Green Party Radical New Green Deal Economic Vision is what NZ desperately needs and why Labour will lose Auckland (again)


The Green Party’s Radical New Green Deal is Economic Vision that NZ desperately needs right now…

A ‘Green Jobs Guarantee’ and Ministry of Green Works: The Green Party’s new vision for NZ

The Green Party has unveiled its own emissions reduction plan, which it promises will more than double climate change efforts over the next six years.

Green co-leader Chloe Swarbrick unveiled the wide-ranging game plan on Sunday, which included a “Green Jobs Guarantee” and extensive infrastructure development, alongside a commitment to include agriculture in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and a moratorium on free emissions credits.

…Chloe is without doubt one of this Generations most important political voices and her articulation of such a fine piece of policy work marks her out as such.

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The speed with which extreme climate change is coming demands politic al action now.

Does it go far enough?

Christ no,  we are in so much danger from what is coming over the next decade but this makes the adaptation to those new realities a far lot easier than where National, ACT or NZF want to take us.

Look at the insanity of the last oil field debt…

Nearly half a billion taxpayer dollars set aside to decommission Tui Oil Field

A total of $443 million of taxpayers’ money has been set aside for the decommissioning the ill-fated Tui Oil Field – far higher than earlier estimates.

The Tui field was deserted in 2019 after the financial collapse of Tamarind Taranaki, leaving the Crown with the bill for its safe decommissioning.

The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment set up the Tui Project to oversee the process in 2020.

…how come we are left cleaning up the oil industry mess?

This excellent piece of work by the Greens with genuine attempts at solutions means that Labour have to do a hell of a lot more than a Capital Gains Tax to win back Auckland.

If you look at Auckland in the 2023 election and the Labour vote, Labour lost in 2 ways.

The working classes didn’t bother voting because GST off their fruit and vegetables was a slap in the face to their cost of living crises pain and the middle classes all voted Green because Labour’s GST off fruit and vegetables was a slap in their face to their intellect and the Green Wealth Tax was far better.

What this vision by the Greens really represents is a cementing in of that middle class Labour vote in Auckland to the Greens IF Labour only limps back with a Capital Gains Tax.


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  1. Farmers…? Yes you.
    Abandon your Natzo fantasies and stop work. No rams, no bulls, no seed, no planting. No inseminating, no diversifying, no intensive land exploitations to satisfy the australian-competitor owned bankster abusers or your lazy greedy urban cuzzie gimme-gimme-more’s. No more wee Greenie meanies sucking the yolk out of the egg in that most climate friendly, regenerative, recyclable way that puts organic hemp socks on their neat clean little manicured feet. No more of that.
    Just stop it. Stop for a year. Then lets see what’s more important. An interweb of garbage, a few useless flouncy aucklanders thinking they’re ‘fuckin’ stylin it baby’ or a full belly.
    Oh! And this might sound just that one tiny little bit cray-cray ( crazy) . Build a country wide CB coms network from The Very Far Northy bit to the Very Far Southy bit and both coastallily bits in the middle.
    All it will take is a flick of a switch or have the *Tasman Sea cable cut and we’re suddenly blissfully although hugely and vulnerably fucked.
    New cross-Tasman data cable to land in Invercargill
    Invercargill! Who knew? Not Big Beautiful Wonderful Spectacular Bleached poontang / perineum Auckland with its broke arse main street and looming poverty but dear ol, funny ol Invers is plugging us into Global Fantasy Land where there are Angles and Fairies and false economies. Where everyone’s owned by the Australian banks ( Who are in turn owned by the W-yanks and no one has a life of their own but for the one given them by their abusers just to keep farmer sequestered money floating off-shore at a rate of $180.00 a second NET ! 24/7/365. Gosh! Gee! What a kerfuffle.
    @ Maori are off to lobby the Crown. Our farmers are still licking natzo arse hole.
    Farmers. You must pitch in with Maori. Do it for me. Your dear old once-was Country Boy who was forced to gaze into the light and now tries to shine what he saw into your every corner.
    Killer white T cell.
    “A type of immune cell that can kill certain cells, including foreign cells, cancer cells, and cells infected with a virus. Killer T cells can be separated from other blood cells, grown in the laboratory, and then given to a patient to kill cancer cells. A killer T cell is a type of white blood cell and a type of lymphocyte. Also called cytotoxic T cell and cytotoxic T lymphocyte.”

  2. The Greens are big on setting targets for us to achieve but not so good at formulating ways that these laudable goals can actually be achieved.


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