National are so racist that only they would ban the Nazi salute so they can arrest Māori

Thea Muldoon has more courage than the entire National Party, NZF and ACT Party combined

Christopher Luxon’s openness to discussing Nazi language ban welcomed by Holocaust Centre, but David Seymour skeptical

The Prime Minister’s openness to discussing whether it’s time to ban language and symbols related to the Nazi movement is being welcomed.

You know you are in trouble when Seymour is being the adult in the room.

Only National are soooooooooo racist that they would ban the Nazi Salute so they can arrest Māori!

The Mongrel Mob make the salute because it’s part of their culture to be as offensive as possible.

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Many were abused in State Care and see their ostracisation from society with offensive co-opting of Nazi symbols, barking and Sieg Heil’s as a means to reject the community that has rejected them.

I’m not defending their actions but to criminalise them and attempt to start a war against the Gangs is nothing more than counter productive rhetoric that will only start more conflict, not solve anything.

This Government is the dumbest, most stupid, knuckle dragging Government we have had for sometime, and that’s fine, because we are a dumb, stupid and knuckle dragging people.

I bet there are redneck crackers out there who honestly believe criminalising the Sieg Heil will solve crime.


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  1. Nazi symbols, like most if not all symbols, evolve from roots deeply imbedded in various cultures and mythologies, and banning them outright is worse than ham-fisted, it’s brutal, primitive bullying. Why not ban Wagner’s glorious music then, because of his alleged beliefs ?

    However barking derives from animals. Maori hanging from car windows barking like dogs at random passersby is also brutal and primitive bullying. It is terrifying for children, chilling for adults, and it is intended to be.

    I’d prefer not to be haunted by the knowledge of Christchurch prostitute Mallory Manning gang-raped by Mongrel Mob members before crawling from the room on all fours like a dog, to a chorus of barking mobsters, before being picked up and tossed into the Avon river, dead or alive. An alleged drug debt. An initiation ceremony for an aspiring mob member. Sub-human behaviour.

    Mongrel mob molls barking in court rooms look deranged and probably are. Short of downright shooting these persons like any other rabies-infected canine, any measures to expunge them from society should be welcomed.

    • The truth is that the White European “Christian” Nazis
      invaded 90% of the world from 1550 to 1900 murdering millions.
      The simple fact is the worst White European Christian Nazis were the British.
      The worst gang action in this lands history was the White British Nazi
      invasion 1840-1875.
      The conquest and theft of this country and the attempted Nazi genocide
      of the Tangata Whenua.
      This is what the Right Wing Nazi Treaty principle bill is actually about.
      The denial and justification of the British Nazi invasion of our lands.
      Banning the Right Wing Nazi gang is way overdue.
      Sieg Heil’ all day long.
      Hell yeah

        • Yes clearly the Ottomans, Aztecs, Chinese, Japanese, Mongols or even Maori conquerors don’t count.

        • The Belgians weren’t that good, nor the Portuguese. My French ancestors suffered as much as anybody at the hands of the Brits, as did our Scots and Irish, but the cruelty of the Roman Empire with its mass crucifixions, slavery and wholesale appropriation of other countries casts a certain perspective on the antipodean experience.

    • Got proof of her being raped? The confession of the so called perpetrator can’t be taken seriously remember he was a prospector apparently taking the rap and found out lying changing his stories numerous times and considering Manning was a prostitute so the line of work she took part of was very precarious.

      • “Manning was a prostitute so the line of work she took part of was very precarious.”

        I guess you’re insinuating that she was to blame for her treatment.
        So glad you cleared that up. Cleared it up about you, that is.

        • RC, those are the facts in court transcripts and there was no proof that she was raped that came from a mongrel mob prospector who lied multiple times to take the rap! If you have a personal issue with the facts then take it up with the courts?

      • Stephen. So it’s ok to throw a woman in the river if she’s a prostitute, you do it in silence, and deny raping her first. Right. Got it.

    • Are these gang members responsible for 6 million deaths in the gas chambers under the swastika insignia. It doesn’t really matter where it came from it’s what it represents that actually matters. Many of the gang insignia probably comes from history good or bad however there is no problem to ban these patches no matter their historical relevance

  2. Uhhh, explain how Seymour is the adult in the room here?
    He has an obvious double standard not wanting to ban swastika under the guise of “wanting to know who the idiots are” but then says the exact opposite about gang patches…
    He’s a dishonest hack who can’t decide whether he wants to be a principled libertarian or a right wing reactionary culture warrior

  3. The woke on twitter are attacking Seymour for “defending” the Nazi salute. Saying it proves he is a Nazi..
    The culture war isn’t getting us far is it.

  4. BTW, this doesn’t appear to be some sort of excuse or pretence “ to arrest Maori” per se, it’s anti gang.

  5. Police and politicians are sometimes offered the Nazi salute as a way of saying that they are behaving in a a despotic, tyrannical and arbitrary manner reminiscent of the fascists and I don’t think that it is helpful to ban the means by which some members of the public choose to demonstrate their disaffection with the colonialist regime. If it went beyond banning the salute to banning the “language and symbols” of the Nazi movement it would be truly dangerous, for two reasons. Firstly because the Nazis did not invent the language and symbols and ideas with which they are often associated. They took over and adopted to their own purposes language, symbols and even ideas which were entirely innocent in their original context. So banning “Nazi” language, symbols and ideas would be a severe affront to freedom and common sense. Secondly, if people have fascist sympathies I would like that made clear to me. If they use fascist slogans (as some of the regime’s “leading columnists” have done at times) I can more easily see where they are coming from. I take no pleasure from seeing those slogans used, but banning their use would not make our country a safer place. It would just make it harder for us to know and identify the enemy.

  6. Whereas the little wokies want to ban a black conservative American woman from talking here because she’s antisemitic, but the murdering, raping drug dealing nazi saluting mongrel mob got given millions of dollars sponsorship under Labour.
    Choose your hypocrisy there’s plenty of fuckwittery going on in Wellington.

    • And National sponsor white collar crime and raping our country of it’s public service.

    • thats a right wing lie they did not get sponsorship from the government .The government used the proceeds of crime money to pay for a drug rehab program which happened to be aimed at treating addiction in some gang members .The same program was open to anyone who wanted to take it up .Once again you red necks twisted it to suit your own shit opinion and grab more votes from ignorant people like your self .We will never know the outcome of that program because any enquiry will not ask the right question just like Stanfords jacked up enquiry about the benefits of Maori language in education .That was proven by an AUS fact checker to be lies to suit her anti Maori mantra .

  7. I live in Maori communities and these mainly affect our communities like wearing patches & gang symbolism and it not pretty when you have a bunch of people (remember not all maori are in gangs) shouting at the top of their voices “Yo Fuck Yo, Seug fucken Heil” at a tangi or in public spaces and its intimidating!

    These gangs are a stain on maori communities and yes we are aware of the history of gangs and why they permeate our society but enough is enough and we need actual changes to bring our most worse affected people in our society out of this oppressive state and IMO the right have actual real policies to combat this scourge

    Free maori communities from gangs

    • For quite a long period I lived in a Mongrel mob area and I didn’t have any problems that I could not get sorted, despite the fact that I dislike the drugs and gratuitous violence that are often associated with gangs. I was not threatened or intimidated even when on one occasion I impulsively waded into the middle of a large scale gang brawl. Therefore, based on my experiences and my general view of life, I am not going to jump on any right-wing politician’s anti-gang bandwagon. On the other hand I would prefer that we did not have these gangs and the associated drugs and violence present in our communities. I now live in a traditional rural setting where the gangs have no visible presence and confess I prefer it that way.

      • Agreed. It’s certainly not ideal- and one can appreciate that more physically vulnerable people like many women and the dodgy nonces who make up the MPs of the ACT Party are more intimidated by gangs- but in the end the gangs exist because of social problems that haven’t been addressed seriously at all since the neoliberals destroyed Muldoon’s work schemes. It’s past time to return to tradition and provide work schemes and wraparound community services to improve communities.

      • I have whanau members in gangs who have killed, raped, stole, intimidate and continually in & out of prison for unlawful behavior! Their behavior and lifestyle of bravado not only affects their children it has a rippling effect that suppresses their communities. Recently a good cousin who was caught up in the gang lifestyle but quit being a gang member was kidnapped and murdered by the gang he use to affiliate with! Gangs breed criminality and excuse bad behavior, some of the gang leaders are trying to hop on board the Maori buzz like learning marae protocol, speaking Maori etc. but that not enough especially when their members are dealing and taking serious drugs and committing crimes against their whanau and communities. In some instant it feasibly warranted to take a gun to a knife fight and these type of legislation is what required to get on top of this lawlessness IMO.

    • The communities need to make it happen .No amount of agressive policing will make it go away and I would suspect might actually have the opposite effect.The community needs to sort it out and drive it out of existence .There will never be a government that will fix the cause of the problem .They will just rant and rave ,arrest a few people ,take a few patches but the gangs will still exist while we have poverty and inequality .

  8. The only people who I hear support nonsense like this are Labour supporters, it’s one of the reasons I’m gone for good. Labour in Victoria even implemented this.

  9. Is that the Gaza Holocaust Centre? These Einstein’s should start by banning everything Israeli to show they actually understand the definition of holocaust. As for this lap dog of a government, complicit with the ethnic cleansing crazies while arming actual neonazis in Ukraine: ban yourself. Really, just quit, you’re less than worthless If preventing mass murder and terrorism isn’t your priority, or upholding international law and humanitarian principles isn’t your bag it’s time to go.

    • Nah, this is the one that solely works to ban all criticism of ‘israel’. Incidentally, it was the traitors of Labour who took steps to join the so-called ‘international holocaust rememberance association’ with their encouragement and that of their parent organization the ‘israel’ institute ‘of new zealand’ with the aim of banning all criticism of ‘israel’ as ‘antisemitic’.

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