MEDIAWATCH: Q+A Tory Whanau interview worse than her ZB Train Wreck interview???


Oh God.

Oh sweet Jesus.

What the risen Zombie Christ is Tory Whanau doing?

I’m not just talking about the blonde hair, it’s worse than that, how did she manage to make her Q+A interview WORSE than her ZB Train wreck interview?

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I wrote how bad she managed to screw up her recent ZB interview, but her Q+A interview is something altogether more idiotic.

She spent an entire interview getting her airport shares position wrong, mansplaining her war on other Council members and jaw dropping decision on selling the Airport shares.

But it was her car admission.

She admitted on Q+A that she didn’t actually sell her car to pay her debts like she told ZB?


Let me just get this straight.

She sells ZB a sob story about selling her car to make ends meet in a terrible move that doesn’t make anyone feel sympathetic to her and she now admits that wasn’t true????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Why would she purposely sabotage herself in a ZB lie only to tell Q+A the truth?

She now admits that she didn’t sell her car to make ends meet when that is what she said on the ZB interview???


I just.

Jesus wept.



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    • She is the Mayor of our Capital City,can she be removed from office having displayed on numerous occasions she is not fit for office?

  1. She now needs to reframe it as “because wellington is so walkable” to keep pushing the new narrative about how awesome Wellington is. Like Paddy Gower with his ludicrous “Wellington just needs a hug”. Wellington is falling apart and this council and mayor is the worst I can remember in all the time I’ve lived here. It used to be a cool city. Not any more.

    It didn’t happen over night. Our current mayor is just carrying on the fine tradition of Wade-Brown, Lester and then Foster.

    But while the Green party candidates are the only ones that get off their collective arses and canvas for votes for the local body elections I can’t see it changing.

    • observer. “… because Wellington is so walkable” ? What about all those bike lanes then ? Will they need more of the costly rainbow pedestrian crossings which show how inclusive and diverse Wellington is ?

      • No doubt. And then Patrick Morgan and the Cycling Action Network will jump in to tell us what an ideal city Wellington is for cycling with our beautiful weather and gentle rolling slopes.

        He tweets crap like this:

        “”The Cambridge Tce cycle lane has made a huge difference. I now cycle far more.” – Georgina ”

        Really Georgina? I can count the number of cyclists I’ve seen use it on one hand. I’ve also seen the traffic now backed up on that main thoroughfare every day I have the misfortune to have to go into the city. Another Tory Whanau genius idea.

    • Wellington could boost its ailing hospitality sector by canning 24hr street parking, and only charging during business hours, and having simpler meters that even oldies can understand.

    • Aw there’s nathan the dash-Martyn. But nathan, you’re a deep state pro-natzo confederate and probably some kind of natzo adoring dip-shit spank-me-harder cockie so clearly your questions will be loaded. Yep. You’re that obvious.
      I just pray to Christ Tory Whanau doesn’t have babies with nobby clark. They’d be really, really dumb kids with faux blond hair and one big ear.

  2. Folks. Political leanings aside for a moment of that’s possible. The poor lady is being exposed as being …not very bright, to be polite. Whatever has gone on in her personal life is clearly affecting her ability to be a sharp and competent mayor, something that Wellington needs now more than ever. Wellington is in big big big shit, and Tory is just making it worse. Do something smart Tory, just resign. As for poor old Bomber, mate, you can look forward to having her back in the Green party in some major influential role. Because that’ll be her only option to make a decent living after the next council election. Who else would employ the poor lady? Would you?

  3. Aw… she just took her little brain out to give it a bit of a dust and dropped the poor wee thing on the bathroom floor. A quick rinse under the tap then pop it back in Tory. She’ll be right.
    AO/NZ = 14 multi billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires each with a net starting figure of $50 mil and four now foreign owned banks stealing $180.00 A SECOND NET from their own self-inflated property swindles making them the second most profitable banksters in the world and yet all we are is an agrarian primary industry country staffed by 50 thousand farmers. She shouldn’t worry about being terminally stupid. She’s not alone.

  4. POLS and MARKETING and the BIZZNISS arts.
    She probably thinks all she needs is a bit of ‘re-imaging’ or ‘re-branding’.
    Traguck darling

  5. Why are you surprised? This is the modern Labour/Green/Te Pati Maori outfits you vote for. No wonder now Lefty ideas turn into institutions nowadays. Makes me a bit more relaxed about the next Labour-led government.

  6. I blame the Wgtn voters, time and time again they vote for someone who has green party notes, but useless outside those notes.
    Wgtn vote the mayor in, they can swing with the consequences.

    • There you have it.
      I had the misfortune to sit in a trendy downtown cafe a few years back. The parade of wankers passing through explained a lot about the state of the capital.

      But look on the positive side: The main alpine fault is due to rupture any day now. Maybe the earthquake and ensuing tsunami will sweep it all away.

      • Andrew Hang around Lambton Quay long enough, and the occasional normal looking pronoun will pass by. Head home pronto. Have a cuppa and a lie down. You could be stuck in a time warp, hallucinating, or eating the wrong sort of mushrooms, but it won’t be a WCC councillor, a PSA delegate, or a chocolate munchkin from Parliament Hill. Stay well.

  7. Did she also admit to campaigning on the Green ticket to only then drop her Green membership once in so she could show she is just as right-wing as the rest of them (right-wingers)?

  8. The usual knob heads enjoying dissing a brown woman. Tory may not really be cut out for public office but look at some of the other Wellington Mayors–e.g. ex shoe salesman Mark Blumsky anyone?–got beat up one night, except he didn’t, was just pissed! And became a Natzo MP to boot.

    Tory is likely to be a one term Mayor–but don’t expect an automatic Natzo replacement it is not the Wellington way.

    • Is Martyn a ‘knob head’ Tiger?
      We are replying to his thread after all, he wasn’t exactly glorifying Tory in it was he?
      From what I’ve read of the posts so far no one has mentioned her gender or ethnicity.
      Only you have….wonder why that is?
      She sold the car….she didn’t sell the car…no wait, her press team have confirmed she did sell the car!!

    • Are there no dumb Brown Woman? Is that not permitted? Your ID politics stuff is why Tori, Wellington and the Greens are in the shit. Martyn told you that, repeatedly, and yet here you’ve learned nothing. Excellent.

      • Yes. I’ll give you two more. Their names are Nicole McKee and Karen Chhour ( sorry if people refer to Whanau as D and I, she’s not alone) If you’d like a pasty example that would be Louise Upston.

    • Tiger Mountain. There are a couple of other promising mayoral candidates forthcoming. One white woman, uncertain politician affiliations, but Fran Wilde was a white woman, Labour not a Green, and she was a good mayor, possibly the last decent mayor of Wellington. A Chinese man with a back story of real world business experience is also running as an independent. Tory’s dissing is nothing to do with her ethnicity. Ethnicity wasn’t raised about the shoe salesman who flogged off the power lines to China, or Celia Wade-Whatshername, another Green whose main claim to fame, IMO, seemed to be riding a bike, or Justin etc, and Tory in fact likely garnered votes from politically correct morons by being a Maori woman.

      That, in itself has done nothing to alleviate the burden of ever increasing rates, punitive power costs and a crumbling infrastructure, and nor will broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer out over the city or having rainbow pedestrian crossings. Luxon may have been right for the first time in his life if he says that councils should dump vanity projects. Of course they should. If they can’t prioritise like responsible adults, they have to be booted out, regardless of colour, race or creed.

  9. I say this to match what my not published comment on the ZB article stated. All this does is reaffirm that a lot of these politicians are so far removed from our reality that they have no idea how to relate to us or understand how stupid some of their statements are. While Tory and Jacinda are the 2 worst Cost-of-living foot in mouth culprits I have no doubt that most of these from all parties are just as completely clueless about what the rest of us are dealing with.


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