players at sports tournaments in the past we are protesting an Israel player today”
14 years ago Palestine solidarity supporters protested Israeli player Shahar Peer at the same tournament.
“Politics and sport are always strongly linked and Glushko’s presence is part of Israel’s strategy to normalise its racism and apartheid against Palestinians. New Zealanders will have none of it”
ASB itself is already morally crippled with its investments in companies such as Motorola which are complicit in building and maintaining illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Now it is helping to normalise Israeli genocide by having Lina Glushko compete.
PSNA has previously written to the government asking it to suspend all visas for Israelis who have served in the Israeli military from coming to New Zealand. We have not yet had a response.
John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
I don’t like Israel all that much but for me the Jews still have a Holocaust get out of jail free card. If you poke the bear you get the claws. #neveragain
“…the Jews still have a Holocaust get out of jail free card.”
Perhaps this is why Jews are so terrified of anyone every investigating the details and logistics of the narrative, even to the point of jailing them in some cases and/or otherwise ruining their lives. After all, the world would be a completely different place if the thing underpinning the post WW2 order, the holocaust, could not longer act as the foundation stone.
Think about it: without the Jews being able to rely on the holocaust get out of jail free card, they’s be just a murderous bunch of psychopathic misanthropes running amok in the world.
Now now Mary Ann. Yes, it may be true that we can see new video daily of Israelis murdering and torturing and raping Palestinians just for fun, but there are eyewitness testimonies from jews about the awful things the Nazis did, like throwing jews into a cage where a bear and an eagle would cooperate to rip them apart.
I don’t like Israel all that much but for me the Jews still have a Holocaust get out of jail free card. If you poke the bear you get the claws. #neveragain
I don’t like Israel all that much but for me the Jews still have a Holocaust get out of jail free card. If you poke the bear you get the claws. #neveragain
You need to learn from current events and not continually live in guilt over something that happened over 80 years ago. We don’t allow personal revenge in our justice system now and the harm to the Jews in Europe caused by the Holocaust is not a valid excuse for them to commit genocide on the Palestinians.
Hmmm does that include here in New Zealand? Like things that happened 180 years ago?
Peter, the Israelis have played that card for the last time. The world sympathy is with victims, not perpetrators.
Great protest. And that protest has been seen around the world. BDS works!
“In these tough days, what my country is going through I can’t be more proud and happy to play with the Israeli flag next to my name and win matches”
What a cunt.
Disgraceful comment which adds nothing to issue.
You really do have a nasty streak KwT-C
So your logic suggests you wouldn’t raise a hand to protect your family from rape, torture, burnt alive etc., as committed by Hamas against your family ???
John – How’s the ‘Free the Hostages’ Banner going, or the ‘Free Gazans from Hamas’ Banner, or ‘Oct 7th – Never Again’ Banner…
Nathan, why don’t you organise the banner, why does it have to be John.
Lol, why would we human beings condemn the taking of prisoners of war from your terrorist group, nathan, you nonce?
Or the build a bridge, get over it and move on banner.
Ennius – So true
Netanyahu is the main obstacle stopping the hostages from being set free so you should try a new year’s resolution to base your thoughts on verified truth instead of relying on propaganda all the time.
Bonnie – Right back at you
I think it’s almost impossible to find an Israeli in there 20s or 30s who hasn’t been either, in the army at some stage, or is currently a reservist. It’s part of their civic duty. I think even Wonder Woman falls into that category.
Also a mate works for an Aussie company that does massive deals with NZ infrastructure companies & councils. But as he said “the company is ‘registered’ in Australia but the owners live eslewhere…(between Jordan & Egypt).
New ways of helping Hamas
Human beings will always support our fellow human beings. We will never forgive you babykilling monsters.
You’re probably not worth their effort but Mossad will be glad you identify as a Hamas supporter.
He does have a valid point about “Baby killers” though. Latest count is 238 Palestinian infants murdered with the latest being new born twins freezing to death and another case of newborn twins being blown up to pieces.
How many Israeli infants or newborn children were murdered on October 7th?
Zero, None, Nada, Zilch.
Just saying, you know as “Antisemitism” s/
Link for your claim?
All for your protest.
Twelve losers with nothing better to do on a fine day. Try going for a run or maybe even having sex. The endorphins released might even relax you and give you a better feeling about life.
I don’t understand why Minto is fixated on the Palestine cause? Like we don’t have enough of our own problems to deal with! And why is he not over there, fighting for the cause on the ground? Too dangerous I suspect.
I was reflecting upon your track record of opposition Mr Minto. We marched with you in 198 against apartheid. The call from pro sport people was keep politics out of sport.. im proud to have stood with you then, we embarrassed the Saffers racist regime. We played our part. With regard to Israel you have my support. Moral causes don’t change, you are consistent.
Moral support? Do you have any particular opposition to indiscriminate suicide bombing as well?
That’s a big jump, really an idiot comment. Am I to assume you support genocide?
It’s not such a big jump really. You hark back to the 1980’s when you marched for HART. That was around the time of the first intifada which initiated indiscriminate suicide bombings and other terror attacks against innocent civilians. There was no objection at the time by Mr Minto and his ilk which by your own admission included yourself. I can assume by this admission that it is you that supports murder/genocide.
The heroic Palestinians defending themselves against you monsters who rape and kill children should be supported, yes.
Did you march in 82 against the Military Dictatorships and the killing of civilians during the Dirty War when the All Blacks played Argentina? Nope didn’t think so
Betcha you didn’t. Why not, did you support them?
No I didn’t, nor did I march when the All Blacks played Romania under the bloody one party state of Ceaușescu, nor did I protest when NZ went to the 1980 Olympics, or the 84 Olympics, or….(Perhaps I had other things to do rather than protest 24/7)
As you can see, there’s a “cause” wherever you look if you want to look hard enough. Why do some causes get highlighted and others don’t?
So BG the cause here is genocide. Do you support it?
The only reason Israel exists and will continue to exist is that they take nothing more seriously than their security and totally ignore the constant whine of muppets like Minto.
James Brown. Security will always be taken seriously after an horrendous historical diaspora, and when there’s not a lot of other places to go. The Red Sea parting to settle survivors in Australian desert, as once was mooted, won’t be happening as easily as a ‘ refugee’ arriving in Britain and being put in a posh hotel or a council house with all mod cons and an income provided via the home-grown taxpayers who go out to work each day. Minto’s a protestor like Luxon’s entitled, and both may need to prioritise a bit.
Viewed from the other side of the world is there any difference between the resistance actions of ZOB and the resistance actions of Hamas?
Viewed from the other side of the world I think we should stay the hell out of their conflict. We have enough problems to solve to get involved with the shit going on in the middle east.
The Mintos, Swarbricks and Co, if so emotionally invested, should just get an airticket and fly into Gaza and fight for the cause since it defines their lives so much.