Theme song: Bewitched – bothered – and bewildered. This is the song for Nat’s Chris Bishop – what’s he lusting after? Do you know? Just not to be a pasty-faced hanger-on might be all.
Is he a farm boy who escaped the unceasing, uncompromising farm schedule? (Perhaps another song – ‘How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm – after they’ve seen Paree’? thing.)
$3 billion scrap it
DUH I cant count past three .
“The Farce is strong in my family. My father has it…..I have it……err……in fact the entire Coalition Cabinet has it!”
(with apologies to George Lucas)
Movie available from selected video stores and released on VHS so no wasteful spending was incurred in the making of this blockbuster flop.
Theme song: Bewitched – bothered – and bewildered. This is the song for Nat’s Chris Bishop – what’s he lusting after? Do you know? Just not to be a pasty-faced hanger-on might be all.
Is he a farm boy who escaped the unceasing, uncompromising farm schedule? (Perhaps another song – ‘How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm – after they’ve seen Paree’? thing.)
You should see the other titles released by the CoC’s.
“A Politician’s Practical Guide to Covert Racism”
“Outwitting Squirrels: Cunning Strategems That Distract Dimwits.”
” Back On Track: A Compendium of Phrases to Lie Your Way to the Top . ”
” How Green Were NACTZIS ?: 2030 Revised History of How We F# Over People. ”
“The Night We Buried Our Last Give a Fuck Mystery ”
” What Will Come Outta My Ass ? – A Guide to Hiding Sponsors.”
Real book recommended instead –
” Spin Dictators
The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century” – Sergei Guriev
National Blue XXX a tale of The Bishop and the Three Way Cock Up- starring Nicola & The Fairy’s