9pm Live Tonight: NZ Leftist Collective Review of 2024


Join a multitude of Progressive content creators as we look back over 2024 with our biggest stories and look forward to 2025 The first show is hosted by

* Martyn ‘Bomber’ Bradbury, Editor of The Daily Blog https://thedailyblog.co.nz/

* Pat & Chewie, co-hosts of Big Hairy News www.YouTube.com/DOCNZStudios

* Kelvin Morgan, Twitter bossman informing the world what the Right gets up to www.twitter.com/kelvin_morganNZ

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* Spiderhoof, TikTok Queen exposing the lies of the right to the world https://www.tiktok.com/@spiderhoof

Joining us during the show is

* Clint Smith, former advisor to Jacinda Ardern

* Paul Barlow, TikTok and YouTube commentator


  1. But am I Left or am I a human being? I like what money can buy. I’ve always worked and have paid my taxes.
    I like buying fancy things and I like being able to have the freedom to enjoy them so consequently I don’t think I’m specifically politically Left at all. I like seeing people safe and happy. I like to be able to get high and wander about the city. I like being a capitalist balanced by socialism. I don’t like seeing people suffer. I don’t like seeing homelessness in the streets but that doesn’t make me Left does it? Why can’t I be politico-finance-neutral? Why can’t I be one of the Clan, one of the Tribe but also to be me too? An individual. A singular person with my own mind, body and soul BUT also be part of broader humanity? All humanity. A socialist capitalist. Why can’t I be that? Of being a two part political animal. Would it be like being a straight Gay person? A murderous peace campaigner? A meat eating vegetarian? Might that end conflict and bring about a kind of hypocritical peace? Where we all settled into being loose and uncertain and enjoying it. Where no one is an arse hole and everyone’s a happy fucking idiot? Just look at those who proclaim their normalcy. Just look at them? I mean Jesus!
    Nasty, bad, ugly, boring people in a government of liars with no self-clemency. Doomed to being forced by their own moral rigidity into tight nylon underwear while living under the sweltering glare of we happy fucking idiots.


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