Minister trying to work out how to break the truth of puberty blockers to the puritanical woke without exciting transphobic right hate groups


How do you tell The Spinoff they’ve been wrong?

How do you tell Stuff, RNZ and vast swathes of the Public service it’s all been a bit of a bullshit fad?

How do you tell the Woke Wellington Wankers, those Transphobe purges and cancelation social media lynchings may have been a tad overdone?

And most importantly, how do you do it without exciting transphobic right hate groups?

It’s a balancing act for Minister Matt Doocey…

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Mental Health Minister stalls release of ‘puberty blockers’ health advice

New advice about when to prescribe “puberty blockers” has been kept sealed, months after health officials asked to release the updated best practice guidelines.

Through 2023, Ministry of Health experts worked to write an “evidence brief” assessing the efficacy, safety, physical and mental outcomes of prescribing “puberty blockers” to young transgender patients and those experiencing gender dysphoria.

At the same time, the UK was working on its own independent review into gender identity healthcare. Its report, the Cass Review, found political ideologies from both sides of the debate had muddied evidence about gender identity healthcare. It found there was “no good evidence” regarding the long term effects of treatments.

The UK Labour Party and most, but not all, UK medical groups accepted the findings. As a result, England’s National Health Service (NHS) has effectively stopped the use of puberty blockers in almost all cases – awaiting further evidence.

…it is hard to acknowledge a middle class identity cult has become a fad, but the stats don’t lie…

Ian Powell’s thoughtful critique of puberty blockers is an important contribution here.

This is a liberal progressive democracy, and everyone is promised the same agency and we want our Trans whanau to enjoy the same fruits of human rights we all enjoy, and for those who identity is a real issue, we want them to flourish, however when a middle class identity cult takes over the cultural debate to try and enforce a medical solution to their gender dogma, that’s where the adults in the room have to collectively stand and say, ‘no’.

There are genuine issues here that we have ignored in the rush to endorse woke Trans dogma, however what we don’t want is the excesses of the middle class cult to excite the transphobic right hate groups into any belief of justification.

My sense is that the Woke are in retreat and that their power to cancel and demand your lose your job is waning. They are making a last stand around Darleen Tana inside the Greens , but even the Greens privately acknowledge it’s all gone a bit too far and wanky now.

No poor person is sitting around the kitchen table cancelling each other for misusing pronouns, they are sitting around the table trying to work out how to pay the bills.

If the Woke have finished tearing the entire Left wing to pieces and alienating voters for a sub group of a sub group who represents less than 1% of the voting population, that would just be neat thanks.

There’s a planet burning, vast inequality and the Right keep using the extremes of the woke as political ammunition for a culture war the Left can’t win.

How many times do I need to point this out?

How The SpinOff spun it vs how it actually was


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  1. It’s been amusing to watch the left destroy itself. It just goes to show how they can push a narrative only so far, but eventually it becomes just too obvious to the public that the king has no clothes.

    To summarize:

    1. There are only two genders, unless we’re discussing the German language.

    2. A vanishingly small percentage are born with genital abnormalities, but their chromosomes are still either XX or XY.

    3. Some kids query their gender. They may be gay, autistic or just attention seeking. Whatever; it’s not a reason to mess with their body chemistry and cut their tits off. It’s become almost a fashion statement in some schools to invent a gender and declare you’re it. This is just teenagers acting out. Ignore them and it’ll go away.

    4. There are mothers who are willing to abuse their kids in this way to gain attention. Could this be a version of ‘Munchausen by proxy’? They’re batshit crazy and need husbands to set them straight before it gets out of hand.

    5. Some people have gender dysphoria. Until recent times, before psychology professional was run by political insurgents, this was classed as a mental illness and definitely not something to be encouraged. Just like thinking you’re Napoleon or Joan of Arc: You’re not. Look no further than childhood trauma and abuse in the home to find the cause of that.

    6. In the USA a lot of money has been made out of surgeries and peddling pharmaceuticals. Similarly, a lot of frauds in academia have made a quid by basing their careers on this garbage. I hope the blowback will be fierce for them because the damage they’ve done is enormous.

    • It’s completely ridiculous to say it’s just a left thing. I can assure you a good number of people making money in the States off this will be very much on the right.

      • You can rely on the prospect of money to get involved the people you’d identify on the Right – but only as service providers like surgeons.

        It is mainly an important cause for the Left.

        • So the people making money out of the situation are just providing a service. That off course makes them exempt from having a moral compass. What a warped perspective

        • It’s not my tribe you f*ckwit. Idiots like you and your left versus right algorithm addled brain are the problem a large part of the time.

      • Wheel – how many Labour, Green and Maori Party MPs voted against the inclusion of gender dysphoria in the so-called “Conversion Practices” legislation a couple of years ago? Not one. This madness has been driven by the left. The only MPs who had the moral clarity and courage to oppose the inclusion were 8 National Party conservatives.

  2. Minister Doocey is right to be afraid of telling the news to all the parents who transitioned their kids. Those parents won’t be blaming the Drs, they will take their guilt and shame out on Doocey.

    Doocey would have been smarter to leave to the Health officials.

    • And the longer Doocey sits on the report, the more puberty blockers will be prescribed and the longer the effects will be. How many kids is Doocey putting at risk?

      A smart, non-conflicted opposition party should explore that. But we have the Labour and Greens parties.

    • In 25 years watch for the Royal Commission Into Gender Abuse Inquirey and the payouts. Although people are living pretty long lives these days so the inquirey might have to be pushed out a bit further until most of the surgeons, psychologists and pharmaceutical executives have died. Mutilation of children is nazi level experimentation and the society really won’t want to properly look at this for a long time. Another unfortunate experiment.

        • I was a kid when government-paid psychiatrists were using Electro Convulsive Therapy to torture other kids at Lake Alice and it was known about at the time. As an adult, I don’t want government-paid psychiatrists using evidence lacking Hormone Therapy experiments to torture kids today. What business? It’s the business of all members of society to protect children.

  3. The solution is easy. You tell the truth and let the woke reap what they sowed. The (Non violent) backlash for those poor flowers is well deserved for the mutilations they encouraged as normal.

  4. If you want to ban puberty blocker, that is fine. Let’s ban male and female circumcision as well. Just because you think a dead Palestinian carpenter sits in the same room as you doesn’t give you any more right to slice up genitals.

    • Millsy I think you’ll find female genital mutilation is already banned in NZ – unless a kid is “trans” of course. And surely you’re not too dim to understand the difference between removing a boy’s foreskin and removing his entire genitalia.

    • Hey, we agree,
      “If you want to ban puberty blocker, that is fine. Let’s ban male and female circumcision as well”.

      Definitely, ban male and female circumcision as well. Stop all child mutilation, experimental, surgical, chemical, religious.

  5. How is this any different to a womans right to choose an abortion? Why does anyone with no dog in the fight insist that using puberty blockers is any of their business?


    • I will say it slowly. Because causing irreversible damage to kids to legitimize the warped reality of people with names like Sophora is everybodies business.

      • Oh, look who’s exceptionally rude today! Menopause can do that. Has your GP denied you HRT, my ignorant, bigoted friend, or can you not get psychiatric treatment?

        Do you think that a womans right to choose is your business, then? Cos if you do, you have serious nosy parker issues.

        Tra la la!

        • You shouldn’t assume as that makes an ass out of u not me. I’m a man you idiot so HRT would turn me into you. As for a womens right to choose. I support it so i’m sure that it is not my business. That would assume (yea i know..) that you are talking about a real female women. Your type of women probly wouldn’t have that choice as it wouldn’t come up.

          • Oh really? lol. You always sound like a someone’s busybody mother in law!

            You really do have a problem with women, don’t you? That’s misogyny, another kind of bigotry.

            I’m as real & female as any woman, thanks.

            You seem to have no idea what “my” kind of women are. Well, at base we’re thoughtful & compassionate – qualities you simply can’t relate to. Anger, hatred & bitterness does that. Hope you get better some day. Tra-la!


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