Christchurch City Council is due to vote on a resolution to amend its procurement policy to exclude companies building and maintaining illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
The resolution was proposed by PSNA in a presentation to council in June and a positive recommendation is finally coming to council tomorrow.
The details of the agenda item are on Pages 13 to 23 here: Agenda of Finance and Performance Committee – Wednesday, 23 October 2024
“We are delighted the council is to consider this motion tomorrow” says PSNA National Chair John Minto. “If it passes Christchurch will be the first city in New Zealand to end Israeli impunity for war crimes” (Building settlements on occupied land belonging to others is a war crime under international law)
The motion would bring council policy in line with UN Security Council resolution 2334 which was co-sponsored by a previous National government in 2016. It will also mean Christchurch will be the first city council in the country to adopt the policy (Environment Canterbury voted in this policy earlier this year).
“Today Israel is running riot across the Middle East because it has never been held to account for 76 years of flagrant breaches of international law,” says Minto.
“The motion is a small but significant step in sanctioning Israel. Many more steps must follow”.
PSNA National Chair John Minto and University of Canterbury lecturer Josephine Varghese will be speaking to councillors in support of the motion at around 9.40am backed up with supporters in the public gallery.
We hope the media will report this important development in holding Israel to account.
John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
Ohhhh Israel will be shaking in it’s boots lol.
Then they have to find Christchurch on a map before they all have a good laugh.
Israelis only laugh when they are murdering civilians and raping Palestinians they have imprisoned ,,,, that and every time western politicians and western media spread their never ending lies in their never ending propaganda…..
The horrifying images from Gaza last week of fire consuming a Palestinian teenager confined to his hospital bed with an intravenous drip may come to define Israel’s genocide as completely as earlier images of human depravity have defined the world.” ,,,,, ”
…..”Dalou’s two sisters, father and younger brother all sustained severe burns from the fire caused by the strike. His 10-year-old brother succumbed to his wounds days later. The victims in Deir al-Balah were charred into oblivion – and with them the “rules-based international order” the West helped establish to prevent a repeat of the horrors of the Second World War.”….
….. “The modern era of international humanitarian law that the West proclaimed, as well as the institutions the West championed to uphold it, are going up in flames. ”
Well done PSNA and John Minto ,,,,,, enforcing laws really seems to upset the’ law & order’ crowd ,,, when it comes to Israel.
I’m hopeful Christchurch lands on the side of the law ,,,,,
Im right – The Christchurch Council has a history of undertaking zany actions…Shame for the ratepayers of Christchurch.
Israel had some improper activity exposed after the Christchurch earthquake so crawl back under your rock and continue living in ignorance while the adults do something meaningful.
Free Palestine
…and this will achieve what?
Why didn’t this Council stay silent when al-Assad killed over 200,000 Syrians? Oh that’s right, Israel wasn’t involved so it doesn’t count.
proof BG not your opinion remember NATO states along with its allies were responsible for the majority of the carnage and mayhem in Syria with your venerated apartheid state Israel regularly bombing indiscriminately to this day.
The “Timber Sycamore” reports that the US and its regional allies were funding ISIS groups in Syria & Iraq to overthrow the elected president Bashar Al Assad. New Zealand govt under John Key helped with funding training the “White Helmets” cloaked as a humanitarian group a fake civil defense group helping Jihadi alphabets group to commit atrocities against the Syrian populations.
Bg – Arab- on -Arab violence does not count…I based that on how many “Human Rights” activists say/do nothing.
You should have gone into bat at the time, this motion has been presented to council a number of times. Instead of criticising perhaps you could get off your arse and do something about any oppressed persons.
Would that be like declaring itself free of nuclear weapons in the 1980s?
It is still free on Nuclear Weapons’ today.
This is a seriously alarming watch.
From @ Not me. Can’t remember who. A fellow commentor in TDB.
Israeli Soldiers sickening War Crimes exposed.
Go you @ J.M. x
Israel will eventually pay price for Gaza genocide.
Nope….no it won’t!
It will defend itself, as it has done many times.
The rest of the, non Islamic, world are in awe of them…as well they should be, it’s why they are supplying weapons and money over the years to Israel.
The world hates terrorist, especially Muslim ones, Israel will do the dirty work that all western nations want done.
Free Palistine – from terrorists!!
If you can’t tell the difference between defending yourself and the offensive war conducted by the IDF it will explain the consistent stream of mindless comments you keep posting. You should start by getting an honest view of history instead of only basing your comments on Israeli propaganda.
Well that’s a laugh right there the car bombing was first done in the late 1940s not by an Arab but Israel the modern inventor of terrorism.
They voted in favour of the resolution which is great. A big crowd in the council this morning.
Virtue signaling waste of time.
Yup, exactly
Just in it for the pats on the back and the high fives….nothing gained.
Just words and a signed piece of paper.
Local government all summed up “I’m right”. Minto will think it’s a win. Bless.
Local government all summed up “I’m right”. Minto will think it’s a win. Bless.
The second earthquake suitably sanctioned some Israelis in Christchurch …