Faecal bacteria, sewage overflow affecting Auckland beaches
Sewage overflow and faecal bacteria is plaguing a number of Auckland beaches just as the warm weather makes a return.
Four inner city beaches were deemed “very high risk” of illness, with do not swim warnings in place.
Safeswim said this was because wastewater overflow at Herne Bay, Home Bay, Judges Bay and Te Tinana.
It said overflows were more common in wet weather, but they could happen in dry weather if pipes were blocked or damaged.
Sure as the muggy heat of Summer is the news that our Beaches are too polluted from sewage to swim in.
The rapid growth of the city hasn’t been met with the required sewage systems and of course that means Summer after Summer we have sewage polluted beaches.
Still, it’s better than Wellington am I right?
I’m right.
It’s just another example of how underfunded our infrastructure is with zero solutions offered amongst the current coma that is Local Auckland Politics.
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It’s not an Auckland thing. New Zealanders can’t go past a beach, river, or lake without being seized by an overwhelming desire to pump si*t into it.
It’s an exceedingly unpleasant national characteristic, which modern psychology seems completely unable to explain.
Dont worry the new intercepter will be in operation soon and all that shit will be pumped to the other side of the city into the Maukau instead so the rich pricks will be able to paddle in the beach again
Lets just hand it back to Maori and then demand they clean it up so us whiteys can go for a swim outside our billion dollar mansion .
But Auckland was always full of shit. Auckland is merely a Laundromat for money stolen from farmers.
And thanks to the four now australian owned banks stealing our money at a rate of a reported $180.00 net a second 24/7/365. ASB, ANZ, BNZ and Westpac are the second most profitable banks in the world, second only to Canada. Our farmers are fucked, therefore so are we all by extension.
Look? Auckland? There’s a simple solution. You know all that shit you talk? Just shut up.
Auckland–the “S Bend”–where all the turds hang out…Wellington, home of the spontaneous street water feature and monumental showers of shit!
Three Waters does not look so bad now does it revenge voters…
I don’t remember them covering this contingency in the Sim City programs that I have dealt with!?
Here are courses involved in teaching about urban planning. Perhaps we should all study this subject – maybe there are Open University papers that we could do from home to get started. Then we could go around and kick each other in the backside for failures and send these supersmart and sleazy people back to the US and UK where they came from. And grant residence to those, from the rest of the world, for whom we have not yet found better Kiwis
Study planning
Massey University
https://www.massey.ac.nz › study › study-planning
Massey’s planning degrees have been accredited by the New Zealand Planning Institute – Te Kokiringa Taumata for decades. … urban and transport planning
Missing: civil sewage
Wikipedia input:
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Urban_planning
Urban planning answers questions about how people will live, work, and play in a given area and thus, guides orderly development in urban, suburban and rural …
The University of Auckland has all the answers for that city apparently.
Civil Engineering – The University of Auckland
The University of Auckland
https://www.calendar.auckland.ac.nz › courses › civil-en…
Provides an in-depth exploration of various components of the urban transportation planning process, with emphasis on theories on modelling. The …
Anyone can do it, and with luck you will never be held accountable for your failures, and be in a better job in a different country anyway. Reminds me of Bob Dylan:
…You may be a state trooper, you might be a young Turk
You may be the head of some big TV network
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame
You may be living in another country under another name
But you’re going to have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re going to have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re going to have to serve somebody…
But not in NZAO, the place where you can take a big serve, walk out and never pay.