Hobsons Pledge, ACT and the disingenuous Right attacking NZ Judiciary in typical bad faith fashion


So now they come for the judges.

Nothing sums up the bad faith nature of the right better than their current victory dance in forcing Solicitor-General Una Jagose to pause her prosecution guidelines.

The Atlas Network Talking Points are to attack the independence of the judiciary and claim activists have taken over requiring new laws to curtail their policies so Atlas Network donor interests become more entrenched.

For Hobsons Pledge, ACT and the disingenuous Right, the prosecution guidelines were a dangerous step towards racial superiority where Māori could gain a ‘get out of jail free’ card for being Māori.


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Firstly these prosecution guidelines are not new, they have existed for a while and they are there to ensure the Justice system is actually fair and not biased.

The reason over 50% of our prisons are full of Māori when they only make up 18% of the population isn’t because Māori are genetically driven to crime eh?

Only a racist would believe that.

They are over represented BECAUSE the justice system is fucking racist!

These prosecution guidelines are not just for Māori, they are for a range of groups who are over represented in the Justice system

“They are a reminder for prosecutors to think about the backgrounds of groups that are over- represented in the system. That includes Māori, but it also includes other groups like young people, those with disabilities, those who’ve been survivors of abuse in state care and other groups, all of whom are overrepresented in the justice system.

“Part of the reason of why it’s important to think about the backgrounds of those groups is those groups may well have relevant factors that need to be taken into account so that the justice system can respond in a way that’s effective and fair, and to get an outcome that’s in the best interest of everyone.”

…pretending race isn’t relevant is to deny the system is biased when research tells us race is a necessary factor…

Government’s colourblind directive an ‘attack on science and public health advice’ – expert

Public services must now be determined on need, not race. But in the health sector, experts say the biggest determination of need is ethnicity.

It’s a dogma labelled in some sectors as ‘colourblind ideology’ – the idea that everyone should be treated the same when it comes to public services.

Now the instruction to prioritise on the basis of need, not race, is enshrined by a Cabinet Office circular setting out the government’s expectations when it comes to who gets what.

But internationally, the approach has been criticised as something that allows us to deny uncomfortable cultural differences, and suggests it is a form of modern racism.

…we have to lie and pretend the system isn’t racist because so many Pakeha have placed their gains into that egalitarian fantasy so they are never confronted by the truth of colonialism in NZ.

The Right are manipulating us into believing the policy settings implemented to try and deal with bias in the system are themselves ‘racist’ and must be dismantled so that the imbalance of the State’s racism can run amok.

Taking race into account is an acknowledgement of how unfair the system is, the Right want to amputate that acknowledgement and cry ‘equal rights’ as if that wish is enough to make it so.

Never before have so many tired old white voices screamed so loudly to cement into place their 19th Century White Settler Privilege.


Find someone who looks at you with the same slavish devotion Casey Costello looks at Don Brash

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  1. Māori fill the prisons because of their upbringing. Just as the solicitor general said. Once were warriors was a documentary.

    Given that information, should we let off criminals because of their upbringing? Humans have agency so make their own decisions in life. Not everyone who has a bad childhood turns into a psychopath. Also the state has a duty to protect the general population from these dangerous criminals.

    • Andrew. Their suggesting that Maori are not as responsible as non-Maori is rather patronising, and also perplexing in view of their leader in the cowboy hat saying that Maori are genetically superior to non-Maori. Blaming upbringing is too simplistic though.

    • @ andrew. You’re the intellectually weak link in a chain of morons who come here and squawk in defence of the indefensible.
      don brash should be in jail. I can’t look at it without getting an urge to punch something.
      Try reading this. Can you read? Or are are you more a pictures kind of guy?
      The Hollow Men. By Nicky Harger
      The Hollow Men is based on a wide range of internal party documents, including emails, which Hager stated were leaked to him by six National Party insiders. The documents and emails were written by then party leader Don Brash, and a wide range of people associated with him. The book was initially prevented from being published when Brash obtained an injunction preventing anyone from publishing material from emails that he had written. At the time he was unaware that Hager had completed the book and was about to launch it.[1] Brash claims that the emails were stolen.[2] However, on 23 November 2006, Brash announced his resignation from the leadership of the National Party. The following day he had the injunction lifted, allowing the book to be released. Political scientist Raymond Miller wrote that, “Had he not resigned, he would not have survived the fallout from this book’s release.”[3]
      The book describes Brash’s rise to power in the New Zealand National Party as being assisted by an “informal network of people from the right of New Zealand politics”, including a number of ACT members, and alleges the funding of the National Party in the 2005 election was mainly from prominent New Zealand businessmen through blind trusts. It also documents that senior National Party figures, including Brash, knew of the Exclusive Brethren’s pamphlet campaigns in May 2005, although Brash denied any knowledge of this until August.[4][5] The book showed that even Brash’s admissions in August 2005 were inaccurate, making his resignation inevitable.[6]

  2. “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
    Malcolm X.
    Yup so true of 99% of the White media in this country.
    The Daily Blog a notable exception.
    White man invade and steal this country 1840-1890
    White court supports and signs into law the invasion and theft.
    White folks award White Governor George Grey a Knighthood.
    Maori who fight the invasion are killed or imprisoned on the Chatham Islands.
    1899 Hundreds of White NZ soldiers go to South Africa to fight the Dutch for the right to oppress millions of Black South Africans.
    White soldiers return and implement Apartheid in this country.
    1914-1918. Thousands of White soldiers go to Europe to fight in pointless war which has nothing to do with this country and achieves absolutely nothing.
    Maori banned from enlisting because Whites would not fight alongside coloureds. Yet after the July 1st Somme catastrophe White NZ Government introduces conscription to force Maori to fight for the Whites who 50 years before had invaded the Waikato and the Taranaki .Maori refuse to fight for the invaders and are imprisoned. 1918 the H1N1 virus brought back to NZ by White soldiers and White Government officials. Whites receive isolation advice. Maori are deliberately encouraged to stay in close knit communities.
    H1N1 virus affects Maori 200% more than the Whites.
    Depression of the 1930’s. Maori not entitled to relief support because Government said Maori were animals and could live off the land.
    White man David Bain murders entire family.
    White NZ court gives him a million dollars and free pass to Australia.
    White Australian murders 51 Muslims.
    White NZ court gives him a hotel room for life.
    White German rips of the internet $100 million.
    White NZ folks hail him as a hero.
    Mean while Maori who steal bread, tobacco or shoes fill the prisons.
    150 years after the illegal invasion and illegal White occupation White Government offers “full and final settlement” totalling 1% of what was stolen.
    Now White Government want the 1% back.
    And 90% of white folk devour this bullshit like hyena on methamphetamine.
    White Justice.
    White propaganda
    White power.

    • Hi koina,
      While overall I support your comments I am not going to let you get away with claiming that David Bain is guilty. He only got paid out because all the evidence proves that he was innocent, even then Judith Collins interfered in the process so they could pay him as little as possible.
      You are never going to get real justice from our corrupt governments which is why I trust in a higher power.

  3. If we are going to talk crime let’s talk about the states sanctioned abuse of many children and peoples and our polices framing people and the economic and social costs on our communities and country. Three strikes did not work in American where it came from. And the evidence says it was not working here far better to give them a longer sentence, good rehab and preventative policies to stop crimes from happening in the first place.

  4. 2 criminals…same crime, one maori one non maori.
    The judge has to take into consideration, when sentencing, one is maori and sentence accordingly.
    And the left think this is fair enough, acceptable?
    So when your house is robbed or a loved one assaulted, you will be happy with a light sentence due to the perpetrator being maori and the judge following the new rules?
    Awwwww that’s kind of you!
    This new law guideline will be binned, the NZ public will not agree to it, maori party will love it, greens too….and Labour, well Chippy will agree with maori party and greens in-between photo shoots of sausage roll eating (he knows he will not be leader at next election, he doesn’t really care he is a lame duck Labour leader)

    • Thankfully the justice system has intelligent judges who have the ability to make fair decisions unlike your diseased imagination which only imagines evil. The evidence would suggest that the more politicians try to interfere with criminal sentences is the reason that justice is denied.

    • Doesn’t count in Tighty I’m whitey righty’s planet Key world CIP.
      It just comes on here, spews it’s right wing vile whilst his plastic Prime minister produces more guffaw moments in front of the media. He’s frickin retarded.
      Meanwhile white collar crime, the biggest crime of all is promoted by the Coalition of Chaos ( lead by the COCK, the ” K” is silent.)

    • My ancestors were Scottish, kicked off the land by the Normans and then the English, I have yet to be convicted of any crime, why is that?

  5. Hobson said that Maori would retain their perfect independence .If only that were true NZ would be a very wealthy country and less polluted and would have a society put people before profit .

  6. To address one of the other points, Judges should not be attacked by the executive government (the coalition) ever. The other side of the bargain is that Judges are to interpret what Parliament said, not what they would like the law to say. Judges are unelected and cannot be allowed in a democracy to trespass onto policy or parliamentary territory. When Judges overreach themselves they need to be corrected just as the executive needs to be corrected by Judges when the coalition overreaches itself. Both Judiciary and Executive must submit themselves to parliament in our system.

  7. Poor people worldwide commit more crimes than the rest
    Maori are in the poorer segments of society and commit more crime
    Their crimes are usually unsophisticated, they get caught and prosecuted. Their victims are usually Maori
    It’s very rare to get jail time for a first offence, they’ve usually got multiple convictions.
    New sentencing guidelines bringing in a 2 tier justice system might make the woke feel better but will increase the crime rate. It will also increase vigilantes meting out their own sentences

  8. Interesting to note that King Charles did not want to be seen in the company of the present government, driving right past their door without dropping in. A right royal snub. Only Charles and his inner circle will know why he chose to exclude New Zealand from his South Pacific jaunt, but I am guessing that it has to do with the coalition’s anti-Maori policies which would do serious harm to the monarch’s reputation if he was seen to be endorsing them by his presence in the country. Charles knows that the continued existence of the British monarchy in New Zealand depends entirely upon the tacit consent of Maori. Thus he is treading very carefully.

  9. If most of incarcerated ‘Maori’ also have English ancestry does that mean that English are more inclined to commit crime?

    • That’s correct the thing almost every incarcerated person has in common is their European ancestry. That fact means that crime is a European problem, not a Maori problem. “Maori” is a social construct and they only exist in the minds of those who accept that ideology.

  10. Sometime in the past, probably just after the cataclysmic sea rise 12,000 years ago, humans arrived in NZ.

    Back then humans were tribal, they arrived here separately, they lived separately, and they distrusted other tribes. Ron Crosby’s The Musket Wars details more than 600 tribal wars between 1810 and 1840, a third of the population (humans) were killed. In 1840, none of these people were known as Maori. The noun Maori did not exist and is not in any of the Te Reo 1840 copies of the ToW.

    Between 1840 and 1900 NZ became one of the most productive countries in the world per capita, overtaking both the US and Australia. By the mid-1970’s NZ was one of the most attractive and safest countries in the world. Up until then no one cared about skin colour, we were all individuals.

    In the mid 1970’s the concept of race was brought here by a bunch of Marxists and it’s been downhill ever since.

    Using race as a factor for anything is evil, and will bring a country down.

    As evidence, just look at us as a country today compared to the late 1960s; evil has been unleashed.

  11. Fuck get a life Ethan B when you stand in court or deal with our police, they don’t see a half Scottish, English or Irish person they see another bloody Māori and they judge you according to their mostly bias white held views. I’ve seen it and my whanau, and I have experienced it firsthand. Now you would not know because you have not walked in our shoes.


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