Political Caption Competition


NW: We have nothing but empty hugs to give!

CL: Isn’t it amazing?


  1. NW: This is the size of unnecessary job cuts I arranged
    CL: If you think that’s big, you should see the size of our welfare cuts

  2. LUXON: Look I get it Nicola, I’m top honcho and sorted, while you’re a wannabee up and comer, who just flushed half a billion down a Korean toilet. So just keep those arms outstretched where I can see them, and don’t be tempted to pick up any daggers, just because my polling’s low. FYI, I’m wearing Sir John’s stabproof kevlar suit…anyone’s welcome to plunge a blade in it, and I won’t feel a thing!

  3. The Gnats are so twisted and remote from the responsibilities they should bear having won power, that they are setting up poses to be snapped and used for comments and riposte against them. Thick-skinned and headed they are and ‘words can only amuse them’ and give them a sense of superiority and being patronising as in, ‘The natives are restless’.


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