ACT’s Red Tape Ministry advises David Seymour it’s not needed

Who is she speaking about? David Seymour or Damien Grant?

Oh my God, this is so funny…

Anti-red tape ministry advises against anti-red tape bill

David Seymour’s anti-red tape ministry says his new bill to slash red tape is unnecessary.

The ACT leader says poor regulation is a cause of low wages and productivity and asked for public feedback on a proposed new law to improve quality last month.

But his own Ministry for Regulation has provided their opinion, and it’s a thumbs down.

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An interim regulatory impact statement from late October said while it supports the overall objectives, it says the legislation isn’t needed.

It’s preferred option is to build on, and strengthen, an existing regime from legislation passed in 2019.

This would “achieve many of the same benefits,” the analysis states.

Officials added: “The Ministry also considers this option would impose fewer compliance costs on government agencies.”

…let me get this straight.

The Red Tape Palace he built with public servants at higher rates than elsewhere, have reviewed his small government fantasy and his red tape mythologies and said it isn’t actually needed thanks.

Oh sweet Jesus that’s funny.

It’s like Darth Vader getting shot by his own Death Star.

Will it advise that he shuts down his expensive Red Tape Palace as well?

Watching the Frankenstein monster David created turn on him is the best thing that happened in 2024.


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  1. He is employing 6 people for 6 months to investigate hair salons and to find a way they can send their clients home driving drunk ,WTF is that about .Thousands are homeless and the world is burning and hes worried about not being able to get pissed while getting his hair cut .
    And he is paying his charter school ministry 50% more than dept of education staff I thought he was all about cutting costs .Why have special staff for charter schools when we already have an education ministry .How much are these kids going to pay to go to these boot camp schools when they can already get free education at the school next door .

    • Yes his charter school staff of which he said were about half a dozen but multiplied to 20 over night are all on $150k plus as are his Ministry of Regulations staff which total 80 plus.
      In addition he has contractors on the team.
      Total cost $15M plus things like rent and operation costs.
      Probably $25m for something that his own ministries know is not needed.
      Could employ 50 doctors for that.

  2. ” Jacinda Ardern, wearing a traditional Māori kākahu cloak, poses with her medal and insignia after being appointed a Dame Grand Commander of the New Zealand Order of Merit at Windsor Castle. ‘
    ” Regarding her work since leaving office, Ardern said she had been supporting conservationism in marine environments and Antarctica, writing a book, teaching and “supporting others who want to practise empathetic leadership”.

    “But I would sum it up with sort of just trying to spread a little kindness in the world,” she added. ”

        • Good thing you are “holding out” youngster, as all hope of getting any of your ilk to actually open both your eyes and realise just what a self serving load of nothings y’all are has disappeared along with NZs reputation… I have been constantly appalled at the utter drivel the the “intelligentsia”, such as it is in NZ, continue to impose upon anyone stupid enough to listen to for more than a few seconds before “walking away”…
          Seriously, even the Aussies laugh at us now, with good reason… Or shake their heads in sorrow at the utter degradation Kiwis have come to wallow in, and brag about… Stupid is as stupid does is now the reality here..

  3. Will David Seymour LISTEN to that advice or in his perfectly Arrogant World will he think he is the Expert on Everything and doesn’t need ‘underlings’ advising him.

    Seymour has become The Tail That Wages The Dog in this coalition. He will do What He Wants to Do and He Simply Doesn’t Give a Damn about anyone else but himself.

    The Marriage of Convenience with Peters, Seymour and the Prime Weakling that is Luxon is looking more like a Three-Ringed Circus with Three Clowns in Charge.

  4. Another own goal by this demented COC .Just like Willis now Stepping back from her sinking ferries and Luxon hiding in the closet while his mates destroy NZ .hE HAS NOW EFFECTIVLY ADMITED THAT HE HAS NO NEGOTIATING SKILLS OR ABILITY AT ALL .Handing the batton to Winston is a sure sign that Luxon and willis are way out of their depth .Their depth is very shallow indeed .


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