All those glowing words for the HMNZS Manawanui Crew from Judith Collins look a tad hollow right now eh?

Disappointment has many faces, these two are the grumpiest

When the sinking occurred, we all wanted answers.

How the flying Christ did a $100million Naval vessel hit a reef, abandon ship, catch fire and then bloody sink?

The first press conference had none of those answers.

Judith went on and on about how brave the crew were and how close it was that we nearly lost lives, courage courage courage,  blah blah blah.

We however all wanted to know, “How the flying Christ did a $100million Naval vessel hit a reef, abandon ship, catch fire and then bloody sink”?

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We didn’t get that explanation, instead we had Judith furious at sexist commentary on Twitter about the Captain being a diversity hire.

Which is terrible right, but again, ‘how the flying Christ did a $100million Naval vessel hit a reef, abandon ship, catch fire and then bloody sink’?

1/6th of the NZ Naval fleet is on the bottom of the ocean floor, all we get from Judith is lectures on identity?

Well, the report is out now and the jaw dropping incompetence has been laid out in all its brutal detail and Judith ain’t bitching about diversity hires or courageous crews now is she? She’s running for the Hills putting as much distance between herself and the HMNZS Manawanui, which isn’t difficult because it’s under the water.

Salute to our very own Tim Selwyn who was the first to start being critical of the official version of Courage sold to us by Judith, in light of the report now pointing to total incompetence on the Bridge, there has to be some type of legal accountability.

How did no one know how to turn the autopilot off?

I still don’t understand how the hell this happened, but at least we don’t have to put up with Judith whining about sexism and courage.



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  1. Terrible look for our navy – spoke to a ex-navy guy here at work who said that they only allocate the ‘least capable’ to the smaller boats but regardless they should still be capable to keep the thing afloat.

  2. Like the ferry grounding in the sounds, what I want to know is. Why the hell are those ships, whose primary role is in restricted, shallow waters, fitted with autopilots in the first place. All ships in restricted shallow waters should have a fully manned bridge at all times, making autopilots redundant.

    • The navy ship traverses the ocean, so it would need one. There must be something very confusing and amiss with the autopilot system for it to be so easy to leave on, which as you point out also happened with the ferry grounding.

    • The boat started life as M/V Edda Fonn and was operating as a supply vessel in the North Sea, which is around 100m water depth.

      This video gives some indication of the weather that could be thrown at her.

      I think the auto-pilot was on to keep survey lines on track. My understanding is that the AP can be programmed for the turns too, but it seemed that the procedure here was to turn with AP off.
      I’m second guessing here (disclosure- I did work as science crew on boats like this in the 1980s) but it seems like incompetence all the way to the top of the Navy

    • In most cases for the very same reason: The crew not understanding in sufficient detail the implications and limitations of automation are, and exactly how it works.

  3. Another case of Judith trying to cover something up .First the torture while in care and now the lack of skills in the armed forces and her latest we will sack all the people who do scientific research into all these things .Another dumb big bum blond ,BBB in this government doing its best to sink the whole country .

  4. On the other hand, it did make a pleasant change to see a Minister do something other than throw all and sundry under the nearest bus. Good while it lasted. . .

    • She’s got too much baggage to make it look like anything other than what it was.
      Her explanations don’t wash anymore because we all know what she’s like.

  5. If it is policy to hire on any criteria except the best person for the job (eg DEI policy and yes the navy has one even if we don’t know those responsible yet), then the people doing the job are not the best people.
    This problem permeates the public service and is one of the biggest reasons big government just makes things worse, it’s full of incompetent box ticking labour units.

    Competence matters more than identity.
    Who would you rather have flying the plane in an engine failure, an experienced middle aged white guy or a neurodiverse blue hair transgender with half the hours?
    Be honest.

    • 100% correct Keepcalmcarryon.

      If you were a bright 18-year-old white guy considering a career in the services, you’d read the NZDF DEI policy which is still up there online and think “No matter how hard I work, promotions will always go to a diversity hire. So, I must look elsewhere for that career. Maybe Aussie. Maybe the UK. But definitely not here”

      The USA has a similar issue. Their military has seen a steep fall in recruitment under the Biden administration because white working-class men won’t sign up to a service which evidently hates them because they’re straight and white.

    • That’s the worry about the police force to make up the magic 500 supposedly by 2025. If it looks like a duck swims like a duck isn’t it a f***ing duck . Lets hope the poor seamen don’t get the blame and shouldn’t someone resign

    • I just don’t buy this diversity-hire argument because it implies a situation where the men in the NZ Navy are able to captain a ship competently and yet all the women are astonishingly incompetent – but they gave one of them a ship anyway. Even if it this bizarre scenario was true, the next questions are; how did someone profoundly incompetent get through the Navy system over a period of decades and no one notice – and more importantly which idiots did the hiring? It’s never this simple but getting into an argument about diversity-hires certainly does a great job of taking our attention off those other questions

  6. Look it here dipshits the big problem with diversity hire argument is that the captain wasn’t one. Her C.V ranks among the best and if she was a he this (sex/gender) fingerpointing reason for incompetence wouldnt be the one jumped on for the sinking.

      • According to her naval experience. You know, the work experience a c.v details. Hers was extensive, certainly enough for the job of captain of a navy ship and similar to any other qualified captain. For example was diversity hire cited as a possible reason for the ferry running aground? No. Why? Because the captain was a man? To be a captain you have to be qualified, you have to make the grade.

    • That’s simply not true. She left the British Navy to join ours because she had reached the highest level she was capable of there and saw a easy opportunity by moving to ours.

  7. Also I am supposing that the engines would have been kept running to keep the ship afloat so everyone could be evacuated. The fact that there was no loss of life is no small matter.

  8. Innocent till proven guilty
    The report say the Captain is as guilty as sin for having an inadequate untrained crew. Her responsibility
    Not a good look for diversity hires

  9. “We however all wanted to know, “How the flying Christ did a $100million Naval vessel hit a reef, abandon ship, catch fire and then bloody sink”?”

    Also everyone wants to know was the commander a diversity hire? We’re more experienced applicants passed over? We’re there other inexperienced diversity hires on the bridge? Or were they all just a bit useless and panicky.

    Did the enquirey look into the diversity promotions?

  10. A chain of events leads to something like this happening.

    You can say “it’s the Captain’s responsibility” and believe it, and then find 100 reasons why she shouldn’t have been in charge, but that just hides the fact that a number of things had to go wrong involving a number of people.

    “The pilots flew into Erebus, they are to blame”

    We learned from that statement a long time ago that things are seldom that simple.

  11. You need to look at the personnel. They need experience and familiarity with their vessel and it’s multiple interconnected components. Naval crews need constant exposure, this is called “sea time”.

    The Navy has an endemic problem with recruitment and retention. To be blunt our boats don’t do enough time at sea that is a requirement for individual promotion and consequent pay rises etc, the crews get bored and leave.

    • The forces lost many experienced personnel due to them being used as guards during the covid lock down .It was not the type of adventure they had signed up for. Also the ship was not built to armed forces standard and this is why it sank so qquickly.

  12. A few early comments cover my initial reaction. I listened to a BBC news item on the new autopilots they put into the 737 (i think that wa s the model) . An error was identified in the way te autopilot was overriden in case of emergency; the problem was it was designed to correct for te plan’s tendency to try to climb too steeply and to correct it automatically pushed the nose down. The management knew of the problem but assumed the pilots faced with this would know how to take it out of autopilot and correct but none of them did know what to do and the planes nose dived into the ground or the sea. With both the recent Marne accidents with similar stories i bet if we ever find out when the se autopilots were fitted and where the were sourced from there will be a connection between the design and manufacture of all these (accidents).
    D J S


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