Political Caption Competition


No Regrets.


  1. Hmmm yes I too have problems… what to do.. Waiheke, Hawaii or a big bash for the rellies at Premier House again for Christmas?

    • Try reverse psychology. Luxon thrives on making ordinary people wild and lefties mad. They and Labour fucked us. How to change the current current – perhaps raisin’ it a bit!

      Make Luxon uneasy by not mentioning him at all for a month (MOOA – missing out of action), and Labour grandees unsettled, by getting reports from individual Mps on the ground, actually standing in their electorates, and write up small successes that locals get which Labour is helping with. That wouldn’t l’arn them, nothing does to pollies in kevlar robes, but getting rid of their smug images for a short passage of time might have good outcomes even surprising.

  2. What I’ll say to you is, people told me that being Prime Minister will be way different to being a CEO.
    But yeah nah.
    I can f@ck people over just as easily in this job.


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