Military boot camps don’t work and neither does draconian welfare policies, but that doesn’t matter to the Right because this isn’t about well thought out rational logic, this is about ‘feelings’.
The Right Wing reactionary vote is spooked and made angry by crime as our News media sell ‘if-it-bleeds-it-leads’ click bait, so much so that they want kids to be punished with military boot camps, even if research shows it doesn’t work.
Likewise bashing beneficiaries, there’s no research that says treating beneficiaries harshly helps finds jobs or builds resilience or indeed helps with poverty, but there is lots that says it’s fucked.
We live in an age where rational objective logic is a heteronormative white male privilege so you can win an argument simply be ‘feeling’ it more.
The Woke Left weaponised ‘lived experience’ as part of their Intersectionist Victim Roulette where the weakest voice gets most attention.
If, ‘Man, I feel like a Woman’ was now a philosophical green light to the subjective woke reality, well the Right could adopt the exact same new evidential threshold being ‘feelings’.
This is the new politics of the neoliberal subjective!
We have too many fucking feelings and we have allowed a culture where feelings trump rational objective logic because the ‘lived experience’ of victims, racists, rednecks, Incels, feral antivaxers and woke middle class activists all replace reality, objective truth and class solidarity.
The only people who should give a fuck about your ‘feelings’ are you, your family and close friends.
Outside of that, fuck your feelings.
Your feelings ain’t my problem.
If your self-esteem is hurt by my thoughts, the clue is in the ‘self’ part of word, ‘self-esteem’.
You decide how you feel about shit, it ain’t no one else’s problem OR responsibility!
We have replaced feelings for rational debates.
We have replaced feelings for objective truth.
We have replaced feelings for wider context.
The Woke started this in 2016 with their social media Lynch mobs, the feral Right have now perfected it.
Everything we are seeing right now from this far right racist Government is ‘feelings’ based, not evidence based!
This Government is passing conspiracy theories into social policy because deranged antivaxxers ‘feel’ angry about a vaccination.
This Government will cut public funding to Community Sports if they have a Trans player because their angry anti-Trans voters ‘feel’ angry!
This Government is bashing beneficiaries, prisoners, renters, Māori, the environment and workers because the right wing voters ‘feel’ angry no matter how counterproductive those culture war revenge fantasies are!
FFS – we are seriously going to go against all the science and just raise the speed limits on roads because people feel angry at not being able to rush home!
Simeon Brown has weaponised your impatience to justify MORE ROAD DEATHS FFS!
Fuck! Your! Feelings!
The Right have perfected the Woke’s outrage olympics and all politics is now a ‘vibe’!
Look at the damage to our health this Government’s austerity budget has caused...
- One in four children (27.0 percent) lived in households where food ran out often or sometimes, up from 21.3 percent in 2022/23
- 10.7 percent of adults had an unmet need for professional help for their emotions, stress, mental health or substance use in 2023/24 – more than double the rate of 4.9 percent in 2016/17
- One in 11 adults (9.1 percent) and 8.2 percent of children aged 2-14 years ate the recommended amount of vegetables
- Fewer than half of adults (46.6 percent) met physical activity guidelines, ie at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity activity in the past week – down from 50.9 percent five years ago
- One in three adults (1.5 million) classified as obese, rising to nearly half of those living in the most deprived neighbourhoods
- Nearly half of adults (44.9 percent) reported unmet need for dental care due to cost. Rates were worse for Māori, Pacific, disabled, people living in the most deprived neighbourhoods and those aged 25-54 years
- One in four adults (25.7 percent) and one in five children (18.5 percent) reported that “time taken to get an appointment was too long” as a barrier to visiting the GP in the 12 months prior to the 2023/24 survey. This is higher than the previous year (21.2 percent for adults and 14.8 percent for children). In 2021/22, the figure was 11.6 percent.
…look at the damage implementing right wing economic mythology is causing us…
A group of economists, including former Treasury Chief Economist and former Productivity Commissioners, published a letter to PM Christopher Luxon this morning calling for an immediate suspension of budget cuts to avoid further worsening a recession they say is hollowing out businesses and conflicts with the Government’s goal of doubling exports.
…even the Government’s own experts are warning them…
Treasury’s Chief Economist Dominick Stephens warned yesterday the recession was worsening to be deeper than the one seen in the Global Financial Crisis and widening the Budget deficit. His comments echoed those of a group of 15 economists who yesterday called for a suspension to Government spending cuts, saying they weren’t needed and were creating a negative feedback loop of economic contraction.
…we have allowed feelings to become the driver of social and economic policy rather than the rational common good.
Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.
I have the “feeling” this is one hell of a fucked up ACT-led CoC!
But perhaps my feelings don’t count!
Bugger my feelings, let’s get rid of these fwits in 2026!
Insisting on logic and rational thinking marks you as dangerously Right wing.
Regardless of your political affiliation the country has to operate within responsible fiscal parameters of which logic and rational thinking form an integral part.
No disgreement from me!
what fiscal parameters are those Daniel? you are aware that the NZ doalar is a fiat currency – a virtual construction of IOU’s that mean nothing but usury and debt slavery owed to the privileged few who can keystroke them into existence. Some people have no idea and that includes economics graduates.
Rational thinking is smoking and gun legislation that kills. Logical and rational thinking is canceling boat and hospital builds.
Ada, dangerous right wing are marked the moment they form a government. Irrational an illogical marks right wing, your comment confirms it.
Instead of the illogical and irrational right wing cost cutting in Health, can I( as a left winger) suggest a rational and logical cost saving alternative. Don’t use public money to cover private Charter schools, that will save you millions. I know it’s a simple solution and I.dumbed it down for right wing supporters. If you want a private operation let the operators pay for it,not the general public, that is irrational spending.
Are you OK? You write like you’ve had a minor stroke.
logic? lol – where? the ferry debacle? the dunedin hospital debacle? the health services debacle? the woke intrusions on freedom of association debacle. a debacle is not logical or rational.
We are one year into a three year rentier binge.
I have customer facing work and you get a few customers coming in and just randomly sharing their views on the state of the nation. During covid people were coming in and just going off about Jacinda. Yesturday a construction guy comes in he says “This countries fucked” and he’s comparing the NZ economy with his country of origin South Africa.
When the swing tide comes after three years of deep recession will Labour have a respected leader, a real economic philosophy for a fair go, an articulated plan and people competent to achieve it?
Woven in to your pieces are many wise words and moments of wisdom, but too often you drift from the root causes of why this government acts like they do and why people put up with it.
This government has a seriously dangerous and radical right wing agenda, and being distracted by what they say, how they say it, and the division they create benefits no one.
Luxon may be an embarrassing fool, but that is not important. So was John Key. Never forget they are surrounded by a cadre of people who create this distraction and division as a profession, and understand the impact it will have on the kiwi psyche.
Distraction and division is precisely what they want, please don’t be sucked in to their vortex.
Unless of course you believe uniting the “good” against this patent evil is impossible until society has beaten itself into a bloody pulp, taken a good look at itself, and decided real change is not something to talk about but something vital for survival, in a world which is worth surviving in.
@ Rangi. Excellent stuff. IMO.
100% correct ,watch the back flip on the treaty then watch Luxon pack his bags and fuck off while war erupts .
The whole thing about Luxon being weak and aquiescing to Seymours bill. I don’t buy it. More likely he let it run because he agrees with it and wishes it was his policy.
Dead right Joseph. Luxon and Peters are quite happy to aid and abet Seymour because they are getting what they want without doing the work.
What they don’t realise is that they are just pawns on Seymours chess board.
When the time comes they will be flicked off into never never land.
I attended a local council meeting last night for the first time ever and the local politicians were whinging like you wouldn’t believe about having no government funding. These are the very same people who didn’t want government involvement in three waters and spent lots to oppose it.
Now they have no funding for roads, footpaths, stormwater, parks, gardens, lighting etc etc etc .
And they have the gall to blame the government they encouraged people to vote for.
They have no intention of admitting that they were sucked in and have now become part of Seymours big plan of privatisation and poverty.
What made me laugh was blaming imported inflation for large infrastructure inflation. Now they have to stop spending, if they had refused to spend 3 or 4 years ago the infrastructure companies would have got the message and reduced their prices instead of being encouraged to make super profits.
Completely dumb idiots and they still think they’re smart.
correct .I see Seymore is starting to bleach the NZ history being taught in schools .Reference to treaty and land grab wars will be erased .But he is too late the current pupils know the truth already .
Ready these posts one can assume Ada is wrong…again.
just like soviet state capitalism, neo lib policies have failed but the ideologically commited soldier on because they can’t accept anything different or accept the truth…hence feel feels not faCts it’s the only arguement they have.
and yes they are as IDEOLOGICALLY commited as any CPSU apparatchik
The Governments are ruled by a racist 19th century system that entrenches power in whitemen, their enablers, proxies and facsimiles.
Not addressing climate change and continued neglect of the neediest. Fatuous nonsense indeed. Why they won the election, Labour wouldn’t address the crisis so the voters went for the talkers for everything is ok, just needs a return to old normality.