Disabled parking vs slashing disabled support – how this Government keeps tricking you

I'm entitled!

National announced a crack down on disabled parking to make you forget they had just burnt the Disabled by smashing their Ministry and throwing them to the cruelty of the scumbags at MSD.

They played the exact same game when Simeon Brown announced a crack down on drink driving while quietly cutting the road policy budget from 434m to 416m!

They’ve done the same thing with the tea and toast cost cutting, what the are wanting you to ignore is the devastation this Government is causing Public Health…

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This on top of all the lies Luxon has claimed like 14 levels of bureaucracy and that only 22% of kids can do maths!

NOW Reti is caught out making things up that don’t even exist!

Shane Reti’s office admits chart used to justify $1.4b Health cuts ‘does not exist’

Health Minister Shane Reti’s office has admitted an organisational chart of Health NZ – Te Whatu Ora, which allegedly proved the organisation had become bloated and inefficient “does not exist”.

Reti used the chart to justify painful spending restraint at Health NZ. He now claims that there was not one organisational chart as initially claimed, but that he was referring to an amalgam of the many Health NZ organisational charts he had seen.

Labour’s health spokesperson Ayesha Verrall told the Herald the invented chart has made Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, who was standing beside Reti when he made the remarks, “look like an idiot”.

“The claims made about Health NZ in July are made up and they used those claims to justify a commissioner and cuts of $1.4 billion to the health system,” she said.

They are lying and tricking you and you passively take it!

How easily led are you as a people you sleepy hobbits?


    • Nathan Its birthing mothers who are being denied tea and toast by the government. This includes post- Caesarian section, which is major abdominal surgery. During labour digestive processes close down and women are advised not to eat, or they may vomit. Labour can be lengthy, childbirth painful and exhausting and an emotionally draining experience.

      In spite of what the Brit foreign minister says, men do not give birth to babies only real women can.
      This is misogyny. Worse, it’s the wee newborns dependant upon having a mother who can nurse and nurture and breastfeed them who miss out if they do not have a strong healthy mum.

      Relatives bringing hospital patients food is commonplace in parts of Africa and Asia, but the logistics of hospital visiting can be quite demanding, and not very New Zealand mother has whanau in the position to provide help, so this is a rotten thing to be doing to them and to the babies who should be receiving the best possible start in life.

  1. More lies from a bunch useless con artists. Let’s hear all the f’wit s like Mike Hosking get up in arms at taxpayer paid officials lying their arses off. Oh that’s right they won’t.

  2. They need to increase charges to fund the budget blow outs and the tax cuts for the wealthy .Increase tourist tax and now parking fines on top of all the other charges that increase week on week

  3. Investing in improving roads and fixing overly low speed limits: no.
    Charging fines for being 1cm over the buffer around disabled parking: yes.

    • Do you not listen and read .$32.9 billion on road renewal and upkeep plus growing public transport . Less spent on business killing cycleways .
      It is great to see that the ignorant pigs using disabled parks illegally are being hit harder ..No more of soft approach.

      • Jesus H Christ Trevor, we’ve explained in detail the carnage of massive increases in funding to roading creating gridlock and increased usage meaning slowing traffic to a standstill. Even the experts are vocal in this. But no, typical head in the sand mentality and the healthier cyclists out there the more they have to spend, rather than citizens smoking in cars at a standstill costing hundreds of thousands in health care. Time for you and Uffindell to whack a mole!

  4. [They] are what we’ve become. Lazy, servile, cowardly, greedy, dull minded liars.
    I’m constantly reminded by this cabal of greedy narcissistic halfwits of the old saying ” The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men [and women] do nothing” Edmund Burke apparently.
    I think we should pay them no never mind in the immediacy and focus on the real problem which is that since neo-liberalism pulled the rug out from under our feet, we people, you and me and them over there, we have no power. At all.
    And the riche loser clique we think of as our governance know that. They know, we have no teeth.
    They know they can roll out a bald narcissist to go into the Kiwi Country creche like a hungry stoat and do whatever it likes and they know, they know we have no protection. No power to resist. The reality is that those scum cunts can do what ever they like to us, take what ever they want from us and we’re entirely powerless to stop them much less try to defend ourselves against them.
    In my opinion we need to go back to prior to roger douglas’s neo-liberalism and begin again. Start over. Do the laundry. And it needs to be done with some serious fucking muscle. No negotiations, no fucking compromise, no sit downs with hugs all round. None of that shit.
    AO/NZ is ours. It’s our Tūrangawaewae Not, a corporate asset to be exploited by billionaires, millionaires and foreign owned banks.
    We need each other. We need farmers, we need Maori, we need those people now herded into cities to be mercilessly exploited by foreign corporate’s, we need our police and our military. Those people and things, they’re our people and things. We need them. We need each other because we must protect and shelter each other. If we fail in that regard, we’re fucked. We’re gone. We’ll get eaten alive.This thing that pretends to be our governance isn’t that at all. They must go. Now. Fuck waiting for the next election. That’s just over two years away and we don’t have that time. As global heating turns from casual thinking into panic then, by then, it might be too late.

  5. Everybody around here is suddenly getting speeding tickets inn the mail when they haven’t had one for 40 years. One was for 3 kph over the limit.
    These are all revenue raising exercises to fund tax cuts for themselves.
    Stealing toast from starving young mothers to shovel down their own gullets sums up the situation nicely.

  6. No effort will be put into actually pinning down the disabled parking place offenders, no money for that, so it’s just all hot air.
    Doesn’t apply to supermarket or private shopping centre parking areas so won’t have much application anyway.
    Luxon has taken a poorly performing group of ministers and made them a lot worse. He’s persuaded them that lies don’t really matter, because so few people scrutinise what they say.

  7. Joy. Yep. No way of policing parking infringers except through private contractors, many of whom are law-skirting pirates themselves.

    Announcing this crackdown to deflect from its own maltreatment of disabled persons is National gaslighting the public yet again, and because they are stupid, thinking that we’re stupid enough to believe they care.

    Whether Chris Luxon is responsible for it is a moot point though, as these guys have teams of well-paid plonkers who advise them and tell them what to do, paid for by we the long-suffering taxpayers.


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