Another Commerce Commission failure against the Supermarket Duopoly


Oh surprise, surprise, the balls, gutless nothings the Commerce Commission put forward did sweet fuck all…

Calls for greater powers to get supermarkets competing after report

Grocery consumer advocates want the Commerce Commission to have greater powers to force more supermarket competition.

It comes as the commission’s first annual report into competition in the grocery sector since the appointment of Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden is published.

The report painted a concerning picture of the $25 billion grocery sector, he said.

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Supermarket margins have increased, profits remained high and the two main operators, Foodstuffs and Woolworths, remained dominant, van Heerden said.

“We want to see more competition and sustained pressure on the major supermarkets to deliver better outcomes for consumers.”

…the Commerce Commission are pathetic cowards whose gutlessness means the shopping duopoly will keep fucking us – the only solution that will work is the one they originally suggested in the first report which was to forcibly break up the duopoly!


The Supermarket Duopoly is still operating and still price gouging, we don’t have effective market competition, the Commerce Commission has the power and has previously recommended the State seize 30% of the existing Duopoly and force entry level competition as a 3rd player.

It requires spine.

We should feed the 5million here first before boasting about feeding 40million world wide!

Calls to ‘feed the 5 million first’ before exporting NZ food

People are going hungry even though New Zealand produces enough food to feed 40 million – and it’s spurring calls for the country to “feed the five million first”.

Almost 40 percent of New Zealand households experience food insecurity, while 19 percent of children live in households that experience food insecurity.

Poverty researcher Dr Rebekah Graham said while working on her thesis on food insecurity, she interviewed a woman who walked for 90 minutes each day to get a free community meal.

A state owned 3rd supermarket chain would do more for providing a cheaper means of living to all kiwis who have food security issues. It would do more for welfare than any single PM since Savage.

Government should enter into a deal with Iwi to stock a new chain of Government/Iwi Supermarkets that champion local produce at better prices for the consumer and better worker conditions.

We need a kiwi subsidy on all local produce to recognize that producers have already used water and created local climate changing gases to create their product and as such consumers have already paid a price just to get the product to their table.

The Commerce Commission started all of this by saying things were so bad the Government should consider intervening and taking the 30% of the market WHICH THEY HAVE THE POWER TO DO!

But we are gutless, we are spineless and all the Left is good for any more is cancelling people for not using the right pronouns.

The Commerce Commission is as pathetic as the political establishment.

Meanwhile we all continue to get fucked by an under regulated market that has allowed the Supermarket duopoly to expand dominance.


  1. We would all like to see prices drop but not sure how it will happen .Despite more competitors in the Australian market the grip anout high prices is the same . Some how the commission needs to ensure any price drop does not cone at the expense of the suppliers abs growers who are being screwed already.

    • and that’s why aldi is increasingly popular in oz trev…europian food standards and cheaper….nz because of corruption of all parties misses the boat again

      the CC teling us what we already know…will they DO anything —nope

    • Their are calls to make price gouging illegal in Australia.

      Yes, while Australia does have its problems too, a recent Choice Report found Australians are paying 25pc less for groceries at Aldi compared with Coles and Woolworths.

  2. How do you measure more competition in a supermarket? The prices go up and down like a ferry boat in a storm, it’s the nature of the business. Have specials on imported chocolates from Europe while meat goes up to $30 kilo for good cuts, $10 for good sausages (6), beef mince $16-$23 kilo. Pork is cheaper possibly because it’s imported. Com-Com staff are compromised as soon as they sign onto their jobs in this murky market-oriented milieu.


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