‘I’m wealthy and I’m sorted’. The tone deaf privilege of this filthy rich Christian Prime Minister

How is a PM criticising a bank for suggesting a capital gains tax while benefiting directly from the lack of a capital gains tax anything other than class war?


‘I’m wealthy and I’m sorted’: PM makes no apology for capital gains on Wellington apartment

    • Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said he anticipated scrutiny over the capital gains from selling his Wellington apartment.
    • According to 1News, Luxon is expected to make a capital gain of $180,000 by selling the apartment for $975,000.
    • He added that he is not doing something unusual and many PMs, including John Key, have sold their apartments upon moving to the Premier House.

Remember when he claimed the $52000 housing allowance and the Press Gallery said he had ‘misred’ the room.

Luxon didn’t misread the room, the room misred him!

Luxon sees his privilege through his prosperity theology paradigm where he has 7 properties because Jesus loves him!

His accomodation allowance is a prosperity given to him by Jesus – that’s why he took so long to u-turn!

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What’s interesting about his refusal to immediately admit mistake and change is that he did it with the EV subsidy as well. While he was damning Labour for the EV Subsidy, he was intending to use it for himself and apparently the rumour is they really had to argue internally against him taking it because it was such a bad look.

He clearly used it for his wife’s car, but his intent to get it for himself and the amount of time it took to convince him was astonishing.

The 7 property Prime Minister just made four hundred and sixty thousand in untaxed capital gains from selling two of his properties while attacking the ANZ Boss for proposing a capital gains tax!

Is this venal self interest or naked self interest?

How is a PM criticising a bank for suggesting a capital gains tax while benefiting directly from the lack of a capital gains tax anything other than class war?

Seeing as Chris is a fundamentalist Christian, what would Jesus do with the sale of those apartments?

Having browsed Scripture, Jesus seems very against owning 7 Properties in the first place.

Here’s a taste:

Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Mark 10:21 And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

Luke 6:20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.

2 Corinthians 9:11 You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

Galatians 2:10 Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.

Ephesians 4:28  Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

Jesus seems pretty keen on a capital gains taxes and doesn’t sound like he wants to create loopholes for property speculators.

I don’t think Jesus would cut benefits or abuse the disabled the way National do.

Now the drapes carpets and paint are up to his preferred standards, Luxon has moved into Premier House after a $170 000 spend up, while earning almost as much from property speculation as he does his actual job as PM.


Public Housing Futures has produced a map of stalled and empty Kāinga Ora sites throughout the motu, showing thousands of half-finished or bare land where work has stopped, despite close to 100,000 people being registered as homeless

…isn’t it great that Chris is sorted while his privatisation agenda pushes more homeless onto the streets?

This is the Government YOU voted for NZ.

This crass obscenity is all on you because you were angry at Jacinda for having the temerity to save 20 000 lives during a once in a century pandemic.

Take a long hard look at yourself fellow kiwi, you had your anger and fear manipulated by the Right.

You made your bed, now lay in it with Christopher Fricken’ Luxon.

‘I’m wealthy and I’m sorted’.

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  1. Any public outrage will quickly pass.

    Most New Zealanders think that the ability to make tax-free money buying and selling houses is their birthright, it’s also in the Bill of Rights and probably part of the Treaty as well.

    • Yes, most New Zealanders on the political right think that the ability to make tax-free money buying and selling houses is their birthright.

    • Where does this pile of bovine excrement come from? Rhetorical questions aye.
      Most NZers just don’t want to pay their share – full stop. This is especially true for wealthier kiwis – with the very wealthiest the worst. How is untaxed capital gains in the BoR? It certainly is NOT in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

    • You wish. This self entitled parasite has cooked his own goose here in 3 easy steps.

      (1) corrupt Coalition renege on Public Hospital build, claiming “no money” – a straight out lie.

      (2) Cluxon blurts out “I’m wealthy and I’m sorted”, sending the message to those who aren’t to go f@ck themselves.

      (3) The privatisation agenda they’ve tried to hide is the reason behind Lie#1 comes out now! (https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/10/01/health-nz-urges-govt-to-consider-privately-run-public-hospitals).

      So no Ada, the public won’t forget.
      ESPECIALLY those without private medical insurance – which “wealthy and sorted” Cluxon clearly has no problem affording.

      This deceitful tone deaf moron has just put his head in a political noose of his own making.
      The knives will be out in National.

      • That’s 3 strikes …so KPI Luxon is out….good bye!

        It’s a shambles….and there’s way way more shambolic action to come.

        They won’t make the next election…how can they with this perpetual idiotic carry- on… and they are only 10 months in …

        This will be the first government to not see out their first term … They are THAT bad!!

    • It sure as hell is not in either version of the treaty of Waitangi. It is that greed you appear to approve of that started the NZ wars in the 1850s and 60s.

  2. The rich man in his castle,
    The poor man at his gate,
    God made them, high or lowly,
    And ordered their estate.

    All things bright and beautiful ….

  3. I don’t care if he is rich. I have a problem with being a lying, gutless, tosser. Yesterday he was saying the tax reduction on heated tobacco products was a “trial”! What is he talking about. What’s the control arm? How is it monitored? This again proves the coalition government is not evidence based at all. They often go against actual evidence because they have been sponsored to do so.

    • NZ Right Wing Government Moves to Privatise Health


      PsyclingLeft.Always 2
      2 October 2024 at 10:40 am

      Some of us (onya Mountain Tui, Mickey Savage et al)…knew that behind the manufactured Health crisis, privatisation was always the goal.

      Last night it was revealed, Health NZ, now led by Luxon’s man. Lester Levy, recommended that the way to manage things going forward including Dunedin hospital’s “cost blowout” was to privatise our hospitals.

      And where is..the money?

      3. NZ has the money. It is just being used for other priorities: tobacco, roads, charter schools, tax cuts, landlords, trusts etc.

      RNZ’s Phil Pennington : Priorities aye….

      As for infrastruture spending, health spending is surprisingly small.

      Pennington says a look at Treasury investments from earlier this year, when a chart released on investment planning revealed a figure of about $90b, $70b of that was on roads. Only $2b was spent on health.

      The Spinoff’s Hayden Donnell

      Hayden Donnell, roads are most definitely the touchy part. He’s written an article about the government’s comparative spending titled ‘The things that are unaffordable and the things that aren’t’.

      He compares the “unaffordable” $3b of Dunedin Hospital to some road projects that are far larger ticket items, including the guestimate of $10b for the Wellington long tunnel, and the four lane highway planned from Auckland to Whangarei that Infrastructure New Zealand says will eat up 10 percent of New Zealand’s total infrastructure (not just transport) spend.


      As you say Mountain Tui..NZ must stand together on this. Its the only way to stop NACT1 from destroying our NZ Health System. I dont think they have quite realised the depth of feeling. Their arrogance comes before..their fall.

  4. And now we have Bryce Edwards writing an article trying to muddy the waters whereby he tries to rope Jacinda Ardern into the story by saying she made a $ 300,000 profit on her home when she sold it.

    The big difference, which he failed to mention, was that Ardern sold her private house of residence, compared with Luxon, who is flipping ‘investment properties’ for the sole purpose of capital gain.

    This is what happens …wrongly conflating stories to construct a false narrative.

    If this is the type of bullshit that Bryce Edwards has been teaching at University, and is also provided the privilige to write about in the mainstream media, then it’s easy to see how so many people become brainwashed and misinformed…it’s a disgrace

    • Though according to Rebel News, Ardern made Luxon head of AirNZ, and her mate ( their word) Coster, Police Comm ( Christians both) and refused to say why the WEF crowd recently met in Montreal.

    • and a red neck tried to convince me she had two dairy farms as well .One only has to look up the 2023 list of stuff owned by MPs to see that is another lie from the right wing river of filth

  5. Well at least the PM could now say while in Wellington he lives in a state house…just not one full of black mould and needing multiple repairs.

    Baldrick is certainly venal, and a numbskull in some ways–he does not worry about how things look to the “losers and bottom feeders”. Will his capital gain be seen by middle class mortgage holders as a good thing…or will it be taken as a middle finger salute…it will be by renters of overpriced dumps with no chance of their own home.

    Stalling Kainga Ora builds is vandalism of the highest order. A part built, not closed in dwelling, will deteriorate–the Atlas network people like Seymour and senior Natzos do not believe in public housing so are prepared to waste millions on their ideological fantasies as per the Cook Strait Ferry debacle.

    • Ahhhh comments of im stupid hoping to bury any inquiry. ” … only the poor/reasonably well off should be the PM!” You, are a sarcastic fucking liability. Rich who get rich in an otherwise modest economy do so because they understand the value of being crooked. They also understand how to take advantage of the innocent and those who trust and rely upon the good nature of the management of senior politicians to work best in the interests of the people. luxon lives in luxury, takes hundreds of thousands of dollars from us then must strut past the wretched homeless in wellington and he appears to be quite proud of that. That bald little cunt should never, ever be allowed anywhere near our politics.
      @ you @ im right are selling a logical fallacy to enable you and your alien kind to justifiably continue on your crusade of greed and the indecent exploitation of the innocent and now powerless. You, are the problem that gives us poverty, homelessness and a loss of hope. You, are our enemy. You’re an automaton. You’ll only know how to take money from others and then you will stash it away then prance about like a rooster with an erection while crowing out the front then shitting on people out the back.
      What do you think Chris Hipkins, Leader of The Labour Party? Oh… you can’t talk with im right’s cock in your mouth can you.

    • More like us pointing out the politics of hypocrisy. The politics of honestly believing that having several properties make you a better manager of money.
      You are starting to sound as empty and devoid of ideas as Trevor and Bot the first.

    • If you don’t know the difference between parasitic transactions and wealth creating efforts then don’t be surprised when the economy has another major depression. Flipping houses for profit does not increase the money supply so all that happens is that things end up costing more and our children are burdened with excessive debt to get their own home. Most people know that a perpetual motion machine is a myth yet for some reason perpetual growth in a finite world is still considered achievable.

    • The politics of envy ?

      No just good old fashioned greed and rorting tax payer funded entitlements. Cause he and his colleagues can.

      So now its envy being used conveniently as an excuse when people quite rightly are pissed with this kind of behavior from their PM and elected entitled MP’s.

      This from Bernard Hickey.

      Luxon escapes paying capital gains tax by a few months
      Apartment sale gains would have been caught by test if done before July
      Timing matters in politics, and in tax.

      It was reported last night by The NZ Herald’s Thomas Coughlan and The Post-$$$’s Thomas Manch that PM Christopher Luxon managed to escape having to pay up to $70,000 in capital gains tax under the five-year brightline test for capital gains in place before July 1 this year because his Government changed the rule back to the two years originally set by National, and because the sale of the Wellington apartment in question was delayed from earlier in the year by Luxon’s requirements for a refurbishment of Premier House. The sale of his Onehunga rental property earlier this year would not have been subject to any of the bright line rules because it was bought in November 2016 when only a two-year rule applied.

      Here’s the detail (bolding mine):

      According to online property data, the sale was made on September 9. Luxon paid $795,000 for the apartment in 2020. According to documents seen by 1News, the apartment was sold for $975,000, making a $180,000 capital gain. The sale has yet to be settled.

      The Herald has verified the figure. Luxon’s office would not confirm nor deny the price, which was $15,000 below the apartment’s RV and well above most digital price estimates. OneRoof estimates the property is worth $745,000.

      Luxon bought the apartment when investment transactions were subject to a five-year bright-line test. The bright-line test is a kind of capital gains tax that taxes the gain someone makes on a property, excluding the family home, at the owner’s marginal tax rate if it is sold within a certain time period.

      The test was brought in by the Key Government in 2015 and set at two years. In 2018, Labour extended the test to five years and in 2021 it extended it to 10 years. Main homes, defined by the Inland Revenue Department as the home to which you have the “greatest connection”, are excluded from the bright-line test –but Luxon’s main home is in Auckland, meaning the apartment would have been caught by the tax.

      Because Luxon bought and sold the apartment within five years of purchase and he bought the apartment after the introduction of the five-year test, he would have been required to pay tax under that test at a rate of 39% – equating to a maximum tax of $70,200.

      However, on coming into office, Luxon’s Government scrapped both of Labour’s extensions of the bright-line test, shifting it back to two years as of July 1, 2024. That means Luxon avoided being caught by the five-year test by just over two months and saved himself up to $70,200. If he had sold the apartment in February, when he declared he would move into Premier House, he would likely have been required to pay the tax. The NZ Herald’s Thomas Coughlan

      However, the liability may have been reduced because of renovations to the apartment, both The NZ Herald and Post reported. A spokesman for Luxon also suggested the delay in selling was due to the apartment being renovated, rather than Premier House.

      A spokesman for the Prime Minister said, “the management of the Luxons’ properties are private matters which are unrelated to Mr Luxon’s capacity as Prime Minister”.

      The timing of Luxon’s move into Premier House is due to the fact it was recently renovated and not because by selling the apartment now, Luxon has avoided the bright-line test. The NZ Herald’s Thomas Coughlan

      The Post-$$$’s Thomas Manch also reported the sale price and that the sequence of events meant he did not have to pay the capital gains tax.

      Luxon bought the Wellington apartment for $795,000 in September 2020 when entering Parliament, according to property records. Sales data not yet publicly available shows he sold the property, with the settlement still pending, for $975,000 on September 8, being $180,000 more than he bought it for almost four years earlier.

      Under the prior brightline test rules, changed by the Government in July, this sale would have attracted property sales tax on any capital gain, as it was bought between 2018 and 2021, and sold within five years.

      But the Government changed the brightline test on July 1, lowering the threshold to two years after purchase. That meant the sale of Luxon’s apartment no longer attracted a property sales tax on capital gain.

      Luxon also sold one of three Onehunga, Auckland rentals he owned on September 5. The two-bed, one-bathroom house was bought by Luxon in 2015 for $650,000, and was sold for $930,000, equating to $280,000 more than he purchased it for.

      This property would not have attracted a capital gains tax under the former or current brightline test. The Post-$$$’s Thomas Manch

      • Poor tighty righty will have a meltdown with that information Mosa. Let’s see how it twists that information around with his
        love of Shrek prominent.

  6. Dont worry Trevor and Bob the fister are happy that they are paying tax while the skin head gang leader pays none and now lives rent free while 100 kids are in hospital with health issues from not having enough food or living on the streets while mum and dad hold down 3 jobs .

    • And how long before those children will no longer get hospital care – unaffordable for their parents because privatised health system?

      • already happening and I see southern cross made a massive loss on the health side of their business because people are signing up ,waiting 2 years then getting 90k worth of heart surgery and the premiums are less than 10k for that time .No doubt they are Luxons mates who know he is going to fuck health again as national always do .

  7. We should be fair to Luxon.
    As Prime Minister it would unseemly to say to the nation as a whole, ‘Fuck the rest of you, I’m all right.’

  8. He’s rich because of this…

    The Doctrine of Discovery was based upon racist theories that Non-Europeans were not human, and therefore had no property or human rights, and could not safely govern themselves. Based upon that theory, Europeans ignored na�ve property and poli�cal rights, and set up governments on Indigenous lands.

    • Aaaaand, what’s your problem?
      This was common practice for hundreds of years.
      Most maori have now had redress via the Waitangi Tribunal claims process via their Iwi.

      • You missed the memo where the very people responsible for the Doctrine of discovery only last year repudiated the doctrine…


        To settle breaches of the Treaty with Māori, the Crown has tried to:

        identify Treaty breaches and those affected by them
        find their spokespeople
        negotiate a deed of settlement (a legal document) outlining the settlement, often including land, money, some form of cultural redress such as the restoration of Māori place names – for example, Aoraki/Mt Cook – and a formal apology on behalf of the Crown.
        As of August 2018, 73 settlements had been passed into law. The total value of all finalised settlements is $2.24 billion. This may seem like a lot of money, but in the next 12 months, the Government will spend $14 billion on national superannuation alone. The entire value of Treaty settlements over the past quarter of a century would cover superannuation payments for two months.

        And you with your hard right ideology believes 500 years of depravation of Maori is fixed with 30 years of negotiation?

        Take your meds tighty Im not righty.

  9. As much as those quotations from scripture might be a nice fit in this context, historically they have been used by the Christian church, in its role as a branch of The Establishment, to keep the poor believing that if they meekly accept the crumbs of Capitalism in this life, “God” will make it up to them in the next.

    • On the money. God, gold and guns! The holy trinity that governs the land of the living, not the spiritual trinity the scriptures would have you believe!

  10. No, it’s not in the TOW, ADA and is it our birthright to have decent health care, housing and education too but it’s disappearing down a black COC hole as will many of our state assets under these arrrrrse holes. The real agenda of privatising our health system has finally come out as will it for the Ferries another transfer of wealth from us the taxpayer to the greedy rich.

    • On health, fascinating that Key underfunded health for 9 years and to a lesser extent Labour before trying to rectify the situation. Now Luxon has followed the Key model of underfunding health at the expense of not Luxon but the health and well being of those not wealthy and those not sorted…


    • ‘our birthright to decent healthcare, housing and education’?

      No it’s not. Stop believing the self-serving myths you have a birthright to anything that other people have to pay for.

    • A birthright also comes with obligations.The parents need to provide a good stable home with food and clothing. If they cannot do that they need to hold off having children.
      There would be more than enough tax welfare if individuals got their act sorted and the only recipients were those in real need due to health or mental state.

      • and the government should ensure those same parents can have a well paying job to be able to provide for their kids .Just ask those that the government has sacked if they are now able to provide the standard of living for their kids they had before they were fired .There is no excuse for poverty in NZ .

      • If people were happy with 1 home per family there would be a lot more affordable houses for families to own their own home instead of having the parasite landlord class pushing house prices up so they can bludge of the hard work of their Tennant.

        • Many people prefer to rent and have the mobility that goes with not owning a house. It is a trick that gets people stuck in one place if they own a home .Most landlords are providing a service much needed by many who could not buy a home due to their life style.If the state built mote homes to rent then the profiteers would leave the market .unfortunately neither party has done this for years.

          • Back in the 60s and 70s it was possible to buy a house and afford a flexible travel work life. Landlords are serving themselves, I agree that the government needs to supply housing as well but the biggest problem is that “investor” demand has turned housing into a Ponzi scheme (look at the income to house price ratios over the decades) as the illusion of wealth created by rising house prices is just a myth paid for by higher prices for everything else and an extra debt burden on our children. Real investments (farming, manufacturing, knowledge-software) create wealth instead of transferring it from someone else like the residential rental market. If investors stuck to commercial property we would all be better off.

    • ‘decent healthcare’, tell me where maori cannot get health are but the non maori can?
      Answer…NOWHERE IN NZ
      Maori have more access to healthcare than any group in NZ. But their life choices of smoking/eating crap and drinking to excess means some die early, it’s not rocket science, live well and you live longer.

      • Im tighty not righty, Ada and Trevor I’m happy to leave the academics to exlpain what is required rather than your right wing ideology that offers absolutely nothing as none of your comments are based on facts and as mentioned it’s not rocket science( if you’re educated).
        Clearly you aren’t.

        • ‘leave the academics to exlpain’
          Seems they are educated in the written language, perhaps you should be listening instead of anyone else?
          Care to ‘exlpain’ yourself squeaky?

      • While I agree that controlling what we eat and drink is essential if we want to have a long healthy life you completely ignore the factors that make people dependent on various drugs and unhealthy food. We have laws to make it easy for people to profit from supplying unhealthy products and this government is making it easier for people to access those products while destroying the health system which can only result in chaos.

  11. Envy my arrrse im right whose mostly wrong its plain greed and lack of care for the majority of NZers including the dummies that believed his election promises and voted for the liar.

  12. What he is basically saying is “the bottom feeders are not his problem”.
    I am alright Jack and I am following the rules.

  13. Who knew the NACTZIs would rewrite the dictionary too.
    Luxon’s brag on his Q3 plan.
    We have DELIVERED on 39 of our 43 point plan.



    de·​liv·​ery di-ˈli-v(ə-)rē  

    plural deliveries

    : the act or manner of delivering something

    also : something delivered


    DELIVERY now means LOSS  of – kiwis leaving NZ,  loss of jobs, housing , hospitals, food on the table, health access ….

  14. I’ve just had a thought… I know, a rare thing.
    We know what the Left are, who, why and what. We’re workers, we’re family makers, we’re shoppers and generally those who go about our business. We work to spend to function and in normal times, if we have a little money left over, we buy drugs, booze and old shitter cars we think of as being cool and awesome then cruise around in them until they inevitably blow up.
    But what are the Right? What, exactly do they do? One of the many things they do is to come here and whine about we so called Lefties but why? Isn’t that like biting the had that feeds them? The working class Left built the infrastructures the Right sold to be privatised so as the Right can be in the thick of it when dividends are paid by the Left to use what they, the Left, have already built and paid for. Then the Right complain when we complain that access to what was our stuff and things is now so expensive that we the Left can no longer afford. Like rail travel, electricity, food, rents, house buying and new socks. The Right who cash in every time someone turns on the heater or drives a car on the asset that now belongs to the Right are rich yet they still love to express their hatred and condemnation of the Left. How’d that happen? Why do the inexcusably rich Right whine about the deliberately impoverished but yet equally whining Left? It’s you Right wing cunts who have our stuff and things and you’re making a killing selling them back to us in the process and yet you whiny Right STILL complain that we complain that they complain and want more and more and more and more and more…
    If you ask me, you inexplicably rich right wing cunts need your arses kicked. Shall we give that a try? instead of acquiescing to your greed foisted upon us by your criminality we instead simply kick your arses? Do you think that’d work? Lets give that a go! It’d be cheaper! Swing the boot! Connect to the anus! Repeat.

  15. How is it that all these MP’s with investment properties can vote on Bills like the one reducing the brightline test from 10 to 2 years, and reestablishing the interest deductibility claim?

    It is such a huge and obvious conflict of interest in laws being made for personal benefit, as shown now by the PM. They should not be able to vote on them.

  16. These clowns are setting you up for a fundamentalist dystopian police state with their fundie schools and indoctrination camps. Their untoward and chaotic meddling and prescriptive narratives towards the state institutions of education, health, welfare, transport, police, corrections and justice. They will erode standards in the name of achievement, erode privacy in the name of protection and erode cohesion in the name of identity. If it weren’t so clumsy and venal, I’d be worried.

  17. Give the man a break FGS! How many politicians, local body councilors and business people on the Left (of Centre) – indeed mums and dads and their resourceful kids – have made decent coin from capital gains? As Bernard Hickey is quoted as has saying, little ol’ New Zulind has a pulsing housing market, thank you very much, and an economy tacked on. Whether such level of personal debt – as least for many – is economically sustainable in the long term, well, that’s another story. Whether its morally responsible, well, no.

  18. Many people prefer to rent and have the mobility that goes with not owning a house. It is a trick that gets people stuck in one place if they own a home .Most landlords are providing a service much needed by many who could not buy a home due to their life style.If the state built mote homes to rent then the profiteers would leave the market .unfortunately neither party has done this for years.

    • No landlords are business people and the so called much needed service provided is designed for one thing only, profit. They are not providing accommodation out of the goodness of their hearts. At least get it right Trevor.

  19. ” Obviously, Luxon didn’t change the rules solely so he could profit from it. But he did nakedly profit from the rule-change he wrote. And that’s… unseemly. A “bad look”. A bit stinky. ”

    But I guess that’s just who our political class are now: not normal people, but people with huge portfolios of hoarded houses, and the rapacious, grasping, self-interested attitudes to match. According to his Gospel of Prosperity, Luxon saw an opportunity and took it, and that’s why he’s “wealthy and sorted” and the rest of us are just struggling peasants. And because we were fools enough to give him power, we deserve to be exploited in this way. But while that may sound great in the weirdo fundamentalist circles Luxon moves in, to the rest of us, it just looks like a greedy arsehole abusing his power to rip off the public. And it makes some form of wealth tax a necessity. Because its no longer just a fair way of giving the state the resources it needs to pay for the services we need – its about making sure rich arseholes like Luxon don’t get to rort us while laughing at us.


  20. Don’t know how he can call himself a Christian,they help those in need. His greed is unacceptable, he’s a self entitled bald head dick.


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