Health Commissioner to seek apology after ‘cooking the books’ accusation
The Health Commissioner will seek an apology from the former Health Minister, after she suggested at Parliament that he had “reputation for cooking the books”.
Oh come on!
Not only did Hannibal Lester cook the books, he ate them with a nice Chianti!
In the Budget, National allocated just 2.9% increase to health services but inflation was 3.3% and population growth 2.6% while an ageing population adds more to costs!
National gave 2.9% for health but we needed 8% to stand still, this crisis has been manufactured!
Hannibal Lester is the hatchet man for this Government and his game is to pretend the underfunding isn’t underfunding at all.
I don’t think people appreciate just how radical our neoliberal reforms were to public services and no where can you see the grim truth of throwing out egalitarianism and progressive fairness for money and profit margins better than this brilliant Stuff article that highlights the terrible legacy of fucking over our public health system.
Look at these stats and gasp in horror at what we have wrought…
…we have progressively decreased taxing the richest to fund out public services until the public services fall over and the public scream ‘something must be done’ and the Right ‘here’s something’ and they privatise a little more and you get even less.
Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.
If you’re going to look at Mister Lester, al least give his career in public health finance the glowing exposure it so richly deserves.
but is it so glowing .Some of the same cooking happened in those places to as things looked bad when he turned up then looked to improve but went bad soon after he left .
Which places are those, gordon?
More interested in his own prestige than anything else. If he can’t stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen, and then, the country.
The old key-ism comes to mind – If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about.
Levy seems worried.
Reti is culpable in all this. He is the invisible minister of health. Never does interviews,he’s never in parliament his associates are busy doing their own dirty work as well. This government were determined that the health reforms were never going to work. What good EVER comes from cuts in health.
Spot on at M.B.
What you write.
They need to get rid of Apa as well she is on 800k and putting the boot into the workers and justifying these nasty detrimental cuts so she can keep her fat salary that matches her fat arse
If Levy didn’t eat the books Apa might have saving her 800k salary
Martyn-Lester Levy was involved in numerous Government projects, such as the Holiday Highway north of Auckland, and Auckland Transport…
Lester works 3 days a week for Health NZ and 2 days per week for AUT.
Hannibal Lester !!!! is this really the guys name ?