Where is the Pig King’s Police Hikoi threat against Bishop Brian Tamaki?

These patched gang members are apparently fine according to Mark Mitchell

The Pig King’s threat towards Māori was very clear at the beginning of the week wasn’t it?

Police Minister warns Toitū te Tiriti protesters cops will take action against lawlessness

As convoys of protesters begin their week of disruption this morning, Police Minister Mark Mitchell has warned his officers “will take action … if there is any sort of law broken”.

I was on the Hikoi over the Bridge.

I saw nothing but love, I saw no behaviour that justified the Pig King’s threat to protestors, and here’s the double standard.

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Bishop Brian Tamaki is hijacking the motorways on Saturday and has openly threatened conflict by telling his Christian fanatics to attack any other person on the day…

…so where is the Pig King’s threat against Bishop Brian Tamaiki?

How come the Hikoi which has been peaceful gets threatened by the Pig King, yet Bishop Brian Tamiki who will hijack motorways and is threatening violence doesn’t provoke a whisper from the Pig King.

Surely there is a mention of the same threats on the National Party press release site, let’s have a look…


How about the Pig King’s Twitter account?


Remarkable isn’t it.

Peaceful Māori led protest against the most racist legislation in living memory = Police Minister Threats.

Far Right Christian fascists threatening violence = not a whisper from Police Minister.

This is who we is now. This is what we have become.


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  1. “Christian Fascists” is a good description of the Destiny leather boys. They are always on the verge of breaking out…and smacking someone in the face…particularly when challenged by women. I have fronted them myself in Kaitaia, “Jesus would support Rainbow and Trans…” not according to these guys.

    “Man Up” is a fantasy–they still want to be arseholes–just not locked up for it. They attend church meetings, counselling, substance abuse sessions and so on because by and large they have been ordered to do so.

    Put some cooking oil down where there ’cycles are parked, and leave them to it…

  2. No doubt the cops will move in and take their patches and raid their homes looking for more .Hell they might seize the Harlies under the proceeds of crime law as all his wealth is stolen from the dumb arse parishoners .

  3. If you have them, dig out your rainbow coloured shirts, Palestinian or indigenous flags and fly them high and proud tomorrow folks.


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