School sex education plans derailed by misinformation, bigotry and threats of violence – report
Schools should not be required to consult parents about the content of relationships and sexuality lessons, the Education Review Office (ERO) says.
A report out on Tuesday shows misinformation, bigotry and threats of violence have derailed some schools’ attempts at consultation and prompted some to reduce or avoid teaching the topic.
The office said relationships and sexuality education was compulsory from years 1-10, but schools figured out themselves what to teach and that had led to inconsistency.
Young people have to understand the biological and sexual changes they are going through and they need to understand consent.
The Identity Gender element that has been added into Sexual Education however has generated enormous culture war issues.
I’m the most liberal human in the world, I fought for equality legislation and marriage in NZ for the Gay Community, I don’t care who you love as long as it is consensual and all power to you living your truth!
I do have deep misgivings about the way the Trans community have advanced their cause with cancel culture militancy because I think it provides ammunition to the far right and I have deep misgivings about the erasure of women to accomodate the Trans community, but I support the Trans Community’s right to exist and have the same agency we all do in a democracy, but how the Christ is this anything other than overt sexualisation…
…this is state sponsored and in state schools???
I thought Pride Week at schools was celebrating diversity, I had no idea it had mutated into this????
Drag zoom panels???
I’m fine with this at University, but come on, this is at school for 13 year olds!
Look, I support Drag Story Time, hell my own daughter has gone to those, but Drag panels over zoom with school children with really over the top sexuality is bewildering to me.
We have a right to challenge the more flamboyant elements of woke dogma while supporting an individuals right to choose.
The inability to be able to even have the space to discuss these issues rationally and calmly no longer exist in NZ society because in NZ now you can win an argument simply by ‘feeling’ it more.
Sex education has become a culture war nightmare but hiding it from parents probably won’t help
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Yeah, right O then.
In the meantime where’s the dialogue that should be opened to discuss @ 80 Maori tribes asking for communication to be opened between the crown and themselves re the Treaty and seymour and his cronies’ threat to it?
Not a fucking squeak @ MB? It does beg the question : Why? Personally, I find this hugely worrying and I’m an old pakeha farmer. @ Maori should be deeply concerned.
The Guardian
Māori tribes make rare plea to King Charles for intervention in New Zealand politics.
Representatives of more than 80 Māori tribes have issued a rare plea to King Charles III requesting his intervention in New Zealand politics, amid growing tension over the government’s policies for Māori and a souring of the relationship between Indigenous people and ruling authorities.”
The Guardian
New Zealand opposition parties back Māori plea to King Charles
Why won’t The Daily Blog go there? I notice that the weak tea sipper society’s rnz with its little secrets and toxic agendas isn’t going there either as far as I know.
The Education Review Office – aka the back street pronouns – oops- diverse back street pronouns – who I think unfortunately replaced the much-needed independent Commissioner for Vulnerable Children – can take a running jump at themselves. It won’t be parents they’ll have to contend with, it will be grandparents, great aunts, and lots and lots of the old and wise who voted for NZ First to stop them from messing up our children.
Sometimes public servants can be rather insufferable, and this is one of these times. They’re so caught up in their own self-importance that they’ve lost the ability – if they ever had it – to recognise that there are grown-ups in the real world who are more intelligent and switched on and talented and experienced -definitely more experienced – than they are, and who will not accept being dismissed as fools when they aren’t the pea-brained pronouns being driven by damaging ideology.
We do not give birth to our children, with all the responsibility that that entails, to then be bullied and threatened by the Ed Dept’s diversity bunch who think that they have the right to usurp their elders and betters – which itself wouldn’t matter too much, were not the well-being of our children – not their children – at stake here.
but you are happy to be bullied by the river of filth and rich pricks party on things like vaccinations and other health issues .This is a health issue and kids need to know this stuff minus the identity shit .If a person wants to identify as a cat thats their issue not mine or yours .But the basic stuff needs to be brought out into the open .My grand kids have just had sex education at school and have no issues with it .It is the narrow minded whom think everyone should fit into one basket that have the problem not the kids .It the same as racisim ,kids are not born racist its the parents that make them racists and thankfully more kids are ignoring the parents and are pushing back on that .As a boomer I am impressed with the inclusion of all at our local schools and ECEs.The so called adults should step back and perhaps talk to the children who after all are the end customer not the narrow minded river of filth suporters .This discord is being driven by NZ first as is the increase in smoking ,vapping and drug taking.
gordon w. So the kids come home and tell grandad about their sex education do they? That’s nice. The tooth fairy is real, and that’s nice too. Vlad the Impaler was as good a guy as Johnny Appleseed, which is also nice. Our children are world leaders in maths and science, and that’s even nicer.
yes they do and my grand son was top student in year seven with being top of his age in science ,maths and maori so get off your high horse there is more going on in schools than you know .
Coming on strong Gordon W. I myself have found the sex education provided by schools tends to be narrow, and not prevention of sex slanted, but the correct use of condoms. At an evening to discuss? with parents, there was so little said that someone asking what a wet dream was must have ‘woken’ up the lot of them. Ir’s the wrong approach. Parents and kids being taken through a deliberately provocative discussion with the kids questioning parents sand asking why and the parents asked what they thought the best way to go about it was. And parents asked what sort of statement would size up their beliefs about sex. And whether they were confused, or sure? Honesty. Less Grace Mullane cockiness and Tinder rubbish. Not use sex as a drug, it is wonderful or an upsetting tingle, makes us god-like and life-creating whether we want to or not!
Appreciating one’s own gender issues, learning, adjusting, changing – not thinking that they are easy to cope with for anyone. Have met two men who are in late 30-40s, have been married young, had children, moved on without too much pain and are happy to be single. Is that a result of a government-induced dismantling of society and the dream of stability and completeness?
Better to be informed about safe sex as like your self they are going to be doing it in the future .The pit falls out there now are way more than in my youth so I am happy that kids are being informed about date rape drugs and so forth .Owing to the amount of mongrels out there it is very likely my grand daughter will be drugged and raped at some time in her youth be that when at clubbing or at university .
Pronouns is as stupid as woke idiot,they are people that have a different opinion to you which is allowed
The lynch mob at Albert Park will look like a vicarage tea party compared to conscientious parents being shunted aside by an ill- informed Education Dept hell-bent on imposing its sex/gender idiosyncrasies into innocent young children’s lives.
While you are all bleating about nothing your kids are being bombarded with a massive wave of drugs that is flooding the country which will have a way bigger effect on NZ than wether a kid is a male ,female or identifies as a cat .
What are the woke doing about the flood of drugs coming over the border daily .We are an Island so it cant be too hard to do something about that .But we will sit on our hands and in ten years we will blame Jacinda or Muldoon when in fact we should look in the mirror at the real cause .
Thank you @ MB.
Unfortunately some groups who feel they are on the outside looking in will see a Crack in the wall and try to push through as hard as they can .This will upset those who have always thought they were in the right .This can be applied to sex religion or race .It is hard to reach a happy medium as some see it as a weakness to be different.
100%. Peters was the only politician with the integrity to engage with this issue pre-election, and trying to exclude rightly-concerned parents is counterproductive and absurd.
Peters is just jumping on the band wagon because some one in the river of filth said they would vote for him if he stopped people checking up on what he is doing in the kids toilet at school
Are these the same person who call everything they don’t agree with woke. Are these the same people who enjoy porn at the taxpayers expense .Are these the same people who want to stamp out homosexuality and voted for aversion therapy. Are these the same people who are troubled by transsexuals in women’s toilets on a daily basis. Are these the dirty old men with name suppression . Are these the people who constantly highlight the worst of human nature at the expense of the many. There was a reason for sex education in schools and it was because parents didn’t do the birds and the bees talk and children came with the stork. No matter what the grey men and women decide to do sex will still exist in all its forms as a normal and unfortunately abnormal violent and abusive .Wouldn’t you want your child armed with the knowledge to know the difference and how to deal with all life has to offer good or bad
100% agree these are exactly the people who are trying to change everything and if you disagree you are woke to use their leaders favourite word when describing someone with an opinion.They are also the same people who would rather we have mass wide spread child illness rather than vaccinate against those illnesess .
Surely to the last question Nmg. Good to put the matter that way.
Hiding it from parents PROBABLY won’t help, you say??
Do you think the COVID lockdowns and parents forced to stay at home with their kids and actually see what they were learning for a change had anything to do with this rise in parental concern?