GUEST BLOG: Shane Te Pou – The Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau Trust lock out


The recent decision by Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau Trust to lock out their Kai Mahi – workers  during a legitimate strike is troubling. Rachel Mackintosh, Acting President of NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi, highlights that this action is an unfair attack on those who support disabled some of our most vulnerable citizens

Those that have worked in this type of mahi know how hard these Kai Mahi work  . Many go beyond their paid hours, showing deep commitment to the kaupapa

They are dedicated to manaaki  that’s why they choose to be caregivers.

Māori organisations should lead by example as good employers. By treating all Kai Mahi fairly, especially the most vulnerable, they can set a strong standard.

Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau exists because many New Zealanders believe in investing in public good. When an employer locks out workers—especially those who help disabled they fail  and cause harm in our community.

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As we approach the Christmas let’s remember that workers supporting disabled people deserve to be celebrated. We ought not to forget the simple fact  that whilst we  spend Christmas with whanau  enjoying our Christmas Kai many Caregivers will be working . Their Mahi never ends

Treating staff with respect is not just a legal obligation; it’s Tikanga

Shane Te Pou is a Political Commentator and Unionist


  1. Maori are colonized people they think, speak and act pakeha! An example is when I was walking down a footpath and seen a peach tree that overhung from a property that was rented by a Maori person. I reached up to pick a peach instantly regretted my decision as this Maori “Karen” started cursing with intense vitriol accusation of thief and nonsensical verbatim why I was stealing her peaches it was hilarious and not worth my energy.

    The essence is that the tree grew the fruit for free and technically wasn’t on her property no harm came to Karen for picking a single fruit but she was offended because Karen believed in single ownership a pakeha concept instead of collectivity and Manaakitanga a Maori trait rooted in tikanga

  2. what a crock of shittttttttttttt why did you not go and ask if you could have some, instead of helping your self, you would not help your self if food was out in front of a veggie shop

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