ACT’s lidless eye on beneficiaries highlights Right Wings hatred of the poor


Why is it always scrutiny of beneficiaries with ACT and not white collar crime?

ACT’s lidless eye on beneficiaries highlights Right Wings hatred of the poor…

…ACT are demanding an electronic Purity test that bypasses the rights of the individual for an online Big Brother who will punish the individual for private choice vices?

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Who the fuck are they? The heel clicking nanny state who punishes like a self flagellating mother superior on meth?

That’s who ACT are becoming and appealing to is it?

The infantizisation of adults requiring the mass surveillance state staring over them like the lidless eye of a Puritan God scorching the individual in a sacrificial ceremony to civil rights all for the bloodlust of the lynch mob!


The Reserve Bank Governor purposely crashes the economy, causes tens of thousands in job losses, expects unemployment to hit 5.2, beneficiary numbers explode and the Government is now forced to get imaginative in how to find ways to cut people off welfare!

Remember the Economy is sinking so fast because the Government is ideologically imposing policy rather than well thought ideas.

Forcing beneficiaries onto cards will create the same problems Australia saw when they imposed this, people won’t be able to use their benefit to pay rent and will get kicked out before the bureaucracy catches up.

Under scrutiny the Officials admitted they couldn’t guarantee that wouldn’t happen here.

So a welfare policy that increases the risk of homelessness to fund tax cuts they’ll never see for landlord loopholes.

The State is unjust and rigged for the rich.



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  1. David is spending on stupid things like giving hair dressers a license to sell wine so the client can then hop in her car and drive and kill some homeless person sleeping on the foot path because after a 2 hour hair appointment and 2 bottles of wine she is 3 x over the limit .He has employed 6 people for at least 3 months to investigate this .Fuck me it should only take one person a couple of days not 72 weeks of work time .
    That money would pay for retraining one or two of the people that have been thrown on the scrap heap by his shit government

    • Correct Seymour and his government are killers, gun, smoking and drinking( fuck me everything Winston likes including horseracing( because he owns them not greyhounds)

  2. ACT and NZ FIRST are now the government as Luxon has now capitulated and handed the baton on to Winston because he cant get a couple of boats with his legendary negotiating skill .Luxon is a legend in his own lunch time .His so called skills are lust an illusion no wonder those planes he bought are no longer able to fly .Fuck if he bought the ferries they would have no bungs to stop them sinking and they would not even complete the delivery voyage .So now he has opted to become the junior partner in the coalition and to leave the two rich prick party and the river of filth party to tear NZ apart .Fuck I might move to gaza it might be safer there .

  3. ‘Why is it always scrutiny of beneficiaries with ACT and not white collar crime?’
    Beneficiaries do not vote for ACT.
    People who hate beneficiaries vote for ACT.
    ACT is actually doing that which elected members of parliament are supposed to do – following the wishes of its electorate – commendable really.
    A government of bastards, by bastards and for bastards.

    • beneficiaries are an easy target because they are bottom feeders who the squashed middle love to crap on and kick to death even though those same squashed people have so much debt they are taking NZ to the depths of debt .Take away the massive mortgages they have and they are close to being bottom feeders them selves .

  4. SIR LUXON OF NAZARETH: would anyone care to try a drop of my prized vintage bin 2024 liquor, that I brewed myself from the left over juices of beneficiaries and renters, that we ground down into mush, and squeezed under the pressure of administrative over reach, to achieve a perfect flavorful blend, that I distilled into a smooth belly warming drop that I’ve christened “bottomfeeder supreme”, that’s just perfect for those special occasions, when property moguls who are wealthy and sorted, can gather round and drink a toast to me, for fulfilling the quid pro quo pledge to my election year donors, by easing the brightline test and interest deductibility, while turning the screws on the poor, the renters, the workers, and appointing piranha to savagely rip into public services, for I do not enter the sheepfold by the door but climb in by another way!

    • I propose a new reality TV show called “Rich pollies go Skint”, where you take a rich politician like David Seymour to a country like Australia where they have no local support, and no one will recognise them, and freeze all their bank accounts, and drop them outside a jail, with a small allocation of cash in their pocket and just the clothes on their back, and then film their trials and tribulations as they use all their wits to try and survive the rigors of reality faced by many ordinary people, and see how well they manage to get back on their feet. Could be a hit show!

      • The number of jobs is finite, so the number of people employed seems to be a zero sum situation. Can anyone more knowledgeable shed light on what affects inward migration of lower skilled workers has on the unemployment rate? Or what effect the push to increase employment opportunities for females that started in the late seventies, with favoritism and affirmative action, have on the unemployment rate of males from that period compared to other periods?

  5. Yeah well laugh it up you Chuckles. Just remember the reality. The rat is there and is doing damaging things and is paid our six figures plus entitlements and is the epitome of neoliberal fascism crawling about in the shadow of forty years of roger douglas.
    Hilarious right?

  6. Look, eh them, what can!t see, all those up the road at the Factory, all it, thought my life in the factory would have been mine, the same paper factory.
    Look now, us all home town saying don!t close, eh! them outside us where find they ain!t sayin, and greed, share is not askin the casualty of their, capitalist profit invest.
    Eh!, Union, most where, how come we cant, strike and say, we have been kowtow, for so long, why they not considering us.
    Capital its profit, has no humanitarian care.


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